It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Sid Roth Welcomes Mary Kathryn Baxter Part 3

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Sid Roth welcomes Mary Kathryn Baxter
SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Mary Kathryn Baxter and we are talking about her thirty nights, each night Jesus took her on a guided tour of hell, and one of the things I find fascinating is the whole subject about the blood of Messiah, but this was brought up in hell, tell me about it.

MARY: Jesus would stress about his blood to these souls that was lost, he would say if you had only believed the gospel, if you would have only believed that my blood was shed to wash away any sin you ever committed, I would have done it, if you had only repented and called upon me,
he stressed that all through hell. And he means just what he says, that it was his blood that was shed on Calvary, if we would believe that he was the Son of God and he came to wash away our sins, and he would stress that. He said you wouldn’t be in hell if you had only believed.

SID: Unfortunately most people if they have not ended their life that are listening to me right now don’t understand how powerful the blood of the King of the Jews, the Messiah of Israel is, Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah, and you that are mocking right now, you are not going to get the last laugh, you are not going to, don’t you mock. Mary Kathryn Baxter, tell me an exact example of when you have pleaded the blood, or tell me something about the blood of Jesus.

MARY: I was praying for this person that was choking, actually choking, and I went and laid hands upon them and began to plead the blood of Jesus, and I believe in the covenant of Jesus Christ. As we began to pray all of that immediately left because it was a spirit that had attacked them. And another where a child had a high fever, we covered them with prayer and the blood of Jesus and the Spirit, the power of God came on me and I rebuked it and it instantly broke through the blood of Jesus.

SID: If we could just see in the invisible world that when we plead the blood, everything that the blood has accomplished, when you say it actually happens, what do you mean?

MARY: Okay, we were in a church Sid, where angels were standing as we were singing the song, “The Bloodline.” As we sang it, I saw a line of angels standing and holding a large line of the blood, it was called the bloodline, all around the church, all around the people, and at times
when we would plead the blood I would actually see a shield of red come down over that person and they begin to get healed, they begin to get delivered, and if there is a cancer in their body, sometimes God lets me see it, the red goes on the dark spot and burns out the cancer.

SID: Now I promised you we would find out about heaven, so for thirty nights she went to hell, but the next ten nights she went to heaven, I have to ask you a question, do young people stay young, like little infants when they get to heaven, or do they grow up?

MARY: They grow up.

SID: Give me an example.

MARY: Okay, children grow up in heaven to the age of maturity, they are called the innocent, okay. And the other scripture Sid, is when “suffer the little children to come unto me for such is the kingdom of God.” And they go to school in heaven, they are taught by the redeemed, and they are taught by angels.

SID: Did you see any children in heaven?

MARY: Oh yeah.

SID: That you knew?

MARY: No, I didn’t know them but I saw many children.

SID: Okay, what about adults, they are say, ninety when they die and go to heaven, do they, are they kind of decrepit, or are they walking around with canes?

MARY: Oh no, Sid, God gives them a glorified body, a brand new body, and they usually look about 33 years old. If they die at a hundred, when the angels get done with them and take them before God they look 33 years old.

SID: What was the music like in heaven?

MARY: It was different praises, different types, levels of music, there was a piano forty feet across, there was a trumpet thirty-five feet long, and different types, different types of music now.
Like we had the Italian band in the Bible, actually I saw people dancing and spinning to it sounded like Italian music. There was Jewish music too in heaven, all kinds of music.

SID: Really?

MARY: Yeah.

SID: Okay, let me ask you this, you saw, envisioned, went to heaven, these books, in this golden room, tell me about that.

MARY: Okay, there are archives in heaven, rooms of books. Okay the first, I saw several rooms, but one room in particular I feel like sharing, was where God has books he wants to bring down and give to people to write, books from heaven, yes, he wants to give them revelation knowledge, and then there were other books of prophecy, there were books of prayer.

SID: Well that reminds me of someone I interviewed that heard songs in heaven, and then many years later heard those same songs being released for the first time on earth. So you are saying with books, it is the same way; there are books to be released from heaven.

MARY: Yes, and there are also anointing oils to be released.

SID: What does that mean?

MARY: There are like vials of oil up there in a certain room.

SID: For healing and miracles?

MARY: It is, certain ministers too, God will send angels to anoint us more sometimes.

SID: You were telling me in some of these books they had records of the prayers, explain.

MARY: Yes, and prophecies, and also there was a group of angels that God sends, and he calls them the northern army, and Sid, they are very big, big angels, thirty foot high, they have huge wings, they have a face like you wouldn’t believe of determination, and they have a sword on their side bigger than a man with flames comes out of it, the stallions that they are on are so high and four foot across the back, when the prayers of the saints come up to God, come in, go to the record room, then they come before the throne, the Lord opens up the prayer book and smoke comes out of it and perfume, and the Lord speaks and his voice is like may waters, he tells them go to earth and answer her prayers, go to earth and answer her prayers, and when the book is opened pages come out and go into the riders hands and they gallop to earth to answer our prayers, they do warfare for us.

SID: You know, I wish I had seen heaven while I am still here, and I don’t want to see hell ever,
but in a way I almost feel I want to, because I want to have that same compassion you have. When you see someone that rejects Jesus, what do you feel?

MARY: it hurts, but most, I tell you the truth Sid, most places I go, everywhere I go they hear this story and they want to be saved, they want Christ in their heart, and once you get to really talk, their little hearts just melt because they really don’t want to go to this place, so I rarely meet anybody that doesn’t want to be saved, rarely.

SID: What about you? The Jewish prophet Daniel says in the 12th chapter of the Book of Daniel, those that are buried in the dust, some shall rise to everlasting life. Mary Kathryn, that is the heaven.

MARY: Right, yes.

SID: Everlasting means no chance of reversal; some shall rise to everlasting life, and some to
everlasting condemnation. So in effect, once someone dies they can’t change their mind because of that word everlasting that is there. So some people say hah, this earth right here, this is hell.
No, if you think this earth is hell, compared to hell this earth is heaven, would you agree Mary Kathryn?

MARY: I agree.

SID: So choose, because you don’t know when your end is going to come, choose right now.
Everlasting life or everlasting condemnation, heaven or hell, life with God, life separated from God forever. The only chance of reversal is now. Why do I say now? Because you don’t know how long you are going to live. Choose life, why will you die oh house of Israel, believe that Jesus died in your place, for your sins, ask him to forgive him and then make him your Lord by saying, “Jesus I make you my Lord.” Or, “Jesus help!” That will do.

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Written by admin

November 13th, 2009 at 10:04 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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