It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Sid Roth welcomes Judith MacNutt

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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. And before we went on the air I feel angels. My guest provokes me to jealousy. She sees angels. She told me in the makeup room and around the studio she has been seeing angels. Have you seen many? I mean, tell me, you say, I don’t know. I just feel them.

JUDITH: Just a few. You have a lot here, yes.

SID: I sense there are.

JUDITH: I think it’s because you welcome them.

SID: I welcome everything of God according to the Bible. That’s where I’m coming from. But you provoke me to jealousy in another area. You had godly parents. Your mother was known for praying for the sick. When you were like eight years of age, a young kid, a doctor’s child, had cancer. How bad was it?

JUDITH: Well it was very serious cancer. It was a tumor on the bone. And they were going to amputate his leg. And they were taking him to the Mayo Clinic for the amputation. Before he went, my mother prayed. And by the time he got to Mayo Clinic the tumor was gone. And so he never had to have the surgery.

SID: Now this being a doctor’s child, I imagine a lot of people knew about it.

JUDITH: Oh the whole town. It was a small town that I grew up in.

SID: Oh then I’m sure.

JUDITH: They all knew about it, everybody.

SID: But to have that type of heritage, I mean, that is so wonderful. I mean, my heritage is I wasn’t even sure there was a God.

JUDITH: I know.

SID: I didn’t know my left hand from my right hand, as it says in the Bible, when it came to spiritual things. But then when you were eight, I think the devil tried to snuff your life out because he knew what was going to happen in your future. There was a drunk driver. What happened?

JUDITH: Well I was a little girl and I begged my mother to go and see the girls at the prom. So she let me ride my bicycle out to the high school. And I was on my bicycle on the sidewalk and a young man who had been drinking came to the prom. And he first hit me and knocked me off the bicycle and then he ran over me.

SID: He did this because he was just panicking?

JUDITH: Well he was so drunk. He didn’t even realize he hit me. And so they carried me back to my home. And this same doctor came over and said, “Don’t drive her the hundred miles to the hospital. She won’t make it.” And my mother sat beside my bed three days and prayed for me. And on the third day I opened my eyes, and I never had any affects of the accident after that.

SID: Now I hate to say this, but Judith keeps provoking me to jealousy. She’s in one of my favorite places in Israel, the Garden Tomb. And she had an encounter with God again. But you do know that gentile believers provoke the Jew to jealousy.

JUDITH: I do know that.

SID: That’s your DNA. You’re doing a good job.

JUDITH: I’m doing a good job.

SID: Tell me what happened.

JUDITH: Well I was in the Garden Tomb and a group, I won’t go into the whole story, but I was young woman seeking God. I was in my late 20s. And this woman asked me if she could pray for me. And it’s the first time I really saw the light of God so powerfully on a person. And I thought it was just this one woman that wanted to pray for me, but she was part of a tour group and they were all spirit filled.

SID: Wait a second, when you say the light of God, explain to me exactly what you saw.

JUDITH: It was a light coming out of her and in her eyes.

SID: Is was sort of like those ancient pictures of Jesus and the apostles, and they have like a light over them, a halo or something?

JUDITH: Yes. It’s like glory. I don’t know what to call it.

SID: And you could actually see that.

JUDITH: I could see it that day. And when I said yes to the prayer, even though I had grown up in a Christian home, I needed more. I said yes to the prayer, and she called 40 people over that were on a tour group. And they were all spirit filled, and they were just reaching for me because they couldn’t wait to pray for me.

SID: Now sometimes that’s not a good spirit. But it was good for you.

JUDITH: It scared me though. And they started praying for me to have a deeper experience with God. And within a matter, I don’t know, of a few minutes I was lifted out of my body. And the next thing I knew I was in, I don’t know what to call it, it was another realm. And I heard God’s voice, and He called my name. He said, “Judith.” And none of these people knew my name, so I knew it wasn’t a person calling my name. And I said, “Yes Lord.” And He said, “I love you.” He said, “I have always loved you.” He said, “You are mine.” And I heard these wonderful angelic songs and I saw this brilliant light. It was just an incredible experience. And when I opened my eyes, I don’t know how long I was that way, but they were all gone. I don’t know. I must have been there for a long time standing or wherever I was. And they were gone. And from that time on—

SID: You had an experience with the love of God. That’s what that tells me.

JUDITH: Well I read something in one of your books. You said something about liquid love. It’s like I felt something poured out on my head and it came down over my body, and I’ve never felt God’s absence since then. It’s like something came, His presence came to me in such a supernatural way. It wasn’t just an experience that was wonderful. It’s like since that time on He’s been just right with me, and I know He’s there.

SID: And then she went back to Jerusalem and actually worked at the Garden Tomb. But when it closed she would go into the tomb and she would pray. But then she started having experiences with angels and angelic music. Tell me about it.

JUDITH: I would be drawn into the tomb and I would sit in the outer chamber. You know, there’s two rooms at the Garden Tomb, one where the body of Jesus was, and then a little outer chamber, and wealthy people tended to have those tombs. When I would go to sit in the outer chamber and pray angels would be there. They keep their presence there to make it sacred. I would hear the heavenly voices of angels and the instruments that they use, and they’re not of this world. They’re very different.

SID: I assume you’re not a musician.

JUDITH: I am a musician, actually.

SID: You are. So when you say they’re not of this world, you know what you’re talking about.

JUDITH: I yes. I play several instruments and my son is a musician, my mother was a musician. It’s not of this world. And the harmonies of the angels singing when they worship God is not of this world.

SID: When we come back I want you to talk about angels that accompany us to protect us. I can tell you as a fact two things. I can tell you, number one, I wouldn’t be here right now if I didn’t have angelic protection, and number two, someone’s back and neck has just been healed. Take it. It’s yours. Don’t go away.

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Written by admin

August 6th, 2012 at 10:05 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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