It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Sid Roth

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Sid:  Well, my guest is red hot for the Messiah, that’s me I’m the guest this week, and why am I red hot for the Messiah?  Because I know about paying in supernatural tongues; as a matter of fact what you’re hearing right now or if you watch our television show what you see right now would not be if I didn’t personally pray in supernatural languages, in tongues.  And why did I say that?  As a new Jewish Believer in the Messiah I would spend at least an hour praying in supernatural languages and do you realize that when you pray in tongues you are prophesying your future?  Do you realize that when you speak into the atmosphere what God has for your future your speaking it in perfect faith, you see you don’t even know what you saying. So there’s no doubt, there’s no unbelief, your praying in perfect faith.  And all things are possible when you pray according to the will of God in perfect faith. You see, and I believe that if I could supernaturally go back then and ease drop with revelation of what I was saying that someday I was going to have a radio ministry all over the world, some day we’re going to have a television ministry all over the world, someday we’re going to have our own television studio.  And as a matter of fact lately I know I’ve been prophesying on what’s going to happen in the future of this ministry.  I have to tell you everything that we have done to date is in preparation for what is about ready to unfold in this ministry.  So I have to tell you I am so excited but it never would have happened if I didn’t pray perfect prayers with perfect faith in those early years.  But it’s not too late, you will not miss your destiny, start praying an hour a day in supernatural languages.  Remember mediate on God’s word because God’s word is such power, if you could see in the Spirit when you’re praying in tongues things are going out of your mouth and you’re activating angels, they’re running all over the place, Heaven is being activated when your praying in tongues.  And when you speak God’s word, Heaven is being activated, angels are being activated.

Now the scripture we’re mediating this week is Acts 10:38 “God anointed me, He smeared His Holy Spirit and His power into me so that I can go about doing good and healing all who are oppressed of the devil.”  You hear that devil, “all who are oppressed,” I could put hands on…if I was in a problem now which I’m not I could put hands on myself and I could say “Oppression leave, sickness leave because I am smeared with the Holy Spirit of God, I am smeared with His power and everyone that I pray for that’s oppressed by the devil.”  It says “all” in the word of God; see I’m activating angels and now the next person I see that’s afflicted and oppressed by the devil watch out I got my spirit too late for you.

So we’re going back to supernatural languages or tongues, this will sound strange to you, but I am so grateful for the cellphone, yes you heard me correct.  I said “I am so grateful for the cellphone.”  Why do I say this, because I walk around praying in tongues and people would look at me like I was strange and so they would, you know and I kind of got intimidated; I did it but I kind of intimidated because I didn’t want them to take me out to the nuthouse.  You know and that’s what people do when your speaking out loud when no one’s around.  But the advent of the cellphone you see someone driving a car and speaking and you realize they’re just talking on their cellphone.  Well, I tried something the other day and it was amazing, I took my cellphone and I took it out and I pretended like I was talking to someone on the cellphone and I was speaking in tongues and no one thought anything of it; they didn’t take me out to the nut farm they thought I was just normal.  Well, so you know I’m not kidding you this is really what’s going on.  I mean if I’m on an airplane and there’s someone next to me I start speaking they’re going to call for the airline stewardess they’re going to be worried that something even worst I won’t even say that but on second thought I can’t do this on the airplane, use a cellphone on the airplane.  Any way it was a good thought, but I’m really going to start doing it, I’ll be at a scheduled event and I’m going to take out my cellphone I’m speaking to God.  It says “When you speak in tongues you talk to God,” right?  Well, who are you talking to?  Your talking to God personally, someone could walk up and say “Sid your so animated I said “Wouldn’t you be animated if you were talking to God, I got God on the other line of the cellphone.”

Also one other thing, I’ll change the subject a little bit you may be getting tired of the cellphone thing but I love it personally.  I have found something interesting, when I’m praying in tongues a serious problem all of a sudden after I’ve been praying for a while I’ll start laughing, it won’t be a laugh like someone’s told a joke, it’ll be what I call laughing in the Spirit.  I’ll start doing ha-ha-ha-ha- ha-ha-ha, and to me what God is showing me is it’s finished, it’s done.  Have you ever heard about people praying through until they get an answer?  Well, that’s what this is when you’re laughing in the Spirit you have prayed through to Heaven and the angels have already been released and their moving according to your words.  And I cannot impress you enough that if you currently pray in tongues one hour a day and if… I’m going to promise you something if you already speak in tongues you will be, you won’t be able to listen to this teaching without speaking in tongues at the same time because the anointing is so strong on these two CDs.  And then the teaching this week I’m going to include that in the package and a special DVD that will teach you more on praying in tongues.  And then I’m going to pray for impartation and a special DVD that’s going to teach you how to how you can pray in tongues, or you can give it to a friend that wants to learn how to speak in tongues.  Then the impartation is so strong.  You know years ago wherever I would go I would pray for people to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, then I got into praying for healing and I didn’t have time for both so I stopped.  But you know what that used to be one of my strongest anointing’s and I’m going back because we need the prayer of the first church which was speaking in tongues, we need what the apostles used to pray.  If we don’t need it now when?

And you know what else is going to happen to you as you start praying in tongues for an hour?  God’s going to do something amazing He is going to…when you go to sleep at night you’re going to be praying in tongues while you sleep, talk about double duty.  Don’t be worried about bad dreams if your praying in tongues all night.  The devil won’t want to come near you, but that’s what people do.  They start praying I mean time is being compressed.  That hour a day isn’t enough, he’s going to have you praying all night long and you’ll be sleeping, your spirit doesn’t need to sleep; your spirit will be praying in tongues.  You know what I think I’m going to pray in tongues right now is that okay with you…well good if not it’s okay with God and that’s all that counts (Sid praying in tongues) Guess what happened didn’t I just teach you I was laughing in the Spirit – did you catch that? (Sid praying in tongues) That’s not laughing that’s tongues laughing…tomorrow’s broadcast if you’ve never spoken in tongues before you’ll be speaking in tongues on tomorrow’s broadcast because we’re coving the bases and if you… and by the way, if you speak in tongues already I’m going to break you lose on tomorrow’s broadcast to speak in multiple languages, you’ll be speaking in a Chinese dialect, a Pilipino dialect, Aramaic dialect, a Spanish dialect.  It’s wonderful and by the way all the gifts open up to you when you pray in supernatural languages….

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Written by admin

October 30th, 2013 at 2:33 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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