It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Dr. David Remedious

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Dr. David Remedios

Sid: You know what Mishpochah there is someone who either the little finger or the next to the little finger.  Maybe it’s just arthritis or there’s something in the joint or pain but if you’ll move it right now you’ll see that you are healed in Jesus Name.  So, shalom Mishpochah yeah I told them I have the Holy Spirit interrupt me.  I have on the telephone Dr. David Remedious and he’s different than any other doctor that I’ve ever met because he hears God’s voice.  And sometimes God will tell him unique ways of doing surgery.  He’s a vascular surgeon; if David had one life message to tell you he would tell you to get to know the Holy Spirit; get to know God’s voice.  David as a young boy 13 years of age in the streets of Bronx, New York on your own; if you didn’t hear God’s voice I wouldn’t be speaking to you right now.  Maybe you can give us a few tips on what we can do to be more sensitive to God’s voice and know that it’s God’s voice.

David:  Absolutely and number 1 is I would know the word of God; know His word get it in your heart; get it in your mind; memorize it.  The word of God says “The Holy Spirit will remind you of things that you have learned.  It’s one thing in order to spend time in prayer; get alone with God.  And most important to know you’ve gotten in the word; you’ve spend time in prayer but obey the word of God says “If you love Me you will obey my commandments.”  And I believe in my life sometimes we know a lot about the word but were not obeying the word.  So that will open up the avenue; it will open up the door to be sensitive to God; to hearing the voice of God; to being lead of the Holy Spirit.

Sid: Do you remember when I was in Louisiana and we got to meet in person at the Claudio Freidzon meeting at the Louisiana outpouring of which you’re one of the leaders.  And it was a wonderful meeting and towards the end I said “David I want you to pray for me and you had a vision and you just told me about it and you saw a computer screen.  And you said “I don’t know what it means but there’s a problem with your computers but it’s going to work out.”  And I called you a few days later and I said “You know David I found out exactly what it was.”  But here’s the thing David had you not said that I would not have looked in the area that I looked in and it was so helpful.  I image that you’ve been hearing God’s voice and having visions since 13 years of age.  I don’t know about you but when I hear of someone say to you I get so excited I heard God and God did what He said He was going to do.

David:  Correct.

Sid: And that’s the way it’s supposed to be but I get like a little child I just get absolutely excited when that happens to me.

David:  Well, I don’t think it ever gets second hand or it never gets old.  Every time it happens it’s to me it’s like the very first time that He ever did it.  Or every time He speaks it’s as if it’s the first time that He’s ever spoken to me because I heart leaps; my heart leaps at the voice of Lord.  Because His words are life; He brings joy; He brings peace; He brings reassurance I mean my word. (Laughing)

Sid: David you come from Cuban heritage and you’ve had opportunity to minister in Cuba; that’s been such a tough life for those people there.  Does God show up when you minister in Cuba?

David:  Oh, absolutely.  First of all let me say that the fire first off of just being so difficult for believers to be in that environment and literally walk out their faith.  And to put everything on the line; that’s just the way it goes.  They dare to believe God and they have to literally walk in their faith; God shows up.  And so when I go there honestly and I minister God shows up in the miraculous.

Sid: Give me an example.

David:  Well, I was in a church in Havana a few years; a few years ago 3 or 4 years ago and there was a lady. There were many people on the streets, they were all over the place, on top of the building; on the side walls. They have such hunger for the word of God.  Well the heart on a lady had literally gone into cardiopulmonary arrest an elderly lady; there were 2 men holding her up and they were beating on her chest.  Well long story short my goodness I’m looking at them and one of them was punching her on the chest.  And I’m going “That’s not cardiopulmonary resuscitation.”  Long story short I tell them “Well, put them on the floor I’ll show you how to do CPR.”  I said “I’m going to teach these Cubans how to do CPR you know.  And again the voice of the Holy Spirit “Has it occurred to you to pray for her?”  And I said “Well, I guess.”  I did it just to get it out of the way (Laughing) I open up my eyes and the woman is sitting up staring at me.  Well, the one that’s going to have a heart attack was me.  I’m saying this because it’s not about us; it’s about Him.  The presence of God was there; and all we are is just vessels and instruments and that’s all. Any recognition, honor and glory goes to Him.  Do you understand what I’m saying.  Brother Sid so when we recognize and we obey Him He does above and beyond anything that we could ask or either think.  So he did it; she was staring at me; I mean.  And in that meeting you know God does that over there all the time so everybody carried on.  And I was (Laughing) I was dying, my God, my God wait a minute.  And He was; but God they have such strong faith and God visits them all the time and that it just happens.  I mean creative miracles that happen on that Island all the time.  God moves in wonderful ways.

Sid: Let me ask you a question; miracles take place when you minister anywhere in the world.  More so in the third world countries for most ministers; is that true for you?

David:  Yes sir, that is correct.

Sid: And is it because of what you just pointed out that we’re so self-independent here in the states compared to the people in third world countries that aren’t 50% dependent on God 100% dependent on God.

David:  Oh, I agree totally Sid; I believe that to the degree that we’re allowing Him to work is the degree that He will manifest.  For instance I was discussing this morning one of my parents in my office and by the way she’s been totally healed of breast by the way.  And totally and it was metastasized cancer free by a CAT scan but that’s another story.  A long story but…

Sid: No, tell me the bottom line but how was she healed? Through surgery?

David:  No but I didn’t have to do surgery on her.  She had some chemo but it really was just try to reduce some of the tumor. But metastasize it just doesn’t heal like that.  And gain the oncologist was extremely surprised.  We can’t find any trace of this thing; but she had tumors she had primary breast cancer in each breast and she had it metastasized to her brain and I mean everywhere.  And they repeated the cat-scan and she’s… there’s no trace to be found anywhere.  She came to tell me the news she was rejoicing; she starting jumping up and down.  (Laughing) But I believe that to the degree that we will give God the glory to the degree that He can manifest and He’s going to do what He’s going to do.  And I’ve coined a term which I call spiritual kleptomaniac.  I believe a kleptomaniac is someone that does not know what they’re stealing it’s a compulsive behavior.   Well, I think that even myself at the one point if we’re ready to take the credit for what God is doing then God cannot really do the great signs and wonders He does.  But I think in those countries they totally acknowledge God they have no recourse but God.  So God takes all the credit so God can come and manifest Himself because there is no one that’s going to try to take the credit for what He’s doing they will give all the honor and glory to Him and to Him alone.

Sid:  Well, Dr. David you certainly are taking no credit; you certainly are saying that anything good that happens from you is God over and over in everything you say.  Therefore you qualify to pray for the woman that has a tumor in her breast that needs to be healed right now.

David:  Yes, and now Father God in the Name of Jesus I pray that there will be Holy Spirit radiation literally going in an consuming every trace of tumor and tumors that are melting away from necks Lord, from an area in the anterior part of the tongue right now and another one in the base of the tongue.  Someone struggling with Hodgkin’s disease.  Father God we just ask Lord even in the sound of our voices that Your presence would go in.  And Lord we will give You all the honor, glory and praise and all the recognition goes to Calvary and to You alone Jesus.

Sid:  You know David I must interrupt you right now because of time constraints.

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October 10th, 2014 at 3:13 pm

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