It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Sid Roth

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Sid: Well I’m talking about all this week is my recent trip to Israel, evangelistic trip. And God opened the door and I was able to share the gospel on a secular radio station they played it twice and as I explained yesterday that it was a miracle they were able to do it. They ran advertisements for my meetings and unsaved Jewish people when they heard of all the miracles that occurred in the Tiberias area, something like 25% of the people were healed many of them as they listened got the seed even if they didn’t come to meeting, a seed that God is going to harvest I believe there was so many souls saved because I didn’t pull any punches and it was so anointed. I shared my testimony on a secular Russian station being translated in Russian covering that entire area. And then a number of those people showed up at my meetings and they actually got saved. I mean so direct first they played in the afternoon and then they showed up in the evening.

I had a friend that brought their unsaved Jewish friend with them and this unsaved Jewish friend was nest to them and they were watching this friend during the meeting. And then all of a sudden the friend started shaking the power of the Holy Spirit had come on her two times she started shaking almost violently. And then she said “I feel like I’m in a heat wave, I feel so hot.” And she of course was one that stood up to receive the Lord and there were at least 2 that didn’t. This is what I said I said “Do not say this prayer unless you’re serious.” I was amazing that I said this I mean this is not a seeker sensitive approach as you might think should be done in the land of Israel. I said “This God is serious and if you’re serious and you want to know God and you want to know intimacy with God then I want you to say this prayer with me.” And a large number of people stood up and this woman stood up to receive the Lord. She didn’t come forward, then I said “If you said this prayer for the very first time in your life I want you to come forward. The ushers told me that 19 Jewish people came forward. Two people reported they said the prayer (Jewish people) for the first time and did not come forward but I believe that there were many more that said the prayer that did not come forward. But you know how unprecedented that is in the land of Israel for so many Jewish people in one meeting to receive the Lord? So the same thing happened at this meeting that happened in my meeting in Tiberias, all of a sudden the anointing of God was exploded in that congregation and 25% of the people instantly healed.
Then I had breakfast with my friend Tom Hess, Tom wrote a book many years ago. He had a vision in which he saw bombs going off in New York City; he said it was so real that he called some of his friends to tell them it was actually happening. And as a result of that he moved to Israel and he feels his job is to warn American Jews in particular to make Aliyah to return to the land of Israel. So I had breakfast with him and he invited me he had a meeting with some world leaders, believers, and he said “Would you come to this meeting?” And I said “Of course I will.” And I’ll tell you the thing that impressed me the most in this meeting a pastor from India stood up and he said “Our people wanted to come to this meeting so bad some of them because I have such a love for the land of Israel all of my people (He has 1000’s of members; he’s got congregations throughout India) all of my people have a love for the Jew in Israel and they wanted to come to the land of Israel for this conference so bad some of them sold their homes.”

I’ll tell you that really got me and then another person I met for the first time a prophet who I really respect his name is Chuck Pierce he started prophesying over various people. And he laid hands on me and he said “Sid God is making you an example of the One New Man.” And then we began to worship God and as we began to worship Him I felt something that I’d never felt before in my life right after that prophetic word we began to worship God. I felt something coming from above and it entered me and it was sweet, and it was the Spirit of God and it was almost like a mantle was descending upon me.

I believe as you hear this song called “Spirit of Elijah” by Freddy Hailer that something special is going to happen to you right now.

(Excerpt by Freddy Hailer)

Sid: The anointing that is going out over the airwaves right now reminds me of my last meeting in Israel. I had a meeting in Jerusalem and a prophecy came forth. The prophecy was the saw water flowing from me, and they saw water flowing from people in the congregation. And they said that this water is the Holy Spirit and wherever it flows the blinders will come off of the eyes of Jewish people; wherever it flows people will come to know the Messiah. But this move of God’s Spirit will not be like what we’re expecting, it will not be in the churches and in the Messianic Congregations. No it’s going to be in the highways and the byways and people are going to… where ever you are it’s not even you’re going to be witnessing it’s that anointing will be pouring out. And I pray in the name of Yeshua that that mighty Spirit of God that is resident within you will be drawn out for such a time as this. And that God will circumcise your heart and give you a heart of flesh so you will be able to yield totally to the Spirit of God. And that the Spirit of God will be so large within you that your body would not be able to contain the outpouring of God’s Spirit, so that rivers of living water will pour out continuously from your innermost being. That’s my prayer for you in Yeshua’s name.


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Written by admin

April 18th, 2016 at 3:22 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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