It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Keith Ellis

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SID: Sid Roth here. Welcome. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. My guest had a tragedy, his young son, no hope, no brain activity. He had no chance and my guest wasn’t, well he was a believer, but kind of backslidden and he figured he didn’t even have the right to go to God. But Jesus appeared to him and the presence of God came on him, and he went into the hospital, and he had a great miracle, and every time he shares about this miracle that same presence goes on others. Get ready. What a way to start. A little baby, and his grandmother takes him to a meeting, and an evangelist, as he’s a baby, lays hands on him, and what did he prophesy?

KEITH: He prophesied that I’d be used in the End Times for revival, that I would see great thingscome to pass when I prayed for people and that led to, as I grew older, to begining to have the dream.

SID: And what were your dreams about?

KEITH: My dreams were always the same dream every time. I was in great crowds of people that were reaching out to me, many of them, many stadiums and they were reaching out for healing, deliverance and salvation, and God was touching them instantly. And I would wake up, you know, crying, and my grandmother would say, “That’s not for now. Remember the prophecy is for the End Times.” We’re in the End Times.

SID: So it is now.


SID: Okay. Your son, out of nowhere, six years old, just has bacterial spinal meningitis, no brain activity. I checked with my personal physician and I said, “Doctor, if a six-year-old has this bacterial spinal meningitis with no brain activity, what is the chance of him surviving?” He says, “None, but if a miracle were to happen he’d survive, but he’d have his, he wouldn’t have his brain.” That’s what he said. What happened to your son? Tell me.

KEITH: Well when Justin rolled out of the bed on Halloween night he had been to school that day and got a fever, and was taken to the doctor, and came home, and just in the middle of the night he rolled out of bed. I heard him hit the floor, picked him up, carried him to the hospital. They sent him to two more [doctors] that night. He was in a fetal position. He couldn’t see, walk, talk, hear, do nothing. He’s having convulsions. We took him, he ended up in ICU. They called in the greatest minds in the world and they said that bacterial spinal meningitis had caused him now to have no brain waves, and that everybody that had been in contact with him had to be treated medically including me and my wife.

SID: It was so contagious, [the] bacteria.

KEITH: It was very contagious. People were dying from this thing. And they said that, we don’t give him any chance, zero. And you know, many days passed that by and it was that way. And so I’m sitting in the hospital when all the doctors gave up, Sid, every one of them gave up and said, “There’s nothing else to do. We’re going to unplug him from the breathing machine, the ventilator. There’s no brain waves, there’s no movement, there’s no change after many days.” I talked to my wife, I said, as she sat in that glass room, I said, “I’m going home. I’ve got to be alone.” And I went home that night, and I was sitting in the bedroom and I was crying, and I said, “God, why?”

SID: You weren’t the only one crying. You told me all the staff was crying.

KEITH: Everybody was crying. He was such a cute little six-year-old boy. And we’re all crying and crying. And I’m crying, and I said, “God, you know, why did you allow this? Why did you do this?” And God said, you know, in my spirit I heard, “I didn’t do this. The enemy attacked your child and you need to get right with me.” And I began to cry in repentance, and when I did, all of a sudden the room lit up like 10 billion light bulbs and Jesus was right in front of me. Right in front of me. And the thing that was so, I thought, you know, if Jesus ever appeared you just talked to him. You can’t move. The power was so strong. I was wide awake and this Glory is hitting me, and it’s like this light is so bright you can’t hardly see. I mean, I’m trying to see him and I thought, what’s he going do? I couldn’t move. He says, “Go to church.” And then I saw this love coming out of his eyes. Well he’s gone. One minute, he was only with me one minute, 60 supernatural seconds. He gave me an instruction. What do you think I did? I jumped up, got in the car, ran out the driveway, went down, I was going to my church that I had left, you know, a year ago. It was an hour away. But you know what? As I turned the corner there was a little church on the corner and there was a man standing there trying to lock the door. It wouldn’t lock. He lived in another city. His coat was blowing in the wind. I pulled in and said, “Can I use your church?” He says, “Who are you?” And I said, “My son is critically ill. He’s at the point of death.” I said, “No hope.” And he said, “I would have done been gone, but this door won’t lock.” So he said, “Go ahead.” I went down, got on my knees, repented before God. The Lord spoke to me and said, “Justin is healed. He will be named the miracle boy of the hospital and you will go out pray for the sick.” And I took off. He said, “Go, you got to go and prophesy this now. Tell them people.”

SID: Wait a second. Now the staff is crying. There’s no brain waves going on and he’s supposed to go in the hospital and say, “My son is a miracle boy. He’s going to get up and walk out.”


SID: When we come back, let’s find out what happened.

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June 9th, 2016 at 9:10 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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