It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Steve Hill

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STEVE: I’m from Texas and we deep fry them. And, um…. amen. And so we’re all praying that somehow that company will be revived.


STEVE: But I’m reading all the Twinkies and the cupcakes and all the fun stuff and Jesus you know had some really neat stuff to say. And I’m going through this devotional, just personal devotions, I was just going through this red book, same as you going through your KJV, or NIV or NAS, whatever it is. And you’re just doing the red, red letters that’s all it is. I got about a third way through it and just stopped, and I turned to Jesus, and I said: This is fascinating, Lord. I am surprised that You weren’t killed way before the cross. Look at this! I mean the stuff that He said, is anybody paying attention? I mean from the weeping and gnashing of teeth, the judgments, the name calling, the cleansing the Temple! It just goes on and on and on and on. Then He says things like “Remember Lot’s wife!” When was the last time you heard a grace teacher preach on remember Lot’s wife? And by the way I’m a grace teacher. I’m a grace tea… boy… [Steve sings to tune of Amazing grace]: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. And if I decide to go back to sin, in hell He will cast me. I just wrote that.


STEVE: But you know the message today is hey, once you’re saved, “party hearty!” So I read all these words in red and I didn’t get two-third through this little book. And I closed it. And I said, Dear Jesus.” If pastors and laity, ministers, all of us would just talk about the words in red we could change this nation. But no, we’re not going to do that because we don’t want to offend anybody. While the politicians, and the rock artists, and the, uh, strippers and the porn execs, they don’t care about offending us. They put their junk right in front of us. You can’t watch a ball game, can’t watch TV. You got to fast forward through the commercials. You know we have all these apparatuses that you hook up to your TV to clean it up and all, and stuff still gets through. I was at a, um, a Fed Ex the other day, and uh, how many love witnessing? Okay, about a third.

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September 27th, 2018 at 6:57 am