It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Sandra Teplinsky

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SID:  I want to conclude this with Psalm 122, verse 6. Of all the nations in the world, there is only one nation that God puts a specific blessing on. Israel! If you bless Israel, you will be blessed. He doesn’t say that about France. He doesn’t say that about England. Doesn’t say that about Australia. Doesn’t say it about the United States of America. Psalm 122:6 says: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Thou shalt prosper that love thee.” And guess what? I looked up that word “prosper.” It doesn’t mean what most people think. Most people think “money,” I’ll get money if I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Huh! It means something that money cannot purchase. It means in the Hebrew “heart peace.” Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. You shall have heart peace, God says, in a time, in a season we’re living in, when yet once more I’m going to shake this earth. That’s what you see happening right now. A thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at the other side. It shall not come near you. You’re going to be in heart peace because you pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Now I wonder if any of you have a question you would like to ask Sandy. Would you mind coming up here, please. I know, it’s sort of like a salvation [call], close your eyes, raise your hand, everyone stand up. (laughing) You know, same thing. Would you mind coming up here and make it because you’ll be in more of the light and come closer to me “cause you’ll be in more light. Okay.

QUESTIONER #1:  I just wondered if in the end time what nations are the sheep nations? Does that identify what those nations are? Because my understanding is that the nations shall turn against Israel. So are there any good ones left we need to move to? (laughter) Please?

SID:  In my opinion, I’m going to answer it first and then Sandy can, in my opinion the safest nation in the world for you and for you is to be where God calls you. Because it doesn’t, flat doesn’t matter. I agree with you, it says in Zechariah “all nations will turn against Jerusalem.” I guess it’s a matter of time. I want the United States to hold out—

QUESTIONER #1:  I do too, I do too.

SID:  — just until! (laughs) Yeah, you follow. But yeah, I think because basically “all” means all to me. How about you, Sandy?

SANDY:  That’s how I understand it. I do believe that there will be very possibly areas, you know pockets where, where, where God, God will bless communities that are serving Him and worshipping Him and maybe Christian communities in the future but my understanding is that no nation will stand with Israel in the end, only the Church, the true Church from among all nations.

QUESTIONER #1:  So would the Church be protected then?

SANDY:  Some.

SID:  But you know I like what she just said. I like the idea of there will be pockets of believers that the glory will be so strong that someone’ll walk, walk, walk in with a bomb and won’t be able to penetrate that glory. That’s what I believe. Thank you.

QUESTIONER #2:  Hi, Sandy. I just recently returned from a visit to the West Bank on September 15th so I personally witnessed the “pollywood?” Is that how you pronounce it?

SANDY:  —”paliwood”

QUESTIONER #2:  —that you spoke of. And my concern is when you have that type of propaganda, that message that goes out and its, and it’s very strategic, very real, how do you lovingly share that with believers with, and, and who are really taken in by what they perceive to be an atrocity on the Palestinian people by the Israeli, uh you know, government and by Jews in particular. How, how, how do we craft our message? What, what can we do? Besides pray?


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January 19th, 2019 at 4:14 am