It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Rob Sanchez

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SID: But with no camera, you have no career.

ROB: That’s exactly what God was after. He was after my desire, so I could become his desire. He was after who I was, so he could make me who he destined me to be. And so that day I gave away all my photography equipment. And this is what happened. I began to reason within myself. And I said, surely Lord, this is just a test. So you’re going to allow me to answer the Bible trivia question, when the pastor asks it out, I’m going to get it back. So I was so excited because what I felt was versed in the scriptures, I felt like I had a good knowledge of things. And so I had my hand kind of partway up. And so when he got to my camera, he said, somebody is giving away a camera. This is amazing. And all of his photography gear. He said, this is an amazing seed.

ROB: This is a seed of great sacrifice. And then he said, and the camera is here. He says, we can’t just ask a simple question. We got to ask a difficult one. And so he’s thumbed through, and he comes up with the question. Sid, I still remember the question to this day, because I know the answer now, but I didn’t then. And this is the question he asked, who are the only two men in the Bible to have their wives given away to another man? And I’m thinking, I’m going to know this. And when he said that, my heart melted, my hands fell down and there’s one lady in the whole church, she’s jumping up and down. I know, I know. And I’m like, no. And she’s like, I know, I know. And in that moment he scans to her and he calls her and he says, who is it? And she cries out the answer is Samson and David. He says, you are correct.

SID: It wasn’t you that knew the answer. It was her.

ROB: It was her.

SID: She got the camera.

ROB: And the pastor calls me out. He says, who’s the young man that is giving away this camera. Where are you? And I raised my hand with tears in my eyes. And he brings me over to the woman who has tears in her eyes. She’s crying because she’s elated with joy. I’m crying because my passion is being given away. And in that very moment, he asks her a simplistic question. He says, why are you crying? And she began to declare these words. God is so good. God is so good. And he goes, why is he so good? She says, you must understand. I’m an English teacher and I’m getting ready to go on a missions trip. I’m going to spend my summer in Mongolia. And I have been going to the photography department in the high school that I work at, at lunch every single day.

ROB: Anytime I pass this department of photography, I lay my hands on the sign or on the door, and I declare that God is going to give me the very best camera equipment, so I could use it for photojournalism and share it with my people that have helped me and sponsored me.

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Written by admin

July 17th, 2021 at 2:32 am