It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Joe Oden

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SID: Now, that’s the way it should be. Okay, you have an amazing witnessing style, absolutely amazing. He walks up to someone and he says just a simple question, “Have you ever felt the power of God?” And then what?

JOE: Well—

SID: Give me an example.

JOE: Yeah. One particular night in front of a bar called the Blue Planet known for LSD and Ecstasy. I’ve got a friend of mine, we’re out sharing the gospel and he’s arguing with this guy about Jesus. I’ve never argued anybody into the Kingdom of God. So I walked over to him, I said, “Have you ever felt the power of God?” He said, “No.” I said, “Would you like to?” He said, “Yes.” I laid hands on him. I said, “Lord, I pray the fire of God would come right now in Jesus’ name.” He looked at me and said, “I want to get saved right now.” I led him to Christ, I laid hands on him again.

The second time I laid hands on him he doubled over under the power of God, began to manifest demons and started throwing up on the sidewalk. He comes back up, totally set free. I laid hands on him a third time, I just said, “Fire.” He doubles over, Sid, and went, “[speaking tongues],” comes back up, I said, “What are you doing?” He said, “I have no idea.” So I laid hands on him again. I mean, it’s working, the fire is flowing, why change it? I laid hands… We complicate it so many times.

I laid hands on him again, he doubles over again, [speaking tongues], comes back up. I said, “Have you ever said that?” He said, “Never in my life.” He was saved, delivered of demons and baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues in less than five minutes. Why? Is it because I’m a good preacher? No. Is it because of going to Bible school? No, it’s because I’m available and I want to tell you. You say, “I’d like for God to use me to like that,” all you have to do is be available.

SID: I want you to look in the camera and I want you to tell everyone watching this that they can do anything you can do and they can do it better.

JOE: Absolutely, I want to tell you, you don’t have to be a pastor, someone on television. The Bible says that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is in you. You don’t need another service, you don’t need another prayer meeting, you need to step out in faith and believe that God can use you. Lay hands on your waiter, your next-door neighbor, the flight attendant, just step out, God is waiting for you.

SID: Tell me about the Jewish woman that just showed up at your service, out—

JOE: We were in Texas and this particular morning we preached and powerful service. This Jewish girl was dating a young man from the church whose parents attended the church. They would not have come. The parents begged them, “Please come, please come, please come.” They show up on a Sunday morning, they hear the word of God, they receive a prophetic word personally to them and she gives her life to Christ. That night we were having a healing service and she said, before, she would make statements, “I will never go to a crazy charismatic service,” but she had a disease akin to leukemia. That night she came. I preached on healing, she comes to the alter, she gets hit by the power of God, falls out unconscious, gets up totally healed. This is how she knew. She goes to the bathroom and the disease in some form or fashion caused scales. They came off of her, she went—

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April 6th, 2021 at 4:23 am

Our Guest Ron Phillips

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RON: In the name of –

WOMAN #3: Right now!

RON: Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

WOMAN #3: Oh hallelujah!

RON: I mix my faith with hers.

WOMAN #3: Oh hallelujah!

RON: Yeah! Devil I tell you too. You’ll not reappear with that lump anywhere else.

WOMAN #3: Oh hallelujah!

RON: Or on anybody else in this room! I declare lumps and bumps to leave right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Hallelujah!

WOMAN #3: Glory! Thank You! Hallelujah!!


RON [to Woman #4]:You’re a good woman. You’re an intercessor. And you need to stay. [laughs] So I declare that from the top of your head to the sole of your feet every cell that could destroy you is gone! Woo! In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Hallelujah!


RON: Hallelujah. Hallelujah! You won’t need to come up. But the Lord’s healed me of sugar diabetes. I had it when I had open heart surgery. I don’t have it now. Ah, it’s gone. My sugar is – I know I’m big but my arteries, I just had a, I just had a cart cath. My arteries are clear. I just had a lung, I have no problem with my lungs. But I do need to lose this weight cause my knees hurt. I’ll pray for that in a minute too. But if you’ve got sugar stand up. We’re just going to declare it gone right now. Hypoglycemia sugar right now in the name of Jesus. Now listen to me. Look at me. Now you could ask anybody in this room that has eaten with me today I’ve had no sugar. Last night I ate some fish. I’m trying to eat right. Now me praying for you isn’t going to do any good if you head for the Dairy Queen as soon as you leave here!


RON: Cause that’s what I’d do. Get one of those cones dipped in chocolate. You know what I mean.


RON: Or Lord heal me after I go through the Krispy Kreme.


RON: You know where it says that brethren I wish above all that you may prosper as your soul prospers?


RON: That’s not talking about your salvation. Souls is psyche. It’s your mind. Your thinking. You’ll prosper when you’re not stupid anymore.


RON: So we got to, we got to do what our good Christian physicians tell us to do. Now there’s some forms of this that people are born with and I believe God’s going to heal that so I’m not picking at anybody. But I’ve been there. I know about met form and insulin and all the drugs. Amen? And I really believe right now let’s hold our hands up and let’s – I’m going to pray this with you. Lord, I’ve suffered with this myself. I know how it saps your strength and how it bounces up and down. You feel like you can’t move one minute and you’re high energy the next. And Lord these good folk are like me. I ask you to balance their bodies, Lord, like the Garden of Eden. But Lord I pray as You do this you’ll bring people into their life and knowledge into their mind and heart to help them to obey Your laws to get their bodies in line with the Word of God. In Jesus’ name! Amen!


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March 27th, 2021 at 3:03 am

Our Guest Ron Phillips

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RON: There’s a third day coming! Just like he got up from the dead! Now remember that the Book of James was written to the Jew. The very first verse: James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings. The Jews of what’s called the diaspora. That word, dia means; through, spora, that’s the word seed. They’re scattered like seed around the world. Now there are Jews back in Israel but you hear me there are more coming. James lets us know that his Book is about the Second Coming but it’s also about its connected with the Jews who are still scattered around the world because of persecution. They’re going to have – by the way they’re already leaving some, they’re leaving France. You know I believe over a million Jews are going to leave France because of what’s happened in Paris. They’re already flying them in, did you know that? They’re already flying in from France. The Jewish Jews in France are leaving. Benjamin Netanyahu met with them. They’re leaving France to avoid persecution. James is written. But you have to turn over to James chapter 5 to get back to the Latter, you all think I’ve forgotten the Latter Rain. No, we’re going there right now. I’m rushing cause I want to get to the good stuff here. James chapter 5, verse 1: Come now you rich. Weep and howl for your miseries are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, your garments are moth-eaten, your gold and silver are corroded and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You’ve heaped up treasure for the last days. Everybody say last days.

AUDIENCE: Last days.

RON: James says there are two circumstances that describe the Last Days. One: Finances will fail for some at the end of the age. Number Two: Corruption and greed will mark the Last Days. We’re living in the days when people in America can’t get a living wage in the middle and lower-middle class. But Bernie Madoff can steal billions of dollars. C’mon somebody!

AUDIENCE: Yeah. Yes.

RON: The first time in history, how many of you are like me are drawing Social Security? Anybody here admit it? We got a cut. Some of us did and they took it to put on our insurance, our Medicare, some of us if you still making some income. And I called Social Security. I said Why? We’re not supposed to get cut! We’ll you’ve got to help pay for your Obamacare that’s now took over Medicare. Excuse me? First time in 40 years old people have been cut according under this so-called generous liberal people we have. This wasn’t Richard Nixon that made the cut, by the way. I’m still mad about it, I’m telling you! 


RON: I got cut? How many of you got old people in your family that got cut this year? But the upper one percent are doing alright, aren’t they? These actors and these athletes are doing all right, aren’t they?


RON: The Wall Street Bankers are doing all right! Well let me read what James says it’s going to be like. He looks at them and said you’ve hoarded up all this wealth for yourself. I read where they just sold Robin Williams house for 18 million dollars! Can you imagine? 18 million dollars! James 5: The wages of the laborers who moved your fields, that’s who helped you with your harvest, you kept back by fraud cry out and the cries of the reapers have reached the Lord of the Sabbath. There are people who have helped people reap a harvest of wealth and they haven’t paid them right.

AUDIENCE: Murmuring. That’s right.

RON: That’s the truth!

AUDIENCE: Yes, it is.

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March 17th, 2021 at 7:30 am

Our Guest Robert Heidler

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ROBERT: Well, I’m excited to be here today. I’m excited to be with you and I’m exciting to be talking about the Biblical feasts. And I’m going to do something today I have never done before because I’ve taught seminars and taught about the feasts all over the world for years now but I have never in one message just gone through all the feasts, all the major feasts and I’m going to do that today. Hopefully it will be less than six or seven hours long to get them all done—


ROBERT: —but you look wide awake and rested so you’re ready for it, right? Okay. But you know the feasts are an incredible gift of God and as we go through them every year He wants to each year He wants to draw us closer to Him than we were the year before. So in this session I want to really give us a roadmap to the feasts cause we want see how to open the door to His glory. Amen. Lord, we desire Your glory. We desire Your presence. We desire Your fullness in our lives, Lord, that we can walk with You and experience Your goodness. Now one of the most exciting things God is doing in the Church today is the restoration of the Biblical feasts. All over the world we find Christians celebrating things like Passover and Pentecost and Tabernacles and they’re enjoying it! They’re saying wow, this was great! Why haven’t we done this before? But since these feasts are still unfamiliar territory to many Christians I’d like to give you a roadmap today to understand them. Now as you go through the year God wants to take you through a set of key spiritual transactions. And these feasts are not commanded for Christians. You won’t go to hell for not celebrating them but they are given by God to bless us and draw us closer and closer to Him. God’s yearly calendar has three main appointed times. There’s the Feast of Passover in the spring, held in the first month of God’s cycle of feasts. Then there’s Pentecost in the late spring. Its Hebrew name is “Shavuot.” Everybody say “Shavuot.”

AUDIENCE: Shavuot. ROBERT: That’s a free Hebrew lesson. It’s held in the third month of God’s cycle of feasts. And then there’s the “Feast of Tabernacles” held in the fall. It’s in the seventh month of God’s cycle of feasts. Now all of these feasts have three aspects. Passover is really a cluster of three feasts. “Feast of Passover,” “Feast of Unleavened Bread,” “Feast of First Fruits.” Pentecost also has three dimensions. It’s the celebration of the wheat harvest. It’s a celebration of God’s giving Torah, His Word on Mount Sinai and it’s the celebration of God pouring out His Holy Spirit in Acts 2. Then the “Feast of Tabernacles” also has three key times. There’s the “Feast of Trumpets. There’s “The Day of Atonement” and there’s the “Feast of Tabernacles.” Now what do these Feasts picture? I like to picture it like this. Passover pictures redemption and cleansing. Redemption is really the starting point of your walk with God. In Passover we know the story of the putting the blood on the doorposts in Egypt. It’s all about being covered by the blood but then also at Passover they go through their house and remove impurity to prepare them to move forward with the Lord so it’s about being covered by the blood but removing impurity. Then Pentecost is about God’s provision. It’s the first fruits of the wheat harvest. We praise God that He’s brought forth bread from the earth. It’s also God provision of the Law in the Old Covenant at Mount Sinai. It’s the pouring out of His spirit as His provision for us under the New Covenant. Then there’s the long hot summer and you get, finally get to the third of the major feasts “Tabernacles,” which is the celebration of His glory. Tabernacles is about dwelling in the presence of God. God was up on Mount Sinai and He looked down and saw all the Israelites camped in their little tents, their little tabernacles down below and He said hey Moses, make one for Me too and I’ll come down and live there and live with you. That’s what Tabernacles is about, God coming down to tabernacle with His people. Now it’s interesting that these three feasts correlate with the three courts in Moses’ Tabernacle.

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March 2nd, 2021 at 7:19 am

Our Guest Jamie Galloway

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JAMIE: And it just completely wrecked me! It transformed my heart!

ART:     That’s awesome! Now I think you and I would agree that encounters are supposed to be a normal part of the Christian life but what do you say to the Christian who’s like well I’ve never had one of these encounters. Am I even saved you know? Like where do I fit in this picture?

JAMIE: Yeah. It’s everyone has an opportunity to encounter God. The loving-kindness of God! 

ART: Yeah.

JAMIE: And I feel every one of us, can make decisions that celebrate that.

ART: Uh-huh!

JAMIE: Or actually put that to the side. You know and if we begin to celebrate it – and that looks like hunger.

ART: Uh-huh!

JAMIE: That looks like I’m wanting this. I want a connection. I think of it like a 5-bar connection!

ART: Uh-huh.

JAMIE: Right?

ART: Uh-huh.

JAMIE: So when you have 5 bars on our phone, right? I paid for a 5- bar connection.

ART: Yeah.

JAMIE: I’m sure you do right?

ART: Yeah.

JAMIE: And we travel. We want it – we want international connection. We want you know – and yet why does that only get one bar when I paid for 5? Why is it the believer is getting a 1-bar connection when Jesus paid for all 5? They have the ability to connect and have full range! Right? The full spectrum?   

ART: That’s good!

JAMIE: God speaking to us. Visitations. Encounters. Dreams. Visions. Right?

ART: Uh-huh.

JAMIE: Love baptisms. Intimacy. Right? And then to be a voice. To prophesy. To share with others the secrets that God is sharing with you! Why can’t we turn on these other 4 bars? And I think that’s something that we begin to step into when we celebrate!

ART: Yeah! So like how do you even do that? Where do you start?

JAMIE: Yeah. It’s one: people need to get over what they’ve not experienced and not let their lack of experience become their bar.

ART: Yeah.

JAMIE: Right? Some people don’t experience something and they almost wear it like a badge!

ART: Yeah right!

JAMIE: Right. Well, I’m not the one that gets healed. You’ll hear them say that.

ART: Yeah. Yeah.

JAMIE: I’m the one that everybody prays for and doesn’t get healed.

ART: Uh-huh.

JAMIE: And that’s not a badge.

ART: Right.

JAMIE: There’s nothing to be proud about.

ART: Yeah.

JAMIE: Right? Now that’s a sad story and I’ve heard that said before. I’m like well today’s your day!

ART: Yeah. [laughing]

JAMIE: We’re going to step into a miracle right now!

ART: Uh-huh!

JAMIE: I believe God wants to touch you! And so people need to get over what it is that they’re not encountering and begin to trust God that He’s bigger!

ART: Right.

JAMIE: He’s bigger than my lack of encounter! And then the other side – I mean so many people they experience something and they let that be their bar.

ART: Yeah.

JAMIE: Right? And I’m saying there’s more!

ART: Yeah!

JAMIE: There’s more! Celebrate it! Ask God for the more! Let Him touch you and it’ll change everything!

ART: That’s awesome! I think one of the things I want to do with you in a little bit here is I want to start talking about the specifics of how do we enter into these – you know how do you have a vision? How do you – what does that even look like? How do you recognize it when it’s happening is maybe another way to put it? But right now what would you say to the person who is just like really, really hungry right now and they’re like I don’t even want to wait until it’s over. Like how do I encounter God right here right now? 

JAMIE: Art, I would say to them don’t give up! Press in! And just put your hands out and celebrate the goodness of God! Just simply receive! So many are in the posture of I press in, press in, press in. But when I press in, it’s an opposite. I press in not by striving but by receiving!

ART: Yeah. We’re going to take a little break here and as we do it I want you to just try that out! [music begins] Just take a minute. So set back, rest in God’s presence and receive and celebrate the goodness of God! [music ends]

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February 27th, 2021 at 4:47 am