It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Art Thomas

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ART: Yeah, Jesus paid for 100% so right now I speak 100% healing to that body. No more pain in Jesus” name. All right. Test it out again. Any change? Specifically right now I’m just feeling my right ear. Is that bad pizza or is there someone here with a right ear problem? Yeah. So c’mon over. What’s it do? Is it—

WOMAN #3: It’s like when I plug this up I’m not able to understand what you’re saying. You’re like muffled. I’ve been—  

ART: Gotcha. Okay. Yeah. All right. Open up in Jesus” name right now. All right. I’m talking the same volume. Any change? Oh yeah. You’ve got to plug that up. Test it again. And be honest, not polite. Yeah. Any change yet?     

WOMAN #3: A little.

ART: A little? A little’s great. Yeah. Thank You Jesus for a little. All the way is better. (laughs) Yeah. 100% in Jesus name. Check that out. Any change? Still talking the same volume?    

WOMAN #3: Uh, uh. No. It’s getting better.

ART: It’s getting better? Wow. That’s awesome. Thank You Lord. 100% healing in Jesus” name. Open up right now. Open up right now. Check that out. Still the same volume? Any difference?

WOMAN #3: Still the same.

ART: Still the same? Okay. That’s fine. Open up in Jesus” name. 100%. Thank You Lord. You folks realize how awesome this is? (laughs) How many of you this is the most miracles you’ve ever witnessed?

WOMAN #3: It just went up!

ART: That’s awesome. It just went— This is awesome!


ART: All right. Try that out again. Any, any difference? Still going—

WOMAN #3: Yeah. You just went up when you—

ART: Wow! Wow! That’s great! Good. (turns to man) Are you feeling any more change right now? Okay. All right. Do you want to sit back down? You want to stay— Okay. That’s all right if you sit down. That’s not a lack of faith. That’s just being considerate of ya. Right? You need help sitting down? Okay. Good, good, good, good. Okay.

WOMAN #3: Okay. My ear is completely—     

ART: It’s completely open?

WOMAN #2: Completely.  

ART: (laughs) Wow!

WOMAN #3: Completely! Completely! Completely!


ART: Now I want to point out, in case you didn’t notice that, I want to point out I didn’t even pray for her the last time. Okay. Like the Bible says you’ll lay hands on the sick and they will recover. It doesn’t even say you have to say anything. It’s just you can speak a word of authority. So feel free to just lay hands on someone and just chill and let them know it was Jesus when they’re healed. Right? You know we say “in Jesus” name” cause we want them to know who did it. Right? And it was Him. All right. I want you all to get some sleep tonight if you possibly can after seeing all those miracles. So I just want to pray for you one more time. I’ll let them tell you what to do and how to dismiss and then we’ll let God continue to minister in your lives and maybe we’ll have more miracles in the morning.

So just keep seeking Jesus. Lay hands on yourself. Believe for healing. Jesus, thank You for all these miracles we saw. Thank You for what we witnessed in this place. You’re so good. You’re so amazing. And we worship You for it. Lord we want to be the people who respond rightly to miracles. That it causes us to rise up in praise for You. That we worship You for it. Lord, You are so good and so amazing. Thank You, Lord. I pray Lord that we would see more miracles in the next couple of weeks than we saw in this place. That we would see even more miracles in the next few days than we saw in this place. Lord we thank You. We worship You. We praise You. In Jesus” name. Amen. Amen.   

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February 17th, 2021 at 3:45 am

Our Guest Guillermo Maldonado

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GUIILLERMO: Hey, you’re too polite— you must be crazy for a moment. Do I have crazy people here today?


GUILLERMO: You’re too polite. I’m too polite. Yeah, I don’t care how God will do it. I don’t care. If I want to jump, I want to roll on the floor, I will do it. But you must say God— I’m willing to— (laughs) this is what I teach the people— Have you noticed in America why most of the preachers don’t demonstrate what they preach? Not here, I mean over here guys—


GUILLERMO: Okay, you know why? 3 reasons. Number 1: because there’s nothing to prove. It is easy to preach a message that you don’t have to prove. Number 2, the reason they can’t demonstrate it is because they don’t have revelation. You can have the best message, get all the dictionaries, and all the good things but if you don’t have the breath of the Spirit nothing will happen. No demonstration. And number 3, I like this one, they don’t want to lose, they don’t want to risk their reputation. Over here guys, can you help me?” You lost your reputation so you can go “amen.” They don’t want to risk their reputation. Okay, I’ll prove it you. (to congregation) Sit down. I’ll prove it to you? Can you move this? You want me to lose my reputation? (audience laughs) Is anybody sick in their body here?

Okay, I want you to stand, I want you to stand, I want you to stand if you’re sick in your body. And what I will do is pray here. I can do it, but I’ve got my people here, they can do the same thing, okay, but I will demonstrate it to you for you to see it. But if you do the most of the preachers will not do it because they say “Well, I’m too big. You know, I can lose my— what if it doesn’t happen,” and many things are involved. But I am dead. So I don’t worry about it. I am dead. So if you dead you don’t worry. You worry about Jesus. You say “Jesus, you do it.” So what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with you? Yeah, what happened? … No, just one word, and that’s it because— back problem. Okay, does anybody have problem here where you feel the pain right now? Okay, you got the pain? Okay, I want my team going over there please. What’s wrong with your back? Ear.

What’s wrong with your ear? So you can’t hear anything? Okay, okay, anybody else in the ears? You have an ear—what’s wrong with you? Completely gone? Ringing? Ringing? Come over here, can you come up here? Can you come up here? Any ears, ears, come over here, come over here, come over here, come up, ears, come over here, hurry up here. Can you pray in the Holy Ghost because you need to respond? No, no, no, not like that (saying it gently, Guillermo then prays in tongues) In America they told you not to pray anymore. C’mon you are Pentecostals— I want you to stay here. Okay, come over here, get closer, ears right? Any of you have lost one of the ears completely, any of you, any of you, you? Which one? The right is gone? How long ago? 6 years ago— come over here my team— come over here please. Frank, you pray for him. Anybody else in the ear, that you lost your ear? I like the difficult cases first, the most difficult case— Okay, the rest of the people will be healed. But let me tell you this, can we bring— what about you? You lost it? How long ago? So it’s gone. I just want the people to hear because they say “Well, it was an emotional thing.” No, I want the people to be sure why we say it. But I need your support—

AUDIENCE: Amen, hallelujah, YAY!

GUILLERMO Okay, okay, John you going to pray for him, Frank you going to pray for him. Go, go pray. So I want the people to pray. Stretch your hands to over them. By the way, this is not a show, this is a demonstration of how the kingdom— listen, before you pray guys, can we bring the kingdom here and now?


GUILLERMO: I didn’t hear you.


GUILLERMO: Can we bring the kingdom here and now?


GUILLERMO: Something historical. No. Can we bring it now?


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February 5th, 2021 at 8:11 am

Our Guest Patricia Bootsma

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PAT: And we’re not allowing her to get married till she’s 45 or 50! But anyway. [Laughs] But talk to us for just a second longer before we go to a break that what birthed this book inside of you? What birthed writing about raising burning hearts? Where did that come from?

PATRICIA: Well I have to say honestly it was the Word of the Lord to me. It’s just like He said I want you to write this book. And I’m like I’m still in the process of raising kids! But you know God has really blessed us! The three oldest who are all in ministry. Our son Judah is right now working underneath Lou Engle and his Ecumenical School of Missions.

PAT: Oh!

PATRICIA: Our daughter is at IHOP, International House of Prayer with her husband on staff there. Another daughter is on staff at a House of Prayer in Quebec in Canada. And so what we’ve seen is that they themselves have carried these values of really loving God and so it’s on the heart of the Father that we go back to family, as God designed it! I think you can agree with me.

PAT: Beautiful, yeah!

PATRICIA: That the breakdown of family, is one of the largest contributors to society’s breakdown! And so if we can go back to hey, let’s see the hearts of the fathers turn to the children and see the hearts of the children turn to the fathers! Let’s see the healing that God wants to do right there in the family! Let’s prioritize that! So that’s really what it was birthed out of and certainly birthed out of the heart of our heavenly Father!

PAT: Well you’re watching Something More! [Music] And we’ve got Patricia Bootsma here with us and we’re really excited! Hang on! When she comes back she’s going to tell us how to awaken God in your home!

ANNOUNCER: The supernatural of God knows no bounds and now there are no limits! Now you can be mentored and operate in the miraculous and also receive your own supernatural breakthrough any time, any place!

SR: Whatever you’re facing! Family problems. Financial worries. Sickness. Depression. This Network will make a difference in your life!

ANNOUNCER: Whenever! Wherever! Get ready to receive your supernatural breakthrough! Download the free ISN App today!

PAT: Hey welcome back to Something More! We have Patricia Bootsma here! And she and her husband are pastors there in Toronto at Catch the Fire! God is using them! They’ve raised, I mean six children. Some are still being raised.


PAT: But just mighty warriors for the kingdom! And you know I think that the Lord is using you even on this program because before we go even deeper into it I want to talk about the revelatory gift.


PAT: How to teach your kids how to hear the voice of God. But talk to the single mom that’s watching out there because – or the single dad that’s out there and, you know, that are walking through tough times in their home. You know the school is sending them reports. Your kid’s got ADD, ADHD. They’ve got all this. I used to say I’ve had ABCDEFG! 


PAT: And talk to the single parent that’s watching right now! I really think the Lord is going to use you right now to speak to that parent that’s just done!

PATRICIA: Yeah, absolutely! You know I’d say first of all there is always hope! That in God there is always hope! And so we have the Father who Isaiah 54 talks about as her husband can come along and help. And I really think it’s important that we as a church to come alongside the single moms in our church. We’re trying to do that. Even pair godly men. I remember this man in our church when I was really getting a lot of healing about father wounds.

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January 25th, 2021 at 4:51 am

Our Guest Bruce Van Natta

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Kyle Winkler: Welcome to Something More! I’m Kyle Winkler! My guest today lives one of the most miraculous lives of just about anybody that I know! I mean from encounter to encounter to encounter to the point of him being saved from death! We’ll touch on that in just a little bit. But through it all he has developed an intimacy to talk and hear from God and he’s here today to share with you how you can hear from God yourself right now! So if you’re interested in that then perk your ears up and help me welcome Bruce Van Natta! Bruce, thank you so much for joining me!

Bruce Van Natta: Thanks for having me, Kyle!

KYLE: You’ve got quite the story and as I was even preparing for this interview I mean it is a faith building story!


KYLE: From prodigal to full-time ministry. And at the end of that, November 16th, 2006 you’ve moved on from all kinds of experiences and God really getting your attention through a bunch of things.

BRUCE: Yeah, absolutely.

KYLE: But this one experience really changed everything for you! Tell us about that. 

BRUCE: It was a tipping point! Yeah. So as you mentioned 2006 I was a mechanic. I was working on a large Peterbilt logging truck and this semi-truck ended up falling on top of me. I got crushed in half. I ended up one inch thick in here. Two inches thick here. Flat! Five places major arteries severed. Small intestine, spleen, pancreas. Everything in the middle completely crushed! Ended up – 

KYLE: So you have a truck on top of you at that point.

BRUCE: Yeah. A semi-truck fell on top of me. Crushed me into the cement. And I ended up bleeding out at the scene of the accident. The volunteer fire department came and a Christian lady came and prayed me back to life three times at the scene of the accident! I had an out-of-body experience. I got to see the two angels that God sent.

KYLE: You saw two angels. 

BRUCE: Two angels. Yes.

KYLE: God sent to bring you back to life?

BRUCE: To minister to my body.

KYLE: To minister to your body.

BRUCE: The lady prayed me back to life. Three times. God spoke to me in it all. So it was very – I spent the next year in the hospital. So it was a very huge, huge supernatural event! And it was life-changing. I had been called to ministry and had been disobedient. And it was a tipping point to get me into ministry.

KYLE: I know you had mentioned before that you were a prodigal to full-time ministry.

BRUCE: Yeah.

KYLE: So God had been as we said trying to get your attention. I mean what more attention-getting can you get than angels ministering to you?

BRUCE: Yeah.

KYLE: And I know we could talk the whole segment on just that.

BRUCE: Absolutely. 

KYLE: But you’ll be doing an interview with Sid on that where people can find more about your story there. But with an encounter like you had or encounters, many miraculous things over your life one would expect that you would develop an intimacy with God from things like that and you have. You hear and you talk to God and you would say that prayer is key to having an intimate relationship with God. Right?

BRUCE: Absolutely! It’s that communication. That back and forth.

KYLE: And we know that the Bible talks so much about prayer but a couple of things that it says that I think sometimes people wonder how do we do this is it says that we should pray without ceasing.

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January 11th, 2021 at 4:03 am

Our Guest John Bevere

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SID: I am going to take this wonderful opportunity to ask a couple of questions to John Bevere that I’ve really wanted to hear from him the answers. John, you said something when I interviewed you on television. You said there was a season in your life where you were praying in the Holy Spirit two hours every day. But then you made a switch and tell me what the switch was and the results that happened.

JOHN: The switch was, I kept— if I’m, if I’m remembering, I’m going back to our radio interview. I was praying everyday “God use me.” Use me to win multitudes to Jesus, use me to cast out demons, use me to heal the sick people, use me to restore people’s lives, restore marriages. And I was praying this way for years. And one day the Holy Spirit spoke to me and He said, “Your prayers are off.” And I said, “What!” He said, “Your prayer are off target.” And I said I’m asking you to use me win multitudes to Jesus, to heal people, to heal marriages, to heal bodies. How can they be off? And He said this to me, He said, “Judas cast our devils, Judas healed the sick, Judas preached repentance, Judas led people to me,” because when He sent the 12 out He sent the 12 out. He said, “Judas left everything he had to follow me.” He said, “Judas is in hell.”

SID: Uh!!

JOHN: When He said that to me, I literally started trembling inside. I said, ‘then what should I be praying?” And then He said to me, “What Paul prayed: that I might know Him.” And so those who know their God will be strong and do exploits. So He said, “You can use me.” He said, “I don’t use people. I transform them into the image of My son.”

AUDIENCE: Mmmm, huh!

JOHN: I mean can you just see me coming into my— or my wife coming in to me and saying, “John, use me to make babies for you! (pleading) I want to make babies, Ohhh— I want to make babies. Give me babies or I’m going to die!

SID: Ha!


JOHN: Okay, so what would I look at my wife and say? Oh my gosh, who did I marry! Okay? (Sid and audience laugh) But we’re intimate and out of our intimacy came four really great boys. And He said, “I want you intimate with me.” So my whole prayer started changing. “God, I want to know You intimately. I want to know You intimately. I want to know You like You know me.” Well you know what’s interesting? This was back in 1984-85. And in this time period when I started changing my prayer, I started getting free. I was bound to pornography and here I was in the ministry.

And I asked Lester Sumrall to pray for me. I opened up to him, I said, “I’m bound, will you pray for me?” He prayed a very strong prayer and nothing happened. Nine months later I’m on a four day fast, and May the 6st, 1985 I get completely delivered from pornography. Okay? So I’m walking in my freedom a couple a years and I said to God, I said, “I don’t get it.” I mean I humbled myself. I asked one of the strongest men of God I know on the planet to get me delivered, and I don’t get delivered. And then nine months later I’m on this fast and I get delivered.

And the Lord showed me that what I was praying, I was praying that “God use me, God use me” and I was afraid that pornography was going to keep me to the preaching ministry I know I was called to. He said, “But then you changed your prayers and you said I want to know you, I want to know you intimately. And He said, “You had sorrow, but your sorrow was worldly when you opened up with Dr. Sumrall.” He said, ‘nine months later your sorrow was godly because your heart was breaking because you knew your sin was breaking My heart.” So if you look at the difference you can see it in two kings. Saul says, “I’ve sinned, I’ve sinned.”

But he’s embarrassed, so he says ‘now honor me by worshipping with me in front of my elders.” You’ve embarrassed me in front of my elders. David, when he gets nailed, falls on his face and said “I have sinned and against You only I have sinned.” He couldn’t care less what his elders thought. So that’s the difference between worldly sorrow and godly sorrow. Godly sorrow the focus is on Him, worldly sorrow the focus is on what’s going to happen to me. And when we pray that we can know Him intimately, that we can please Him the best a man or woman can please Him, now it’s all about this relationship over everything else and that’s what pleases the heart of God. See Psalm 89, verse 7 says: “God is to be greatly feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those who surround him.”

So you’ll never find the presence God in an atmosphere where He’s not held in the utmost of respect. I remember when I learned this experientially. Back in 1996, I was asked to speak in Brazil, the nation of Brazil. There were thousands of people at this conference, it was a national conference. I’m the Friday night speaker. They drive me to the auditorium. There’s cars parked everywhere. And as I come into the auditorium I can hear the worship coming from the inside of the building. Because in their big auditoriums down there, if they have a ceiling on it, there’s like a six foot gap between the upper wall and the ceiling, and it’s for air ventilation but you can hear what’s going on inside. So they walk me in, they put me on the platform. There’s not a seat open anywhere.

Thousands of Brazilians, right? So there’s no presence of God. There’s no presence of God in the whole auditorium. Now when I say this Sid, as we know there are 2 types of the presence of God. There is the “omnipresence” of God. That is where David said “where can I go from your presence? If I go to the highest mountain you’re there, if I make my bed in the lowest valley you’re there.” That’s the presence of God that says “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you.” That’s the omnipresence of God. The other presence of God the Bible speaks about is the “manifest presence” of God. “Manifest” is to bring from the unseen into the realm of the seen, the unheard into the realm of the heard, the unknown into the realm of the known. It’s when God reveals Himself to our senses. Okay?

That is a very real experience in Christianity. Jesus said, “I will manifest Myself to you,” right? So that presence was totally void in that— and I’m sitting there going ‘this is a believer’s conference.” Place is packed, best worship leaders in the nation, why is there no presence!? So I asked the Lord, I said, “God, why is there no presence?” And all of a sudden God open up my eyes and I’m looking at the people. And they’re standing there with their hands in their pocket looking around like this, they got their arms crossed looking down like this, they’re whispering to one another, they’re fumbling through their purses, and they’re walking in and out of this auditorium getting concession stand stuff, okay—

SID: It’s like going to a football game!

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January 2nd, 2021 at 7:32 am