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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Kevin Dedmon

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Sid:  My guest Kevin Dedmon was a pastor, a burned out pastor, he had a gift of healing when he was a brand new believer and lots of people were getting healed.  But then he prayed for a woman with every fiber of his being that had cancer and she died and then he just flat stopped and could answer any question theologically, but that first love, that excitement it was kind of gone.  And then he went out to the Brownsville revival, got touched by the power of God and was forced to pray for someone and the pain left that person and he realized that what he had as a young, as a teenager had never left him; he had just left what God had for him.  But why Kevin, did you resign from your pastorate and move to Redding, California?

Kevin:  Well, it’s pretty simple I was just hungry, very, very hungry.  I wanted to experience all that God had available for me and I wanted to be part of changing the world in some way.  I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives.

Sid:  I know, but you’re a mature pastor now, successful pastor, a Bible School Graduate, why would you go into a classroom with a lot of teenagers, a few older people, but why would you do that?  Wasn’t that kind of humbling?

Kevin:  Well, it wasn’t humbling because it was a result of hunger and there was food available that I’d not tasted yet and I heard a drum beat.  I heard you know that there was a availability that everybody could do this stuff and I had been trained that you know everybody gets to play.  You know John Wimber taught me for years that everybody gets to play, but it looked like not everybody got to play because God’s giftings only sort of came on specially gifted people.  And I was hearing a message from Bethel, from Bill Johnson that not only does everybody get to play but that everybody is playing up there and everybody’s healing the sick and doing these kinds of things and changing the world.  And I’m only going to live once, I want to get everything I can and I want to walk into my destiny; so it wasn’t really sacrifice so much as it was passion.

Sid:  Okay, well Kevin I understand by what you did you demonstrated the huge hunger you had for God.  What advice would you give to someone that said, “I want to be hungry for God,” but their kind of passive, what can get them hungry for God?

Kevin:  Well, our Pastor Bill Johnson says it like this, “You get hungry in the Kingdom by eating, you get hungry in the natural by not eating, but you get hungry in the Kingdom by eating.”  And I would just encourage people that if they want to step into the supernatural lifestyle that’s available in the Kingdom that they just start hungering after it.  Read the book, get the resources, go to the conferences get the impartations from the people that are already walking in this so that they get equipped, they get empowered and they get activated.

Sid:  Well, I believe that if someone reads your book, “Unlocking Heaven” that hunger, when they see what did with your life, and of course what you do is you don’t keep it to yourself.  You share keys that I’ve never seen before.  Actually Holy Spirit showed it to me and I walked away from it; you talk about the key of singing over someone; I mean no one teaches on that; for the key of how to walk in supernatural joy and you say things about that I’ve never seen before.  In fact I’ll tell you an interesting story, years ago I use to lay hands on the sick and I would find myself sometimes when I was standing in front of someone I would sing over them.  And I would find that the power would increase.  So I kept it up and then I started working in what is known as Words of Knowledge so I stopped laying hands on the sick and I stopped the singing.  But I think I’m going to start the singing again.

Kevin:  Ha-ha, I think you should.

Sid:  Give me one example of where you sang over someone and they got healed.

Kevin:  Well, what I do more than anything is, you know I really try to hear what the Holy Spirit is doing in the environment that I’m in.  You know because Jesus didn’t do the same thing over and over again, every miracle was approached differently and there was a different strategy being played.  And so it’s not about a religious formula or a technique.

Sid:  And that’s why so many people that understand the principles don’t see much fruit because they’re down to a formula.

Kevin:  Exactly and it’s about relationship so.  For example I was praying over a woman in Kirkland, Washington and she had been debilitated for five years.  She had had an operation a simple operation and they had somehow, they had cut into her sciatic by accident and she was basically crippled for five years.  And so I started praying over her and I saw a vision of 10K over her head and a brand new pair of running shoes in her closet and sure enough she had been training for a 10K run and she had the brand new pair of running shoes in her closet and she hadn’t …she was planning on using those for her race right before she got injured.  And so as I started praying over her I heard this song in my head that was actually a secular song by a group called REM which goes, It’s the end of the world as know it, it’s the end of the world know it, it’s the end of the world as you know it and I feel fine.  And so I couldn’t sing that over her because that wasn’t faith.  So I changed the lyrics to this secular radio song and I sang.  It’ the end of your pain as you know it, it’s the end of your pain as you know it, it’s the end of your pain as you know it; you feel fine.  And then I had her sing it and she sang “It’s the end of my pain as I know it,” and when she finished the last note she was instantly healed.  She went home that night, her family loaded up into the mini-van and followed her as she put on her brand new running shoes and ran one complete mile that very night. And came back that next day complaining that her muscles hurt because she hadn’t walked, let alone run in five years.  Ha-ha-ha.

Sid:  You talk about being so saturated with the Word of God and the Spirit of God that you spring links, what do you mean by that?

Kevin:  Well, Jesus said, “Is anyone thirsty,” in John 7:37 “Let him come to me and drink, and then river of living water will flow out from them.”  That’s drinking and leaking and to me that’s what supernatural evangelism is all about.  Supernatural evangelism is about drinking in God’s presence, His passion, His love towards us, His kindness, His goodness that is manifested demonstrated in signs and wonders and miracles and in prophetic insights that call out the gold inside of us that encourage us and comfort us, His love, His forgiveness everything that flows from Him we take in and we drink in.  And then we just as naturally as we’ve taken in that stuff we release it, we leak it out of our lives so that others around us then experience the Father’s passion through us; demonstrated in signs and wonders and miracles and healings, prophetic insights that call out the gold in people.  That call them into their destiny; the plans and purposes, the good plans and purposes that God has for their lives.

Sid:  Well, speaking of leaking you rolled over in your asleep put your hand on your wife; didn’t even know what you were doing because you were sleeping; she had a bad case of hives what happened?

Kevin:    Well, right when we came to Bethel Church in 2002 my wife had been suffering from pressure hives, we really couldn’t figure out what kind of hives they were; she had gone to several dermatologists and they couldn’t figure out what it was either.  But for about six months she had this condition where she would have to get up about two or three times in the middle of the night, take a hot bath just to relieve the pain that she was experiencing.  And we came up here and everybody prayed for her and nothing seemed to be happening at the time.  One night I was just lying in bed and I was sleeping my wife was just writhing in pain from these hives all over her legs.  And I just reached over and I put my hand on her stomach and as I did all of the pain left and she hasn’t had one problem with hives since.

Sid:  But it’s so amazing Mishpochah is the number of creative miracles that are going on with Kevin and not just with Kevin, anyone that he’s been teaching…His purpose is for you to do everything he’s doing and even do greater.  I imagine there’s a certain satisfaction when some of your students outdo you.

Kevin:  Oh yes, I’m like a proud Poppa, you know it’s just like with my Son, my Son and I are constantly sharing testimonies back and forth.  And we get to minister together on occasion and it’s just so fun working together and seeing him just excel in releases the Kingdom on people and activating people into supernatural ministry as well.

Sid:  Very briefly tell me about the young girl in Mexico that was missing a jawbone.

Kevin:  Yeah, we were down in Topeka, Mexico praying for hundreds and hundreds of people.  We probably saw in one week’s time probably 2 to 3,000 people miraculously healed.  And one of the gals came up and she was missing a jawbone.  She had been a car accident and her jawbone was missing on one side so that she couldn’t smile, she couldn’t eat an apple, she couldn’t put any pressure down at all.  And I prayed for her and three months later she emailed and said that she had gone back to the doctor because when she went home that night after I prayed for her she could feel her jawbone growing back slowly all night long until the next morning it was completely grown back.  And she was reluctant to go back to the doctor because she did not know what to say; the doctor didn’t believe her until he got out the x-rays and matched them up and determined that it was exactly the same girl.  And he was an atheist and put on his website for awhile this miraculous thing that had happened to his patient.

Sid:  But this is naturally supernatural and I want you to live a naturally supernatural life…

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Written by admin

October 28th, 2011 at 2:35 pm

Posted in Its Supernatural