It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Archive for September, 2021

Our Guest John Burke

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JOHN: Imagine if you were outside the Hermitage Museum, and there in the dumpster, in a trash dumpster, you see this masterpiece. But it’s covered in mud. It’s stained. Its torn.

DONNA: Uh-huh.

JOHN: Would you treat it like mud? You know? Would you treat it like trash? Or would we be able to realize, No. This is still worth millions of dollars –

DONNA: Beyond the mud.

JOHN: Underneath the mud.


JOHN: And we need to gently take it to a master who can restore it to its original value.

DONNA: Aww. Yeah.

JOHN: I think the reality is, we all could see the masterpiece under the mud in that painting.

DONNA: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

JOHN: So the question is, can we see the masterpiece under the mud in every person?

DONNA: Yeah.

JOHN: Created in the image of God for good things. You know, Ephesians 2:8-10 says, For it was by grace that we’ve been saved (set right with God) through faith; its a gift from God. And then it goes on in verse 10 and says, For we are Gods masterpiece.


JOHN: His work of art. And that was true. He saw that in us when He died for us, you know, thousands of years ago, so He must see it in those who have not yet come to faith. So the question is, can we see that masterpiece, or do we just see the mud?


JOHN: I’m convinced Jesus saw the masterpiece and called that out in people. Whereas the Pharisees just saw the mud, and that affected the way people responded.

DONNA: Right. And that’s what you teach about restoring value.

JOHN: Exactly.

DONNA: You teach your folks about restoring value. What if the masterpiece no longer felt like a masterpiece, because of all the mud?

JOHN: Well

DONNA: Of all the things that people could not see, the potential of what it really was. I mean, how does that affect the people themselves?

JOHN: Absolutely. And I think that’s what keeps people running from God rather than turning to Him. And, of course, the evil blinds us and makes us think that you know, Gods against us and out to condemn us. And until you can get your act together you can’t turn to Him. But, of course, then we stay stuck. It’s only in turning to Him, that He’s the one who restores us.

DONNA: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

JOHN: It’s by His Spirit that we’re restored. And you see this in Jesus, like Luke chapter 7. Remember Jesus is invited by Simon the Pharisee into his home. Right?


JOHN: You know, Simon was actually there to judge Jesus.

DONNA: Uh-huh

JOHN: This immoral woman comes in, and, I mean, Luke mentions shes known for her immorality. You know? So her sexual sin, her mud is known in the town.

DONNA: Right. Seen very clearly.

JOHN: Seen very clearly. And, you know, she breaks down crying, I think because she had heard Jesus is there. There is hope for people like me.

DSC: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

JOHN: Somehow her friends told her, and she would go into this Pharisees home, the people who condemn her because there’s hope. She starts to cry. She wipes Jesus feet with her hair. She anoints His feet with oil. And Simon looks with contempt in his eyes, and says, If Jesus were really from God if He were really a prophet, He would know what kind of woman this is.

DONNA: Oh. Oh. Yeah.

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September 25th, 2021 at 4:46 am

Our Guest David Turner

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DAVID: So he was so tired and disappointed. He’s saying, “O God, is it your will?” But instead of asking God if it’s Your will, God is saying why don’t you go to My will which is My Word? 

RYAN: Right.

DAVID: And when you go it says, Matthew 8:17, Jesus said, “I died for your sickness and disease.” 1st Peter 2:24. “I bore your curse!” Psalm 103, verse 2 and 3, He says, that “Forget not My benefits.” So instead of wondering if it’s Your will, go to My Word. When you read His Word all it says is “I heal, I heal, I heal! I love you! I heal you!”      

RYAN: But a lot of people I think still have like, and it could be a rejection issue, an insecurity issue, but will He heal ME?


RYAN: So how do you, how do – I mean they’re sincere about it.


RYAN: Will He heal ME?


RYAN: And there’s a lot of people that watch this show, that have been believing God for years for their healing.


RYAN: What would you say to those people? They’ve been believing God for decades.

DAVID: Yeah.

RYAN: And they’re still not healed.

DAVID: Well God – there is timing in everything. You know we see in John 5 there was a man 38 years he was a lame man.

RYAN: Right.

DAVID: So he laid there. So sometimes it’s God’s timing. Sometimes Gods has provided the healing and we haven’t figured out how to walk into it! For example, it may be a spiritual problem. So we’re praying, “God, heal me, heal me, heal me!” But God never said beg Me to heal you. He said, “I’ve given you all authority in heaven on earth! Heal the sick!” So, for example, the Holy Spirit will speak to me and say, “They have a serpent spirit or an unclean spirit or a spirit of infirmity.” If you don’t call that spirit out directly that person could be begging for prayer for years and they’ll pray and pray and nothing will happen! So it’s – you know that’s why Hosea 4:6 it says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” What I’ll tell people is it’s like your television. You have a signal coming into your house even if the TV is off. But that doesn’t mean there’s no signal!

RYAN: Right.

DAVID: You have to turn the TV on! Many times we haven’t learned how to turn on the TV so the signal for healing already came from the foundations of the world when Jesus died on the cross! 

RYAN: Absolutely!

DAVID: So it’s been provided for. We haven’t figured out how to turn it on so what we have to do is learn how to step into that healing which is something we can go into.

RYAN: So are you saying that there are things that are kinda outside the realm of what we’re seeing right before us that we need to address so the healing breakthrough comes?

DAVID: 100%!

RYAN: Okay. 

DAVID: 100%!

RYAN: So how does somebody watching begin to discern that it’s I know I need my healing and I’ve asked the Lord and I love Him with all my heart. I’ve been quoting the scriptures for 10 years but I’m still not – what should they be doing? How do they discern what’s the “other” that they’re not seeing?

DAVID: Well the CD’s we’re gonna have this week.

RYAN: Hah-hah!

DAVID: They should listen to that because it’s about a – that’s about a two-hour answer right there.

RYAN: Yeah, right.

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September 16th, 2021 at 7:59 am

Our Guest Randy Clark

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RANDY:  That’s an accusation; I think it’s a false accusation, but it is a character – it’s a caricature of Pentecostal charismatics.  So, the Lord w- – I said that, because what the Lord said to me was so um interesting.  He said, “Don’t you dare”, and it was strong, “Don’t you dare become an experience-based preacher, that you will only preach what you’ve experienced.  You preach My Word, even if you’re experienced” – “you haven’t experienced it yet, you’re not experienced with the dead being raised yet.  But you preach My Word, whether you’ve experienced it yet.  You let My W- “You let your experience rise to My Word; but don’t you DARE bring My Word down to the level of your experience.”  Boy, that got [CHUCKLING] my attention!  And I taught on that uh for the first time in my life.

SID:  Uh that takes – by the way, that takes all of the pressure off of you, Randy!


SID:  Completely!

RANDY:  It was just [LAUGHS] –


RANDY:  it made me nervous though.


RANDY:  But anyway, after I – I only knew two – two stories then of the dead being raised.  I didn’t know of – I mean Heidi hadn’t started uh – she hadn’t been touched yet – so I told those two stories!  And within 6 months, one of the guitar players – a young man had a 5-year old son, or a y- – very young son on a tricycle.  He got hit by a car; he was killed.  His dad had just graduated EMT school – Emergency Medical Technician – he knew how to recognize the signs of death.  And then he remembered the teaching, so he called for his boy to come back into his body by name.  And uh, uh, he – and – and he did!  And he was – it was you know, he was uh gone for quite a while; they medevaced him.  And as a result of it though, when it should have – when it should have taken many many year – uh months for the bones to be healed – he’s many many – he’s in a body cast, within just a few weeks they went in and checked to see if the bones were just beginning to heal, and they were totally healed already, and they just cut the whole cast off.

SID:  Mm!  Uh b- – a-and do you realize, Randy, if you hadn’t said, “I am NOT experience-based; I’m WORD-based”; if God hadn’t told you that, you would have never preached that.  If you had never preached that, that little boy would have been – remained dead!

RANDY:  That’s correct, because the father knew, and he heard the teaching, and he – and he did what he – what I taught.  Now we have, you know, quite a few stories.  Uh, uh matter of fact, we had a woman healed at the V- – Voice of the Apostles in Orlando, Florida two years ago, that was like 14 years of severe pain, and she had died; and was – saw her out of the body; saw herself there.  And uh, through uh prayers, the Lord gave her a choice:  She could go back, but if she went back, she was – I don’t understand this part – would go back into that body of pain, which had been a – a terrible, terrible pain, with nerves that had been crushed and stuff.

SID:  Um hm.

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September 6th, 2021 at 6:46 am