It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Archive for November, 2012

Our Guest Steven Zarit

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Sid:  Red hot is almost an understatement for my guest. I’m speaking to him at his home in Superior, Montana Steven Zarit.  Steven was a very successful Vice President, General Manger of a publication in Orange County, California, but there was something missing in his life, he was searching and dabbling in the New Age and the metaphysical books, he would watch on television people that were healing evangelists and he’d say “Boy I would love, there is something in him, I would love to be able to pray for the sick and have them be healed.”  And one day a brand new believer in Jesus walks in his office and said “God just spoke to me and He wants me to pray for you” well Steven said, “No, thanks,” this guy was persistent he kept coming back, last time he came back Steven for some reason said, “Okay, you can pray for me.”  And Steven I’m going to ask you to say this again because when you said this on yesterday’s broadcast there was a release of the presence of God.  When he touched your foot what happened?

Steven:  Oh yes, when he touched my foot there was a fire a burning fire that went up my left leg and down my right leg and the trunk of my body and into my arms and in my face.  And I started perspiring and I didn’t know that I was meeting gentle Jesus, meek and mild that I was meeting the Lion of Judah, and that it was just, it was phenomenal.  And I was frightened because I wasn’t in control of it and I knew I hadn’t taken any drugs because I was at work and it was just a phenomenal feeling and then it lasted for about oh two minutes and then about five seconds after that it turned in that feeling of fire and heat and power, this incredible power turned into this incredible, the only way I can explain it is liquid love.  I had love for humanity, if I could kiss everybody in the world I would kiss everybody in the world I was so in love with everybody in the world.  And I was so in love that I felt like I was going to bust inside I fell onto the floor and I started laughing hysterically and I started laughing so hard that I started getting cramps in my cheeks.

Sid:  That’s laughing hard!

Steven:  Laughing so hard that I said, “Jim, what is happening to me?”  And he said to me, he said, “Steven you just got baptized in the Holy Spirit.”  I said, “The Holy what?”  He said, “Go home read the book of Acts and read the gospel of John, you have a bible?”  And I said, “Yes I have a Bible.”  So I left and about 2:00 in the afternoon I went home and I started reading the Gospel of John, and then when I got to the book of Acts the second chapter of Acts I went “Oh, my gosh this book was written over 2,000 years ago and what happened to those people just happened to me.  Jesus you are the Messiah, you are the Son of God, You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the end.

Sid:    So I guess when you found out all of this Steven then you just kept it all to yourself, you didn’t tell anyone at work.

Steven:  I went in the next day and I told everybody what had happened to me in my office and seven people came to the Lord, I had like thirty-five women and men working as graphic designers and seven people came to the Lord.

Sid:  Could you keep quiet about Jesus?  Were you able to just zip your mouth and not tell any one about Jesus or was it out of your control?

Steven:  No, it was totally out of my control the phone would ring, this supernatural, the phone would ring and I knew who was on the phone before I picked up the phone.  And I knew what I was suppose to say and he was a Jewish bother, Morris Fox and he lived in Los Angles. I picked up the phone and I said, “Oh hi Morris,” and he said, “How did you know that it was me?”  I said, “Let me tell you what just happened to me yesterday,” and I told him and he didn’t want to listen and he said, “Oh no, no, no that’s not for me, that’s not for me.”  But I said, “I said, “How did you think that I know that it was you on the telephone?”  And he said, “Oh, it’s just a coincidence.”  I said, “No Morris, let me come and we’ll play some tennis in Los Angeles and let me come and tell you what happened.”  So I went to Los Angeles and I told him what happened and he let me pray for him, he let me pray, and the prayer that I prayed is the same prayer that I prayed over my father.  And I said, “Jesus show him that you are the Son of the Living God and within a month he became a believer.”

Sid:  You know what you are describing to me Steven is normal, you couldn’t keep quiet, you had to tell everyone everywhere the good news.  How do I know this, because the same thing happened to me and there was a move of God’s Spirit about that time and many Jewish people became normal.  And then they infected the Gentile Christians and then the Gentile Christians started being normal and the Jesus movement started and the Charismatic movement started.  But then everything calmed down with Jewish people and you know what we call Charismatic and Pentecostal churches today outside of speaking in tongues and a prophecy here of there or one or two healings there is not difference between them and a seeker sensitive church.  There is more, and I know that right now Steven we’re at the move of God’s Spirit once more upon Jewish people and I tell you do not miss this.  That’s why I’ve put together a book of ten Jewish testimonies because God Himself told me to do this.  I mean well over half a million of these in the Russian language alone being mailed systematically to Russian Jews and the streets of Jerusalem, they’re being distributed in Hebrew but, now is God’s time for the United States and this is not just a good book there is an anointing for spiritual scales to come off of the eyes of Jewish people….Now Steven all these people come to the Lord in your office; tell me how did your employer like it that you were witnessing all the time.

Steven:  My employer was a Jewish man raised in the Orthodox Jewish family in Chicago and I went to him and I told him what happened to me and he said to me, “As long as it doesn’t cause any problems with you running my company I don’t have a problem with it.”  And many many years later I went back to work for him he told all of his salesmen, “Steven Zarit is the best General Manager I’ve ever worked with, he’s only got one problem, he’s in love with Jesus Christ.”  [Laughing]

Sid:  Now tell me when you got baptized in the Holy Spirit and angel visited you tell me a little bit about that.

Steven:  Well, I had read all these metaphysical books so I sat in my living room and I started praying and I wanted tongues. So I bought a book called they speak in other tongues and I started reading it. Then I would sit in my living room and I would just keep saying “Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah,” and the presence of the Lord would come on me really strong.  When I picked up my Bible the presence of the Lord would come on me really strong, when I put my Bible down the presence of the Lord would dissipate and I thought “Gee, this is pretty bazaar.”  So I laid in bed one night and I was just lying there going, “Praise You Lord, praise you Lord, hallelujah, hallelujah.”  All of a sudden I man about 8’ tall appeared at the foot of my bed all dressed in white, and I looked at him and I panicked and all of a sudden out came this incredible prayer language, and I got my prayer language.  And I got my prayer language from the Lord and I was just dumfounded by it and then I would go to work and I would try and work but I couldn’t even work because the presence of the Lord was so strong that the Lord would speak to me so clearly and so audibly and say “I want you to go into your office shut the door, get on your hands and face and worship me.”  And I would go into my office, shut the door and get on my hands and face and worship the Lord.  And then I told the Lord I said, “Lord I’m going to lose my job I can’t do my work.”  And the next day Jim showed up and said, “Hey how you doing brother.”  And I said, “Well, I’m doing fine but I told him what was happening and he said, “That’s why I’m here in Anaheim again and the Lord told me that you need to get baptized.”  And I said, “I need to get baptized?” and He said, “Yeah.”  And I said, “It’s October, where am I going to get baptized the oceans ice cold!”  He said, “Well, my mom has a heated swimming pool at her apartment at Garden Grove, California and we can go over there.”  So drove over there at 2:00 in the afternoon and I took off all of my clothes except my underwear and a baby Christian baptized me in his mother’s swimming pool.  I can’t begin to imagine anybody that was looking out their curtains or drapes that day or venetian blinds; when I came out of the water I was able to handle the power and the presence of the Lord that was on me at that particular time.

Sid:  But then all of a sudden miracles broke out; I want you back tomorrow because not only were miracles breaking out on people he prays for, they are going to happen to you.

Written by admin

November 29th, 2012 at 10:09 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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Our Guest Steven Zarit

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Sid:  My guest by way of telephone is another Jewish man that is red hot for Jesus. The more I hear about him the more I see myself and the more I see myself and the more that you hear about Steven Zarit the more you’re going to understand Jewish people.  Because we are at the set time to favor Zion; we are at the moment where spiritual scales are coming being removed from the eyes of Jewish people.  Why?  So that God can once more have mercy on Jewish people.  Why?  So that ancient Jewish anointing will merge with the New Covenant Christian Anointing to form the One New Man to reach the rest of the Gentiles.  It’s so wonderful God’s master plan and this is the moment in History in which Jewish people are more open to the gospel than ever before.  And that’s why you must listen to how God dealt with Steven Zarit.  Steven you were born and raised in Los Angeles; you come from a reformed Jewish background.  I have to tell you though Steven my father said, “Reformed wasn’t even Jewish, we came from an Orthodox Jewish background.  And then when I became a believer in Jesus he said, “Reformed looks pretty good, why don’t you consider being reformed.”  Ha-ha.

Steven:  [Laughing]

Sid:  But any way you like myself you gravitated to the supernatural not knowing the difference between God and the devil and you were into the metaphysical and reading books.  I understand you were into Edgar Casey; I was into him too.

Steven:  I was very much into Edgar Casey and I even tried laying on a couch and leaving my body and seeing if I could go somewhere else the way that Edgar Casey did it.  I read the teaching of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda.  I had long hair, I was a hippy; had a long beard, I smoked a lot of marijuana; I even smoked marijuana and read these books by Edgar Casey. There was something in me there was a driving force in me that wanted to know that there had to be something more to life.

Sid:  What didn’t make sense to me is that you were into the New Age but at the same time you started watching people like Ernest Ansley on television. What did you see and what did you think when you saw these various Christians that were praying for the sick?

Steven:  Yes, I saw Ernest Ansley, I saw Leroy Jenkins, as a matter of fact I just went on the internet last night and Leroy Jenkins is still out there praying for the sick and the Lord’s using him to heal the sick.  It was like the devil put blinders on my eyes not to even consider Yeshua haMashiach; not to consider Jesus as my Savior; not to consider Jesus as the one that…

Sid:  Yeah but didn’t it bother you that these people were praying in the name of Jesus and getting healings and miracles?

Steven:    Yes, it bothered me, and then I started getting… I think the Lord felt that I needed an extra kick in the rump because he started bringing a baby Christian in my office.

Sid:  What were you doing for a living at that time?

Steven:  I was the Vice President of a big publishing, direct mail publishing house called the South Coast Shopper.  And that was 1965, and I had this salesman who was brand new in the Lord, a baby Christian. He came in my office and told me he was driving around Anaheim his territory and God literally spoke to him audibly in his mind and said, “I want you to go back to the Art Department and I want you to pray for Steven Zarit.”  And I told him I said, “Come on, the God who spoke the world into existence you mean the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Moses, the God of David, the God of Solomon.”  Because I had read parts of the Bible and I had gone to Hebrew school, but it never clicked, nothing ever clicked in my life. So he said, “Yes, that God.”  What? He wants you to pray for me?  And he said, “Yeah.”  So I said, “No, I don’t think so, I don’t think so, I know what you’re going to tell me Jim that you were an alcoholic six months you told me that.  You told me that you walked forward at a Christian non-denominational Christian Church called Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California and God delivered you of your addiction to alcohol.”  I said, “You know to be honest with you I happen to like smoking marijuana I don’t want to be delivered from smoking marijuana.?  And he said, “Well, just let me pray for you,” I said “No, that’s all right.” So about the third or forth time he came into my office I kicked him out of the office and I saw him leave and as he was leaving outside in the parking lot he was raising his hands in the air and he was talking.  He looked like he was talking to himself, I realize now that he was praying and he was probably praying “Oh God I got a Jewish man on the line here; Lord please bring this guy into the kingdom.”  I didn’t know what he was praying but he was praying something.  And I tooked at him and he was smiling and he was laughing, and even though I was making a lot of money I was miserable. I said, “You know God, if you really are there, if you really are God Jehovah, then I want what that guys got.  Well, about three or four days later he came into my office again and he said, “I was in Anaheim again and God is adamant He wants me to pray for you, I said, “Okay, I give up pray for me, what do you want me to do?”  He said, “I want you to take your chair and I want you to put it in the middle of your office, I had a very large office and I had a sofa in there and a loveseat.  And I put my chair in the middle of my office and he starts praying in tongues. Now I didn’t really know too much about tongues, but I had been watching TV a lot lately and watching these healers on TV and seeing them speaking in tongues.  Didn’t know at all what it meant but I thought it was a little bizarre but anyway I let him speak in tongues. Then he touched my left foot and as he touched my left foot this power that I could only describe as like a rocket jet taking off, and this heat this massive heat I started to perspire, and this massive heat went up my left leg and down my right leg into the trunk of my body and into my arms and my face.  And to be honest with you I was frightened because doing drugs over the counter drugs, and smoking marijuana I was always in control and I like to be a person that was in control.  And here he was just touching my foot and all of a sudden I’m not in control and all of a sudden it scared me, I started just perspiring all over the place. Then the next thing that happened within five or six seconds the heat dissipated and this joy that I can’t even put into the English language this joy just went right through my body and I started to laugh hysterically.  And the next thing I know I found myself on the floor face down and I was laughing so hard I was getting cramps in my cheeks.  I was saying, “Do you realize what you are saying?”  I was saying, “Thank you Jesus, I love You Jesus, thank You Jesus, I love You Jesus.”  And the next thing I know I see a visible hand in front of my face and it held up it’s thumb and it’s fore finger, and I heard an audible voice in my head and the voice said, “This is all the love that I’m giving you right now because if I were to give you any more you would surely die.”  And I was just, I was dumb founded, I was so happy and to be honest with you the first thing I thought was this is phenomenal and it doesn’t cost me anything, it’s free!!

Sid:  [Laughing]

Steven:  And the next thing I know I look up at Jim and I say “Jim, what’s happening to me?”  And I’m with the belly laughing and the sweating, and everything.”  And he said, “You just got baptized in the Holy Spirit.”  And I said, “I got baptized in the Holy what?”

Sid:   [Laughing]

Steven:  He said, “You just got baptized in the Holy Spirit.”  Do you have a Bible at home?  And I said, “Yes, I have a Bible at home.”  He said, “Then go ahead and read the Gospel of John and the Book of Acts.”  And I went home and I was like 2:00 in the afternoon, I had a lot of work to do but I was so in love with humanity.  I can’t even, I can’t put it into words, I loved everybody on the face of the earth; the Lord just gave me this incredible love for everyone.  And all I wanted to do was to tell everybody that Jesus was the Son of God and that He died for my sins.

Sid:  Now, I want you to pay attention Mishpochah Steven has now just become normal. Are you normal, are you in a congregation of normal people?  I tell you what Steven is describing is exactly what the scriptures say happened at Shavuot or Pentecost.

Sid:  My guest by way of telephone is another Jewish man that is red hot for Jesus. The more I hear about him the more I see myself and the more I see myself and the more that you hear about Steven Zarit the more you’re going to understand Jewish people.  Because we are at the set time to favor Zion; we are at the moment where spiritual scales are coming being removed from the eyes of Jewish people.  Why?  So that God can once more have mercy on Jewish people.  Why?  So that ancient Jewish anointing will merge with the New Covenant Christian Anointing to form the One New Man to reach the rest of the Gentiles.  It’s so wonderful God’s master plan and this is the moment in History in which Jewish people are more open to the gospel than ever before.  And that’s why you must listen to how God dealt with Steven Zarit.  Steven you were born and raised in Los Angeles; you come from a reformed Jewish background.  I have to tell you though Steven my father said, “Reformed wasn’t even Jewish, we came from an Orthodox Jewish background.  And then when I became a believer in Jesus he said, “Reformed looks pretty good, why don’t you consider being reformed.”  Ha-ha.

Steven:  [Laughing]

Sid:  But any way you like myself you gravitated to the supernatural not knowing the difference between God and the devil and you were into the metaphysical and reading books.  I understand you were into Edgar Casey; I was into him too.

Steven:  I was very much into Edgar Casey and I even tried laying on a couch and leaving my body and seeing if I could go somewhere else the way that Edgar Casey did it.  I read the teaching of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda.  I had long hair, I was a hippy; had a long beard, I smoked a lot of marijuana; I even smoked marijuana and read these books by Edgar Casey. There was something in me there was a driving force in me that wanted to know that there had to be something more to life.

Sid:  What didn’t make sense to me is that you were into the New Age but at the same time you started watching people like Ernest Ansley on television. What did you see and what did you think when you saw these various Christians that were praying for the sick?

Steven:  Yes, I saw Ernest Ansley, I saw Leroy Jenkins, as a matter of fact I just went on the internet last night and Leroy Jenkins is still out there praying for the sick and the Lord’s using him to heal the sick.  It was like the devil put blinders on my eyes not to even consider Yeshua haMashiach; not to consider Jesus as my Savior; not to consider Jesus as the one that…

Sid:  Yeah but didn’t it bother you that these people were praying in the name of Jesus and getting healings and miracles?

Steven:    Yes, it bothered me, and then I started getting… I think the Lord felt that I needed an extra kick in the rump because he started bringing a baby Christian in my office.

Sid:  What were you doing for a living at that time?

Steven:  I was the Vice President of a big publishing, direct mail publishing house called the South Coast Shopper.  And that was 1965, and I had this salesman who was brand new in the Lord, a baby Christian. He came in my office and told me he was driving around Anaheim his territory and God literally spoke to him audibly in his mind and said, “I want you to go back to the Art Department and I want you to pray for Steven Zarit.”  And I told him I said, “Come on, the God who spoke the world into existence you mean the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Moses, the God of David, the God of Solomon.”  Because I had read parts of the Bible and I had gone to Hebrew school, but it never clicked, nothing ever clicked in my life. So he said, “Yes, that God.”  What? He wants you to pray for me?  And he said, “Yeah.”  So I said, “No, I don’t think so, I don’t think so, I know what you’re going to tell me Jim that you were an alcoholic six months you told me that.  You told me that you walked forward at a Christian non-denominational Christian Church called Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California and God delivered you of your addiction to alcohol.”  I said, “You know to be honest with you I happen to like smoking marijuana I don’t want to be delivered from smoking marijuana.?  And he said, “Well, just let me pray for you,” I said “No, that’s all right.” So about the third or forth time he came into my office I kicked him out of the office and I saw him leave and as he was leaving outside in the parking lot he was raising his hands in the air and he was talking.  He looked like he was talking to himself, I realize now that he was praying and he was probably praying “Oh God I got a Jewish man on the line here; Lord please bring this guy into the kingdom.”  I didn’t know what he was praying but he was praying something.  And I tooked at him and he was smiling and he was laughing, and even though I was making a lot of money I was miserable. I said, “You know God, if you really are there, if you really are God Jehovah, then I want what that guys got.  Well, about three or four days later he came into my office again and he said, “I was in Anaheim again and God is adamant He wants me to pray for you, I said, “Okay, I give up pray for me, what do you want me to do?”  He said, “I want you to take your chair and I want you to put it in the middle of your office, I had a very large office and I had a sofa in there and a loveseat.  And I put my chair in the middle of my office and he starts praying in tongues. Now I didn’t really know too much about tongues, but I had been watching TV a lot lately and watching these healers on TV and seeing them speaking in tongues.  Didn’t know at all what it meant but I thought it was a little bizarre but anyway I let him speak in tongues. Then he touched my left foot and as he touched my left foot this power that I could only describe as like a rocket jet taking off, and this heat this massive heat I started to perspire, and this massive heat went up my left leg and down my right leg into the trunk of my body and into my arms and my face.  And to be honest with you I was frightened because doing drugs over the counter drugs, and smoking marijuana I was always in control and I like to be a person that was in control.  And here he was just touching my foot and all of a sudden I’m not in control and all of a sudden it scared me, I started just perspiring all over the place. Then the next thing that happened within five or six seconds the heat dissipated and this joy that I can’t even put into the English language this joy just went right through my body and I started to laugh hysterically.  And the next thing I know I found myself on the floor face down and I was laughing so hard I was getting cramps in my cheeks.  I was saying, “Do you realize what you are saying?”  I was saying, “Thank you Jesus, I love You Jesus, thank You Jesus, I love You Jesus.”  And the next thing I know I see a visible hand in front of my face and it held up it’s thumb and it’s fore finger, and I heard an audible voice in my head and the voice said, “This is all the love that I’m giving you right now because if I were to give you any more you would surely die.”  And I was just, I was dumb founded, I was so happy and to be honest with you the first thing I thought was this is phenomenal and it doesn’t cost me anything, it’s free!!

Sid:  [Laughing]

Steven:  And the next thing I know I look up at Jim and I say “Jim, what’s happening to me?”  And I’m with the belly laughing and the sweating, and everything.”  And he said, “You just got baptized in the Holy Spirit.”  And I said, “I got baptized in the Holy what?”

Sid:   [Laughing]

Steven:  He said, “You just got baptized in the Holy Spirit.”  Do you have a Bible at home?  And I said, “Yes, I have a Bible at home.”  He said, “Then go ahead and read the Gospel of John and the Book of Acts.”  And I went home and I was like 2:00 in the afternoon, I had a lot of work to do but I was so in love with humanity.  I can’t even, I can’t put it into words, I loved everybody on the face of the earth; the Lord just gave me this incredible love for everyone.  And all I wanted to do was to tell everybody that Jesus was the Son of God and that He died for my sins.

Sid:  Now, I want you to pay attention Mishpochah Steven has now just become normal. Are you normal, are you in a congregation of normal people?  I tell you what Steven is describing is exactly what the scriptures say happened at Shavuot or Pentecost.

Written by admin

November 19th, 2012 at 6:52 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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Our Guest Walid Shoebat

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Sid:  My guest Walid Shoebat is, I am overwhelmed of the revelation that he has yet it’s so simple that it all comes from the Bible, it will totally change your paradigm for end-times, you will not get a book in a Christian or secular book store that has this paradigm in it.  It took someone raised and born in the Middle East that understands things from an eastern mind set to understand the scriptures of the last days.  Now Walid on yesterday’s broadcast you talked about the group of Arab nations that the anti-Christ is going to rule from and you said, “The major nations of the world will come against them,”  who will be the major nations that will come against this collision?

Walid:  Well, just what the Bible says, in Micah 5 God says that He will raise seven shepherds, and eight principl men.

Sid:  You know I’ve always read that and I’ve always wondered “What does that mean?” Seven shepherds, what does it mean, eight principal men?

Walid:  Seven world leaders that will have good principals, just what it says.  And how often have you examined the interpretation of those seven shepherds.

Sid:  Well, the only one I see that are doing real good is the Prime Minister of Canada, but who are they.  Who are going to be these seven, not their names, but what countries are they going to represent?

Walid:  Well, what the Bible tells us.  In face most westerns never focus on how the anti-Christ is destroyed, the destruction of the anti-Christ is very clearly described in Ezekiel chapter 28 he is called the prince of Tyre.  And by the way, Tyre isn’t in Europe, it’s in Lebanon, he rules Lebanon, he’s called the fellow of Egypt.  He rules Egypt, he enters Egypt in Daniel chapter 11, and he’s destroyed in his Ezekiel 28 by these powerful nations, no one can escape verses 7 and 8 after reading them within context.  It says “Behold therefore I will bring strangers against you the most terrible, the mightiest of the nations, military powerful nations.”  Daniel 11 tells that the anti-Christ what?  Declares war on the most powerful nations, he declares war on the strongest military might.  So it tells us the basically the conclusion, in Ezekiel 28 He raises this nation, God does and in verse 8 “They shall throw you down into the pit.”  If we examine after the anti-Christ is thrown into the pit it tells us what other nations goes with him, in the pit and every one of them is Islamic.

Sid:    But, who are the ones that are going to come against the Islamic nations?

Walid:  Well, the most powerful nations, today they are the United States of America, Europe, ships of Chittim, ships of Chittim are the western coast of the Mediterranean; Italy, Spain, the United States, they’re very powerful countries and they come against him.  We can’t identify them each by name, but we can take a look at the most powerful country in the world.

Sid:  But then, so we know the seven shepherds are, who are the eight principal men?

Walid:  Well, we don’t know the names, you don’t know who they are; they could be the eight principal men, seven of them are also shepherds, but there is an eighth one that remains mysterious.  We do not know everything in the Bible, but what we do know is that they will destroy the Assyrian in Micah 5.  Micah 5 is not just about the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem, but it’s the conquest of the Messiah leading these seven shepherds and these nations into battle against the anti-Christ.  And Ezekiel 30 that’s the day of the Lord, the day of the Lord is the day when the Messiah fights these nations.  Who does he fight?  In verse 5 of chapter 30 Sudan, Somalia, which is Cush, Libya hello, the Arab Spring Libya, Tunisia, all those regions.  Lydia is Turkey; in fact the Messiah in Zechariah 9 He comes from Jerusalem going north, He doesn’t west to Europe, He goes north to who?  To Greece, that is Ayonia we have to look at the Greek, Ayonia is Turkey.  That is it, it’s the battle between the Turk’s and the Israeli’s in which the Messiah in the end will be triumphant and we all will be with Him fighting the battle over Jerusalem.

Sid:  What about Gog and Magog and where does Russia come in and the Armageddon, explain a little of that.

Walid:  Well, Russia is nowhere in the Bible; Gog is the…

Sid:  What I’ve always heard Gog and Magog were Russia!

Walid:  Well, Gog is the chief prince of, Meshech and Tubal.  Meshech and Tubal, is not Moscow and Tubal.  Meshed and Tubal is Mushki and Tubalani which are in Turkey so if you look at every Bible…

Sid:  Everything is pointing to Turkey!  It’s amazing and we don’t even hear that much about Turkey, it’s always Russia.

Walid:  Absolutely.

Sid:  And Iran, but Turkey is really going to be a major end-time player.

Walid:  Look at the Arab’s Spring, what is Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, what are they saying?  They’re saying “We want the Turkish model of Islam.”  Turkey will bring peace to the world, Turkey is being ushered now a days even by the United States of America as the peace maker in the world, the Anti-Christ brings peace supposedly and he makes a peace covenant.  Those that want to make Covenant with Israel. The Bible maps don’t lie; the Bible maps are correct, every single Bible map whether McKinnon Bible atlas, the Moody Bible atlas, the Encyclopedia of Bible Lands the location of Meshech and Tubal, Magog are all in Asia Minor and Southern Russia, not Russia proper. What split from Russia?  The Islamic nations, the CIS nations, the Commonwealth of Independant States of what Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and also Turkey will unite with them with the Middle East with Persia as well in a war effort against Israel.

Sid:  Well, why is the battle of Gog and Magog also called Armageddon?

Walid:  Well, look at the text in Ezekiel 38, the first mistake westerners do is the attribute Ezekiel 38 as a battle before the battle of Armageddon.  However, people cannot escape verse 18 “My fury will show in my face?”  Who is speaking hear?  God, God whose God’s face?  If His feet stands in the Mount of Olives, that’s the Messiah, His face is the Messiah there too, Ezekiel 38 happens when the Messiah comes to fight the anti-Christ.  Gog is the anti-Christ.  In fact in Revelation after the thousand years are over, what happens?  Satan is released God and Magog; so Gog is Lucifer in the book of Revelation; if he is Lucifer in the book of Revelation he must be Lucifer everywhere else in the Bible including Isaiah 19 and 14 and including Ezekiel 28.

Sid:  In the next two minutes give me a quick scenario of what’s going to happen between today and the return of the Messiah in the order you see it in the Bible.

Walid:  Awe, that’s a very good question; the first thing that’s going to happen is the false peace, that Islam is a peaceful religion; that the Turkish model of Islam the peaceful version of Islam is what’s going to basically take over the Middle East so this basically will make the west not worry about Islam.  This will usher in the anti-Christ, the Mufti of Islam who will make a Covenant with Israel for seven years.  When Christians see this begin to count, so we’re going to see the Arab Spring turn into the Turkish model of Islam in which will pull the roost over the eyes of the west until the west wakes up in the end.  So in the meanwhile we will see this false peace in the Muslim world; then they will be a war in Israel in which the nations of Ezekiel 30, 31, 32; read them on how they basically have a war with Israel and how they will all fall into the pit with the Anti-Christ.  For anyone who doubts just look up the term, the pit in the Bible; do a search on the pit and you will see that every single nation that goes into the pit are all Islamic, every single one of them.

Sid:  And just out of curiosity, how quickly could this scenario take place in your opinion?

Walid:  Look how quickly the scenario has taken place already.

Sid:  Look how quickly the whole world has changed before our very eyes you can see the world changing, it’s amazing.

Walid:  Correct, the idea of Islam is what?  Is the destruction of nationalism; why?  Because Babel wanted what?  One world government, one world order.  We will never have a world government, it’s impossible, why?  Because just as the rainbow was the promise that God will never flood the earth, God promised that the world will never be ruled by Lucifer.  This is why in Babel, “Let Us go down and confused their tongue.”  The Muslim world wants one language, Arabic, one religion, Islam, one law, Sharia and they want to destroy Israel.  This Babylonian effort will fail in the end when the Messiah comes, God will come down; this is why we see the Messiah all over in Ezekiel 38, in Ezekiel 28, all over the Bible fighting who?  Muslim nation.

Sid:    Just out of curiosity, you were born in Bethlehem of Judea an Arab, why don’t you call yourself a Palestinian?

Walid:  Well, you see the judgment of the nations which is Islamic nations that want to divide the land of Israel and create a Palestinian State.  When I read the Bible I saw how the Messiah Himself judges the nations.  Why?  It’s in Joel Chapter 3; “For they have scattered my people, they have also divided up my land.”  In Daniel Chapter 11; “Who divides the land for gain?”  It is the anti-Christ.  So if the anti-Christ wants to divide the land he wants a Palestinian state.  If I wanted a Palestinian state which side am I on?  The Messiah or the anti-Christ.

Sid:  So you’re saying that anyone on the side of a Palestinian state is on the anti-Christ side.

Walid:  Absolutely.

Sid:  Is America in bible prophesy?

Walid:  Well, when we look at the destruction of the anti-Christ, the anti-Christ is destroyed by what?  By the mightiest of the nation, the most powerful; what the Bible says the most terrible of the nations; terrible in what?  Terrible in battle, America has been the most strongest fortress, in fact the anti-Christ declares war on the strongest fortresses.

Sid:  Now wait a second now, we’re destroying our atomic bombs, we’re cutting down our military, I think that America is going in the opposite direction.

Walid:  But remember Brother Sid, God is in control, He’s in control in the destiny of Israel and the destiny of the United States of America, not President Obama.  God has intervened when America wanted to say “Well, no for Israel.”  And if you remember you know George Marshall, the state representative of the United States they didn’t want Israel, yet the President said, “He had a dream,” where did that dream come from?  God is in control.

Sid:  I’ll tell you what, “Were out of time, but you will have your entire paradigm in understanding illuminated like you’re never had it before…”

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November 14th, 2012 at 6:39 pm

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Our Guest Benny Perez

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Sid:  Red hot is kind of an understatement; it might be white hot for my guest Pastor Benny Perez.  He’s Senior Pastor of the church in South Las Vegas.  In the past four years has gone from 100 people to 2,500 people and the thing that’s so exciting is may the superstar system rest in peace because what Pastor Benny is doing is transferring to his people the same fire and passion that he has.  And you know in your book “Upside Down.”  By the way where did you get the title for your book pastor Benny Perez “Upside Down”?

Benny:  I actually got it right out of the scriptures where it says the men that have turned the world upside down have come here too in Acts chapter 17.

Sid:  And so of all the places in the world God put you in Las Vegas, Nevada to turn that area upside down.  On yesterday’s broadcast you were talking about you could have in your church a mega-millionaire businessman, and a prostitute, and a pimp.  And you were telling me about a woman in your church that is literally her name is it “Annie Lobert?”

Benny:  Yes sir.

Sid:   Tell me a little bit more about Annie, she excites me.

Benny:  Well, Annie was one of the top call girls again in Las Vegas here and she would basically was a high end prostitute to many famous people and some people we know unfortunately, but she had an encounter with Jesus Christ radically changed her life, and she is not red hot she is white hot for God Sid.

Sid:  She’s really on fire?

Benny:  Oh, she’s probably the most on fire woman that I have known in a long time.  White hot for souls, white hot to see people get saved and her relationship with Christ.  And she’s out on the streets, and ministering, and has a great internet ministry.  She’s ministering literally to hundreds and hundreds of people.  She had the number one blog on MySpace out of all the hundreds and thousands of blogs she had the number one blog.

Sid:  Now does she move in the same type of fire, you said greater, but does she pray for the sick?  Does she have people slain in the spirit when she prays for them?

Benny:  She has people, she has manifestations of power, she prays for people on the strip, on the street, she prays for people wherever, she has great influence.

Sid:  Well, I was talking about doing, this is my hearts desire to do one of my television shows “It’s supernatural right in Las Vegas” in the casino letting people watch.  Wouldn’t it be neat to have a tandem of her and you and do a television show?

Benny:  Well, I tell you what it would be incredible especially for most having people hear the testimonies and then letting the power of God begin to flow; who knows what God will do you know if He’s given that opportunity.

Sid:  I mean you were talking on yesterday’s show about just walking through the street and witnessing to people and demons start manifesting and reacting and casting them out.  I mean where are the cameras when we need them?  [Laughing]

Benny:  [Laughing], well you know it’s so funny because after I think about that you know the testimonies spread that God is moving. The great thing is Sid, you said in the beginning of the show is that the superstar days of Christianity; I don’t want to be a superstar, I want to be a servant.

Sid:  You want to be a carrier of the Superstar.

Benny:  Exactly He is the superstar and we are just carriers of the anointing to wherever we go whether it’s the golf course, the restaurant…

Sid:  You realize you’re going to drive the devil nuts if it’s not just superstars and it’s “Thee Superstar” in every believer the Hope of Glory?

Benny:  Well, then he can’t stop it.

Sid:  No!  [Laughing] you’re going to drive him…we have a Hebrew word, we say mischugah, you’re going to drive the devil mischugah; mischugah means crazy.  You’re going to drive the devil mischugah.

Benny:  Well, we should be doing that let’s drive him mischugah come on Sid let’s every person drive him mischugah by just allowing the Superstar to flow though all of us. And I tell you that’s my passion, that’s my heart, that’s what the book communicates.

Sid:  Okay, your book is “Upside Down” and so we were going to go to the back of the book first and you talk about a young man less than ninety years about a man by the name of Evan Roberts he was just twenty-six years of age of Wales.  Tell me about him.

Benny:  Well, Evans Robert was a young man who God really impacted.  He had a profound experience with God and with the permission of his college principal; Roberts left his studies and went home to the village of Lamford and began to preach his first sermon.  Now understand he didn’t really have any formal training and when he preached his first sermon Sid only seventeen people showed up to hear his first message.  And his first message, his first sermon was so simple it had four basic points.  The first point was confess any known sin to God and make right any wrong done to man.  The second thing he said was put away any doubtful habit, the third thing is obey the Holy Spirit promptly.  And lastly confess faith in Christ openly.  Now I don’t think that anybody could have imaged the response; in fact Dr. Jay Edwin Or said, “That within three months a 100,000 converts had been added to the churches of Wales.”  Five years later a book came out debunking the revival that was published and the main point by the scholarly author was that that of the 100,000 people added to the church only 80,000 remained.  If that’s the worse that they could say about Evan Roberts I don’t think 80,000 converts remained…

Sid:  Well you know the story of Billy Graham he was asked the question “What is your greatest regret?”  And he said, “That I made converts rather than disciples, those figures were reversed almost, it was more than 95% weren’t even in a church a year after they made a decision for Jesus.

Benny:  Exactly and Evans Roberts was exactly the opposite and then this was a man 90 to 100 years ago with a great Welsh revival, and it began with just a simple man who had an incredible experience.

Sid:   Alright you’re a simple man that had an incredible experience with God.  God has placed you in sin city Las Vegas; paint me a picture of what God is going to do through the on fire flame of fire people in your congregation.

Benny:  Well, I tell you what is happening and what’s going to continue to happen is that we believe that sin city is vital to what God wants to do in the world today.  In other words, we believe where sin abounds grace much more does abound. It is our desire, and we’re on a mission one person at a time to turn the city cup side down which would really make it right side up.  And I believe this that if God continues to pour out His Spirit and revival continues to flow, not just in my church but in many churches in this valley of the Las Vegas Valley. That if that happens that could be a great catalyst for people around the world to say “If God could do that in Las Vegas then certainly He can do it in my city.”  So our passion is for our valley to see it flooded with the power of God and that now would be a catalyst to excite everybody else around the world to believe God for their city, their region and their area that God could do the same thing.

Sid:  Let me ask you a question.  When you see words of knowledge and deliverance the most is it in your church or is it out in the streets?

Benny:  Well, I would actually say that it’s probably a variety of both Sid.  I would see every church service I mean we’re open to it and there’s a definite atmosphere of the words of knowledge.  And the way the word of knowledge works with me is I will get something once, I’ll get it twice and when I get it the third time then I’ll speak that out.

Sid:  Oh, I’m far more impulsive, the second I hear it I blurt it out.  [Laughing]

Benny:  [Laughing] and you probably step out in faith more than me; I still need a little bit more assurance, okay God, okay and it comes to me literally in milliseconds, boom, boom, boom.  So I’ll be able to say something, somebody will come and wait at a table at me and I’ll just look at him or her and the Holy Spirit will say “Hey ask them this?”  And I hear it so quick then I ask them, they say “Why are you asking?  And I’ll say “I know that this may sound strange to you but I just felt like God just spoke to me to give you this word.”  And sometimes it’s not a deep word, it’s just a little word for instance I looked at somebody and said, “You know I know you feel lonely, I know that you’re here in the city all by yourself, but God wants you to know something that He’s got His eyes on you.”  She begins to break and cry because she had just recently moved here, she’s all be herself, I didn’t know that and she was feeling like she wanted to go home and that little word in that restaurant as she was waiting on our table.

Sid:  Do you remember when it first started with you?

Benny:  It first started right after I had my encounter in 1986 Sid, the supernatural, the first person I prayed for fell to the ground in 1986.

Sid:  Now just out of curiosity did someone with a great anointing lay hands on you?

Benny:  Well, you know what I’m glad you brought that up because there was a man named Tim Story.  Tim Story was a man that I saw great power flowing through he’d wave his hands Sid and fifty people in a church would fallout under the power.  He’d call people out, give them words of knowledge, pray for them, signs and wonders would begin to happen.  And I just got so intrigued by that I began to hang around him because I believe Sid the anointing can’t be really taught as much as caught.

Sid:  I believe that also.

Benny:  And so the anointing got caught and he laid his hands on me and just prayed a double mantle on me and just you know start stepping out.  I just saw an increase of supernatural phenomena in my ministry throughout the years.  If you ask people about Benny Perez they will say “Yeah, he’s the supernatural guy we bring him into youth conferences and conferences and he stirs things up.”  At Christ for the nations they bring me in to stir things up, I was preaching there this past summer, power of God came and in fact Gordon Lindsay’s wife is still alive.

Sid:  Frieda and her daughter Shira I ministered at their congregation in Tel Aviv, Israel and through a word of knowledge she got a healing in her shoulder, this was just recently.

Benny:  Right, you know that great heritage of that family. Well I was ministering and Frieda Lindsay was on the platform and she said, “I haven’t seen power like this since the days of Branham.”

Sid:  Listen, I believe that the anointing which is caught is in your book, it’s just like you sitting down and mentoring someone. Is that really truly what you had in your heart of hearts when you wrote the book “Upside Down”?

Benny:  Absolutely Sid, our role is to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry, and if the anointing can be transferred by a cloth, certainly the anointing can be transferred by a book.

Written by admin

November 6th, 2012 at 10:01 am

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Our Guest Benny Perez

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Sid:  You know something?  It just dawned on me I’m interviewing Pastor Benny Perez who is in Las Vegas and what he’s describing to me is literally; you know it talks about being baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire.  Pastor Benny!  That’s what’s going on with you the fire of the Holy Spirit has hit you; hit your congregation. Why?  Because you’re in sin city and that’s I mean where else would God want His fire to be?

Benny:  Absolutely, Las Vegas and it’s interesting that you would say fire Sid because in my book I actually talk about one of the chapters if “Getting lit up.”  And I talk about the fire of God.  We know that actually in the scriptures God says that He’s a consuming fire, when you see God show up many times in the Bible He shows up in fire.  Exodus chapter 3 with Moses, the God that answers by fire on Mt. Carmel with Elijah He is God, and then even in the New Testament you see that in Acts chapter 2 He appeared as flames of burning fire of tongues on people.  And the fire of God Sid it calls you; it will clean you up; and it consumes you and the fire of God is literally the presence of God manifested in your life.

Sid:  And for someone to lay down their self life for the life of God you can’t do it without the fire of God.

Benny:  No you can’t I mean I’m the first one to say I need the fire of God Sid every day of my life.  And I don’t know about anyone else not just because I’m a minister, not because I’m just a pastor of a church, but because I’m a believer in Jesus Christ and my relationship with Him is so important I pray Holy Spirit do a work in me a fresh and a new today.  Because I need to be delivered not just from my sins, I say this to my church you know what here’s what Jesus loves to deliver us from; form ourselves.

Sid:  You know we’re making available your new book it’s title is “Upside Down” and it’s a guide book for people that hunger and thirst for more of God.  But and we were talking about older business people getting principals to live their life by that are just revolutionizing their life from your handbook.  But tell me about some young people in particular you were talking about a young man in your church and school by the name of Eric.

Benny:  Yeah, Eric Hadenna is actually a student a student; he’s a young man he’s twenty years old and he’s in our Bible College here.  We have a Las Vegas Leadership Institute that people could come and be enrolled full time in a Bible College and be involved in ministry.  Well one of the text books they read is my book. He read this book and he got so on fire for God because the principals are nothing more than just from the Bible that he decided “I’m going to start to do something unusual.”  And what he did he started actually a church on a high School campus so were not just having youth group on Wednesday nights; we’re having youth group church on campuses here in the Las Vegas Valley where he goes and he helps students organize it where they have church right after school and invite all their friends and preach.

Sid:  I thought church had to be with a building with a steeple.

Benny:  Well, I mean religious mindsets you know think that, but the Bible’s clear and we know this that we are the church that wherever we go we are the temple of God.  The temple, the Holy Spirit dwells within us; I tell people at times especially young people hey, if they said “No more prayer in school and no more God in school; God is still going to show up if there’s one Christian young person on that campus; guess what, God is all over that campus.  They can’t hold the church back because we’re not a building we are a movement of people filled with the power of God. That God is sending out into the world; not just Las Vegas, but everywhere around this world to shine His light wherever we go.

Sid:  And you know a lot of people are upset because we can’t list the Ten Commandments in government buildings and in schools anymore, but I’ve always thought putting the commandments on a piece of paper means nothing.  Living the commandments means everything.

Benny:  Well, absolutely Sid and I’m with you 100%. You know what I wish they wouldn’t do what they’re doing, but man last time I read God said that He would write the commandments on our hearts.  And if we’d live the life as Jesus said, He said, “Hey your light, your salt and light and salt makes a difference.” When we begin to live like Jesus wants us to live it doesn’t matter what’s written anywhere they see a changed life.

Sid:  So this guy Eric is not saying “Come to my church for a Wednesday night Bible study,” he saying, “Let’s meet right here at school!”

Benny:   And you know he’s gone and he’s approached the principals and he’s done, and you know we have to obey the laws of the land and the rules, but he’s done that and we are excited about the possibility that God has for us as we come into the new year.  And I just think that it’s getting ready to explode in another dimension.

Sid:  Oh, tell me one of the things that I excites me about you and me, and actually I do the same thing, and I like to see have other believers with me so that they can then do what I do, but the experiences that you have in restaurants they’re almost unbelievable.

Benny:  Well, and I was saying before that, my wife never believed by stories until she married me, and then she was caught up in the moment.  I could tell you one story; I walked into a restaurant and it was rather late and I just finished preaching it was about midnight and I walked into this restaurant that’s open 24 hours a day and I’m at the wait to be seated section and the waitress comes up and she looks at me and the first thing she asked me Sid is “How many in your group, smoking or nonsmoking?”  She said, “Will you pray for me?”  I don’t have a clergy collar on, I’m wearing jeans and just a nice shirt and I said, “What?”  She goes, “Will you pray for me?”

Sid:  Well, how did she know that you even knew Jesus?

Benny:  Well, she didn’t, I didn’t say anything I just walked in; apparently she saw something or the Holy Spirit nudged her so I’m just thinking Sid I’m just going to lay my hand on her and pray a little prayer that learned in Bible College “Lord bless her, keep her and let face shine upon her and I’d just pray a little prayer.  She grabs my hand Sid and she says “No, I want you to pray for me.”  I said, “Lady you don’t really want me to pray for you.”  We’re in the middle of Denny’s in between smoking and nonsmoking section; well she’s so provoked me I said, “Okay, I laid my hands on her, I began to pray the unction of God came, the power of God came she screams like she’s being touched with fire and she falls to the ground in the restaurant.  The smoking section erupts as they’re so scared they keep on puffing on those cigarettes, people are looking, I said, “It’s okay, it’s okay she’s fine, she’s fine, I tell my wife get down there and begin to pray for her.  People start walking in, true story, I start giving menus, “How many to be seated?”  I start seating people, I said, “Don’t worry she’s fine,” you know and literally I’m seating people while the lady after about five minutes she starts coming out of the power of God that hit her, we sit her down and she’s “Woo, woo,” I mean she’s just gone Sid and I said, “Mam are you okay mam,” she starts crying Sid as she tells me “You don’t understand do you?”  I said, “What you don’t understand is right now I have two bottles of prescription pills in my car and tonight after my shift I was going to overdose and kill myself; but when you walked in a voice spoke to me and said, “Ask that man to pray for you and it took all my courage she told me to ask you to pray for me.”  And I stood there Sid and “I’m saying dear God we just saved a life from suicide because somebody was bold enough to ask; somebody was bold enough to pray and we didn’t care that we were in a restaurant and God saved a life that night.”

Sid:  And do you know what I’m thinking about Benny, I’m thinking about that young man that was backslidden, was walking on a beach to do a beach ministry just to see the girls in bikinis and the fire of God came on you, but I would imagine that there were many times you could have let that fire go out and you would have missed what you just described.

Benny:  Absolutely Sid and you know what I want to tell everybody that Benny Perez is a normal man that needs to stay in touch with the supernatural God.  And I know that it sounds trite, but prayer, daily prayer, daily devotions, daily sensitivity to the Spirit.  See there’s sometimes I just leave my office and I go into my sanctuary and I just worship, and I just worship Him.  I don’t ask Him for anything, I just worship because I need Him more today than I did twenty-one years ago.

Sid:  Benny, in your heart of hearts, why did you write the book “Upside Down”?

Benny:  Because I wanted to equip believers to do the things that God has done through me; that is the bottom line.  I was commissioned by the publisher to write a book that could literally be a handbook, a manual that people could read, grasp, and then allow God to use them in a supernatural way.

Sid:    I believe someone could take this book themselves and be used in a supernatural way, but I believe it would be a tremendous Bible study, has anyone used it as a Bible study?

Benny:  Absolutely youth groups have done it, small groups have done it, it’s broken in such a way that you could actually do each chapter as a Bible study.  At the end of each chapter Sid it actually has a Turning Upside Down questions.  There’s usually four to five questions that you can use in a small group setting that really cement the principals in people’s lives.

Sid:  You must have quite a phenomenal church; you have young people, you have older people but according to my notes you have some former hookers.

Benny:  Yes we do Sid in fact we have a former hooker was one of the top call girls, prostitutes in our city and she had a radical encounter with Jesus Christ. She is leading now outreaches, praying for prostitutes, strippers right on the street. Her name is Annie Lobert and she has a website, People go “Wait a second you should say ex-hookers”; when you go there you will read incredible testimonies of the power of God and now she’s being asked by Rolling Stone magazine, MTV to share her testimony.  When she gets on Sid she says “Jesus Christ and His power has transformed my life and He can do it for somebody else.”  And I’m telling you we’re seeing incredible things through her ministry and we’re partnering with her as we’re literally seeing pimps, prostitutes get radically saved, and touched by the power of God.

Sid:  What is the feedback you get from people that are going through your book.  Take that that businessman you were telling me about earlier; did you tell me that he’s reading the manual for the second time with 40,000 business people under him?

Benny:  He actually has read it a second time and he’s bought 50 some books to distribute to his higher management team because they say “Where are you learning this?”  Because he said, “Why, this book,” and “Where can we get this book?”  And he said “You know what I’m going to do, I’m going to buy them and give them to you.”

Written by admin

November 1st, 2012 at 10:54 am

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