It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Archive for April, 2014

Our Guest Leif Hetland

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Sid: I’ve been interviewing Leif Hetland for the last week and a half now on a revelation that he has been entrusted with to bring to the Body of Messiah. He calls it “Father Loves You.”  And you say that God has shown you Leif that one of the big problems in America is an orphan Spirit, what do you mean by an “orphan spirit?”

Leif:   Well, first of all an orphan; the sadness of orphans is like in Africa and close to 25 million because of the AIDS crisis but an “orphan spirit” it started with Lucifer that wanted to be like the most high.  He comes into the garden he didn’t like son-ship that Adam and Eve was experiencing.  And I’m not talking about gender; and I’m not talking about gender when I’m talking about son-ship because just listen all of you ladies that we guys are going to be called Bride of Christ for eternity.  So I’m not talking about a gender issue but more of a position; the spirit of Son-ship was there but the orphans don’t like that.  They don’t like the blessings, the benefits, but see what Adam and Eve had before the fall came in; and orphans will try and disrupt this.  And then you can go and try to study all through the scriptures and you will find a people whose son are you; whose son are you?  That is over and over again and that reflected who you are.  In the life of Jesus He proved true Son-ship; in the natural for 30 years and in the supernatural for 3 years.  But the “Orphan spirit” that I believe that all of us are born with we have it even after salvation where it is either often demonstrated; I’m not saying always in either rebellion or in religion.  And we can see that over 90% of the believers; it is either give me, give me a value system based upon on what God is going to do for me. Orphans they are looking for a place of security; they’re looking for a place of love; they’re looking for a place of purpose and destiny.  They may do it through church; good things but they don’t have it in Father God.  So they don’t bring it to church so they want somebody else to do it for them.  So when I’m dealing with the orphan spirit there is so much to be able to be said about it.  The orphan spirit is a way of thinking; it is a world view; it is a way you look in the mirror and you always have to work and strive and stretch for things to compete with other people the way that you are viewing God instead of looking to Him as a loving Father you see Him as more authoritative somebody.  I praise God for Jesus that He stood in the gap between me and this Father; “Who wants to climb up on to Daddy’s lap?”  So the orphans the way they look at God; the way they view pastoral authority?  And the best way is when you squeeze an orphan you see what is in them that’s going to come out.  And it is this is the insecurity and the insecure people makes people feel insecure; often motivated out of fear; intimidation.  And I see it to be honest with you more often in pastors than with anyone else; I mean when they’re getting together. What is it?  It’s kind of a competing; how many did you get baptized, how many got saved or numbers or money or statistics or I hope that he is going to pray for me.

Sid:   Let me ask you a question because I believe this fits into what you’re saying.  Why is it so many pastors effectually of larger churches feel that they must exercise tremendous control over the congregation or everything will fall apart?

Leif: It’s definitely I think that it’s totally motivated out of fear and again it’s “Perfect love casts out all fear.”  So what we have learned is that… I told somebody some years ago when I lived in Columbus, Georgia that “I can build a church in Northern Columbus of 5000 in five years and I could do it without the Holy Spirit.

Sid: That reminds me of Jim Baker; he was in prison near where I live and I used to visit him when he was in prison.  And he said the same thing to me about a television ministry; it’s scary.

Leif: It is it’s scary.  So what I’m saying here is with pastors and I know many of them that had these mega churches. And so here you have to set up a system; you have to set up a control because fear is the motivating factor that is built around it.  So the singing and everything around it has to be in order; has to be in control and when I need to be in control of every different thing.  The first that I know in a person’s life is fear and motivated by fear instead of understanding that Jesus said “I will build My church and when I will build My church the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.”  He wants to build His church, but we are a little bit afraid of that because if He takes over that He does what only He can do and He’s left with the honor and the glory. Suddenly this fear that we will not be needed; that’s one thing.  And there’s another fear that He will mess up our systems that we built because it will look very different than what we see in the Bible.  And there’s many other motivation in regard to fear, so I think and I know a lot of pastors in mega churches and I speak in a lot of them  That I even sat with one the other day with fear because here your thinking about here’s people and the people pleaser.  Certain people gives a lot of money; so you have to think about the building program; so you have to make sure that certain people are coming back again.  And then you have the list of all the different things that needs to be right in the service and everything else.  And of course if you’re motivated out of fear “Without faith it’s impossible to please God.”  You’re no longer a God pleaser you become a man pleaser.  And the best way for you to become free from that is a “Baptism of Love.”

Sid: Leif in your series you talk about different types of fathers we might have had and the affect it has on us even today; even many years after our fathers perhaps have died.  Tell me the different types of fathers people might have had.

Leif:  Well, one example you might have a performance type of Father.  I see this a lot in the Asian culture but also in America.  Where a father himself they may have come through 2nd World War; went through tough time.  They want to make sure that their kids are going to be successful; they’re not going to go through the pain and hurt that we went through.  So we have a whole generation of the boomers and the busters that came in this time where the value system that the father did was if you got a B the next time son you are going to get an A.  And you better hit that ball right Son and if not you got the look; all during the life time it was based upon what you’re doing.  Look, oh you hit the ball and I’m proud of you now but you missed the ball and that look is also the same way now when they are looking at the Heavenly Father.  If I just do all of the right things the Father will be pleasing; but if not they can almost feel like the Father is giving them the look.  And we have all received the look and we know the look like I am not pleased with you right now you did not live up to my standard; I’m not proud of you.  And it is based upon performance and that’s one, a performance oriented father.  Then if you have an abusive father you are afraid if you had an abusive father.  That does not mean that he sexually abused you; it could be that is one of the worse kind of abuse for a child and we’re dealing with that all the time in our healing meeting when I do this conferences.  But it could be verbal abuse; it will be you are not going to be anything.  Or it can be an abusive control matter and the result of that is also the father.  They are afraid of intimacy with Father; who wants to be close to God.  So all of these different types of Father images if it is authoritative; if it was abusive.  And that’s the daddy and that’s the danger and I started getting tears in my eyes here.  But I went to my Son a week and a half ago and I said, “Do you know what saddens my heart is that daddy is gone so often when you need me; but what speaks to my heart is you have started to feel that God is distant that He is not there when you need Him and you have started to feel that with the wrong thing.  I want to repent and I want to say please forgive me Son; I do want to spend more time but when daddy traveled 184 days God said to me.  Your Son feels like I am absentee that I am not going to be there when he needs me; I don’t have the time.”  And the result of that is you and I realize that with my own son and even now that he has pulled back because he don’t want to be hurt because he has the expectation that God is going to show up and it doesn’t happen.  Or that daddy was going to come and no the airplane was late or it was a snow or a layover and he didn’t come on the Birthday party.  When you have that then suddenly these things are inserted towards God.  So it affects the way that we view God as a Father and a loving Father.  And of course He doesn’t look like any earthly father does; He’s the perfect Father.  So I am loved by my Father; I am pleasing in my Father’s eyes; I have a purpose in my Father and He is not ashamed of me. He has totally forgiven me and I am accepted by Him and I am secure in My Father; and He never judges me.  And that is a New Testament picture of the Father that Jesus served and He is the perfect reflection.  If you want to see how God looks like look at Jesus and He said, “If you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father.” And that was the whole purpose it was Son-ship; not an apostle, prophet; miracle worker but demonstrate son-ship.  And all the other ships can follow in your life if that is your focus.

Sid: How did we get so far removed from what Jesus said were the two important commandments?

Leif:   Well, I do believe with all of my heart first of all if I were the devil one of the things that I would do is try to distract us away from that is what is going to change the world.  So I think that that is going to change the world; so I think that there is a hold…

Sid: Do you think you could have been with a team that has reached a ½ a million Muslims if you did not have your own intimacy with the Father and didn’t have this type of pure love with Father God?

Leif:  Well I can also say yes and I see other people doing also great things; I can give you one example also.  One of my heroes is Derrick Prince that we all know.  Derrick Prince had one of the greatest ministries in the world and probably one of the greatest delivery ministries of all the world.  But if you read a newsletter 1998 he wrote about the Fatherhood of God; the spoke about it and he preached about it and he taught about it and he was one of the greatest people to help people become free.  But he said in 1988 you can read about it in his newsletter and it changed his life forever.  And it was the first day in his life since India how a cloud was lifted off over his head.  Or the greatest love by Thurman, the famous book that’s sold in millions.  But ask his wife after he died he was not a lover at home; it is totally possible to have the giftings to have the anointing and to do all these things and still not be a lover.  And that’s the dangerous part; most of the things that I had accomplished I did it before I was a lover, but I didn’t do with rest.  And I do believe Psalm 2:8 now is one of the verses over my life; “Ask of Me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance and the outermost part of the world your possession.”  It is a gift to be achieved and not to be achieved and sons inherit the Kingdom of God.

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April 29th, 2014 at 11:51 am

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Our Guest Sandy Teplinsky

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SID: So in the last segment we were talking about Genesis 12:3, “I God will bless those who bless the Jewish people.” I mean, I’m kind of a black and white truth-type person. This is God speaking. I, God, will bless those who bless the Jewish people. “I, God, will curse those who curse the Jewish people.” Sandy, tell me some historical examples of this.

SANDY: Well first we have Bible history that I won’t go into. But immediately after God puts this blessing and cursing associated with Abraham on to the patriarch, we see that he encounters Abimelech, King Abimelech, who first mistreats him in his wife — so he and his household suffer the consequences — and then blesses him in his wife. But then going, fast forward, going into post-biblical history, we see how the Roman Empire thrived until it enacted virulently anti-Jewish laws, persecuted the Jewish people, and the Roman Empire crumbled. We can look at the Crusades, the Crusades that were initiated by England and France, dispatching troops into the Promised Land to liberate Jerusalem. But unfortunately liberate meant liquidate and so multitudes of innocent Jews, as well as Muslims, were slaughtered in the Crusades. Shortly thereafter, England and France turned their weapons against each other in the 100-years war, and much of their population was decimated by the bubonic plague. We can go on to the Spanish Inquisition and we can see how Spain was experiencing a golden age in which it was a global economic power. Once it began its inquisitions, which meant either forced conversions of Jews to Christianity, which in nearly every case meant a fake conversion or expulsion from the country, the Spanish Empire crumbled. And then we can look at the British Empire, which it had been said that the sun never sets on the British Empire. Great Britain played a critical role in the formation of the State of Israel and sadly, although Great Britain did bring blessing to Israel, there were instances of some real deeds that were far less than blessing, and so we see that the British Empire is no more. And we can even look at the former Soviet Union, which notoriously persecuted the Jewish people and eventually crumbled.

SID: Palestinian, we hear this word. Where did it come from?

SANDY: The word “palestinian” actually came from the Romans. When they conquered Jerusalem, the renamed the region Palestine in mocking remembrance of Israel’s ancient and, by then, long extinct enemy, the Philistines.

SID: So I wonder if they realize they’re named after the Philistines and that was a derogatory thing that was done. But what I understand is when they got the name “Palestine,” that was the name for Jews and Arabs, not just for the Arabs.

SANDY: Right. That whole region was called Palestine until it was, until shortly after World War I, when it was the nations and through international treaties, divided up into different Arab states and a Jewish state that was to include all of what was then known as Palestine.

SID: Okay. What is the history of these Palestinian people? What are their rights to that Land of Israel?

SANDY: The majority of Palestinians were Bedouin, who simply wandered all over the Middle East in search of subsistence. They were tribal people. They did not stay long in one particular locale. The Middle East was known as the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years. Up until World War I, it was the Ottoman Empire and the Arabic peoples kind of wandered all over the place. Yes, some did stake out certain areas, but most of them did not. The people that are known as Palestinians today, approximately a third of them have some type of indigenous trace, not ancestral, okay, but indigenous in the sense that their parents or grandparents lived in that general area for at least a couple of generations. But most of them, about two-thirds of them, came from surrounding regions in the larger Middle East, the Ottoman Empire, the former Ottoman Empire, came from surrounding regions to what is now known as the State of Israel — only after the Zionist pioneers arrived and started to reclaim the land and build it up. What we know as the State of Israel today was mostly desert and swamp land up until then.

SID: I remember a description by Mark Twain. When he saw he said, “Who in the world would want this land?” But it’s as if when the Jewish people returned to the Land of Israel the desert blossomed as a rose, and so then they wanted it. Well let’s fast forward a little bit. You maintain that the media is, what was the word that you used, it was not Hollywood, it was…

SANDY: Pallywood.

SID: Pallywood, explain that.

SANDY: Pallywood is a term that’s been coined to reflect that much of what we see in the — not only mainstream media, but even social media, even that’s a mainstream media these days — that depicts scenes of conflict between Palestinians and Israelis are fake scenes. Sad to say, but there’s been pretty extensive documentation, it’s not hard to find.

SID: Tell me one example.

SANDY: Okay. Well an interesting example took place during Israel’s last war with Gaza, the end of 2012, when the Palestinians scripted fake scenes of assault and injury, one of which included a scene of a seemingly innocent Gazan who appeared to be severely injured in a, near an attack scene with his comrades helping him and trying to summon aid. And the whole scene is really heart-rendering. Anybody with any sense of compassion or justice would be moved by it except for the end of it, during which the injured victim stands up, brushes himself off and walks away with his comrades.

SID: Well is it true that the terrorists have hospitals and schools filled with sick people and children, and they put the rockets that they’re flying into Israel there, so when Israel tries to get rid of the rockets, they kill innocent men and children.

SANDY: The militant Muslims, the Islamists intentionally maximize civilian damage in large part to gain sympathy for their cause against Israel. Among themselves, they will laud such victims as martyrs and honor them in Arabic, and then to the west, in English they will lament and wail about the so-called brutality of the Israelis.

SID: Has Israel really warned them before they attack?

SANDY: Absolutely. The Israeli army, unlike any other nation that I’m aware of in the world, before a planned assault, will drop leaflets, will radio a warning, will call cell phones. Every cell phone in the region will get a text saying, “We’re going to attack now.”

SID: My goodness. I’ll tell you, Esther has a tie to the End Time Church. And Mordecai said to Esther, “Esther Church, if you don’t stand up for the Jewish people in Israel at this time, God will raise deliverance from another source.” But Esther, who knows if you’ve not been called to the Kingdom for such a time as this.


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April 22nd, 2014 at 5:41 pm

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Our Guest Julie True

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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Julie True. And Julie, I have to tell you, your music, it literally, I believe it’s changing DNA in people, in their spirit, in their body. Especially, more and more people are talking about a concept called soaking. But most people have never even heard about soaking as far as what it really means. They’ve heard the term, but they don’t know what it means. What does soaking mean to you?

JULIE: Well it’s a time of rest. It’s a time to quiet your mind, be awakened in your spirit and it’s a time to be still and know that He is God. You know, in our soaking times, anyway, it’s not like we have the only definition necessarily of soaking. But in our soaking room it’s our time to pray. It’s not a time to worship out loud. It’s not a time to pray in tongues, be doing something. It’s a time to receive, to be still.

SID: You know, that’s a hard thing for us here in America to do, not do anything. Just be still before God. We were talking before we went on the air about Samuel and how he would literally soak. Explain that.

JULIE: Yeah. I think that was the same thing. It’s resting in the presence of the Lord. And when he heard God calling him, you know, he said, “What are you saying?” He said, “Here am I. I’m listening.” And I feel that is the same way with soaking. It’s like a time when you be still, you are still and you can hear God talking to you and you get lots of revelation.

SID: Now when people soak in your soaking center, what types of things happen to them?

JULIE: We hear many kinds of testimonies. But some of them are people being healed of insomnia, babies being able to sleep that have their schedules turned around, people with Alzheimer’s being greatly improved, emotional healing, healing from mental illness, physical types of healing. We had some amazing testimonies about people’s blood pressure that stabilized as they were listening to my music and with their vital signs being read, and things like that.

SID: You know what? I don’t want Julie to just tell you what happens to other people. I want it to happen to you. Julie, if you would go to our music set, and I want you to worship God and I want that same presence that Samuel was baking under in the temple to come upon you. Because I believe that as you soak, you prepare your heart to receive something special from God. And the third segment, get a pillow ready and you are going to, actually the whole third segment we’re going to have you soak before God and you will be changed. Julie True.

JULIE [music, singing]: All that is within me, all that is within me, all that is within me bless your holy name. La, la, la, la, la, la, la… All that is within me, all that is within me, all that is within me bless your holy name. Let the name of the Lord be lifted high, let the name of the Lord be lifted high. Jesus, Jesus. Let the name of the Lord be lifted high, let the name of the Lord be lifted high. Jesus, Jesus. Every part of my heart I gives you praise, with every part of my heart I give you praise. Every part of my heart I give you praise, with every part of my heart I give you praise…

Written by admin

April 14th, 2014 at 5:06 am

Sid Roth and Israel Team

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Sid: If I was not red hot before I’m sure red hot now. But I was red hot before because I just literally got back from Israel. We do the recording a month in advance, but literally I just got off of a plane from Israel. I was invited to speak at a New Age festival filled with the worst hedonistic examples of humanity that are so depraved, and just witches, and devil worshippers, and Satanists, and New Age Kabbalists, Orthodox rabbis that are into Kabbalah. They had it all focused on me; I was supposed to speak a couple of times praise God I did, and large numbers of Jewish people made professions of faith, and healings all over the place. I have to tell you I have an intercessor on the phone that’s been one of my main intercessors for… I don’t know Carol how many years do you know?

Carol: Oh at least 15 Sid.

Sid: Carol Howe and she’s literally travelled all over the world praying for the various meetings that I’ve had.  I asked Carol to get a team together to pray for what was going on. I’m not sure I’d be speaking to you right now if we didn’t have the prayer. Tell me not knowing what was going on, what you and the other intercessors sensed.

Carol: We were led to pray together in a conference call and we finally got together Saturday night Sid when you were up in the air flying home. We felt it was very important. We prayed our regular prayers which were wonderful, and then we sensed something we had never sensed before. What I was sensing was the Father’s extreme pleasure in what had happened as a Father to you, and also how long He had waited for someone to get out on the streets of Israel and to do what was done in the original outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It was so profound that we had to stop praying and we just sat in silence; it was like a 3rd heaven warfare or something where we didn’t even have to talk anymore; we were somewhere where God was expressing His pleasure that it was a success as far as He was concerned. We also felt that it was part, and if not the beginning of what everyone’s talking about is this new realm, and this new place, and this new… that we know what happens in Israel affects the entire church. This is like an arrow going into Israel that was actually going to open up for the entire church. We felt His pleasure… your obedience Sid and the whole team.

Sid: Well thank you, but I can express on behalf myself I am so appreciative that you and everyone listening that was an intercessor prayed because I don’t think I could have survived without that prayer.

Carol: We could pick that up.

Sid: [Laughing]

Carol: [Laughing] But praise the Lord there’ll be many more Sid.

Sid: Thank you Carol. Now I have another team member on the telephone Lance Wallnau. Lance you told me when I actually interviewed on the Messianic Vision a few months ago you told me about a vision that you had some 15 years ago. Would you tell us about it?

Lance: Yeah Sid as a matter of fact that was the catalyst that got me to go back on such short notice. Fifteen years ago I had visited Israel, I have some family living down there. I felt what Derek Prince described as that very strong headwind that is always blowing against you when he would be 6 months out of the year interceding in Jerusalem. I picked up on that. I felt as though the western influence was so strong in the culture, I don’t know what I had expected sentimental Christians go to Israel with all kinds of notions of what they’re going to run into. At that time I was praying in a pool I was just sitting in Arad, and I was just thinking “Lord what about Israel?”  I turned and saw children about 5 or 6 years old splashing in the water. As clear as anything the Lord immediately took me into a dimension of the Spirit and spoke to me and said “When these children become adults I am going to come and I am going to visit the land of Israel with a great move and a great shaking, and a great harvest of My Spirit.” Suddenly I knew that I was in Israel spying out land 15 or 16 years before that generation would mature. I hadn’t thought about that nor shared that publicly until you asked me the question “Did God tell me anything about Israel?” I had to honestly say something the last thing I heard that was definitive was 15 years ago, then you challenge me with the fact that that generation’s been growing up. [Laughing]

Sid: That’s the generation we saw with our eyes. Would you describe what your impressions were from that trip?

Lance: Yeah indeed that is the generation. It was mixed experience for me again because I realized that generation now has grown up… I guess the average age according to my wife the people she interviewed was maybe about 15 – 17 – 18 something like that, young teenagers. The hunger that is there for spiritual reality mingled with the fact that without any real demonstration such as what you were bringing into the country. Without any real demonstration of God manifesting Himself there’s a kind of resigned secular spirit that is like… we interviewed people for instance on the beach of Galilee and there was a feeling like we’re hungry for something but we don’t know if God is a supernatural God because what we’ve seen has just no really demonstrated that. So they’re looking at alternatives and looking here and looking there. A hungry generation and a generation living in stress and despair and really just trying to seek a way to exist and enjoy life. That was my impression but that comes out of the trenches of my own experiences.

Sid: You know what excited me to no end it was just like we were back in the book of Acts. You weren’t with me at the time but I told you about it. I was waiting because we had two car loads and I was in the last car load. I see a guy walking by and he’s kind of hobbling and he’s using his buddy as a crutch, he’s holding him on the shoulder. I said “What happened to you?” He said “I fell and it’s so sore that I cannot put any weight on my ankle.” I said “Can I pray for you?” I don’t know what he was thinking but he said “Sure.” So I got down on the ground and I put my hand on his ankle and I said one word “Yeshua” Hebrew for Jesus. He didn’t know what to do so I said “Put some weight on your ankle,” and I could see he was a little nervous about it, but he put some weight on his ankle and he could walk. He started screaming and just like Peter and John went in by the Gate Beautiful and they saw a man that was crippled and he started jumping and leaping and praising God. He said “I have a miracle, I have a miracle!” Shortly after that 2 girls walked up and I told them what had happened and they said “Well explain in detail.” I said “Well I’ll let him do it.” This guy that didn’t even know Jesus was saying “This guy prayed in the name of Yeshua and I had a miracle. Look I can walk!” He starts pointing at me and he says “That man he healed me.” I said “NO! I didn’t heal you God healed you!” and I’m pointing up to the heavens. He starts pointing up and he says “God healed me, God healed me!” The young man, the person that was his crutch that he didn’t need as a crutch anymore, and these 2 young girls all went with me into this tent where we were serving Chai. We sat down and they found out more about the God of miracles, the God of now. That’s why I have such a passion for the supernatural. I have such a passion for you to be equipped with the supernatural to reach the Jew to form the One New Man.

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April 11th, 2014 at 7:28 pm

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