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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Sid Roth welcomes Roberta Simpson

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SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Roberta Simpson. Roberta, I went out to the Brownsville Revival, as a matter of fact I am as hungry, maybe hungrier than you, I don’t  know what I am hungrier or not, but I went to all these places, I went to all the revivals, Steve Hill became a friend of mine. He was the primary speaker there at the Brownsville church in Pensacola, Florida, and you would literally run after, they were supposed to come to you, but you would, why would you run after that? Weren’t you too dignified for that?


ROBERTA: Oh listen; I’m not a very dignified person. My husband will always tell you that he is the quiet one of the family but not me. But you know I was there only for a few days time and I

couldn’t waste time because I was from Barbados, I traveled nine hours and three planes to get to Pensacola.


SID: Tell me about the time that you don’t even know exactly what happened, but people reported what they saw?


ROBERTA: Yes, I heard it. Well I, you know as you said I would run after, not run, but I have jumped over pews there to just get to where I wanted to get.


SID: You’re right; you are not very dignified, sorry, wrong image.


ROBERTA: I would wear the proper attire, and I would climb over the pews and I would go where I saw something happening and this particular time…


SID: I wish you all were as hungry for God as Roberta is. I pray that the presence of God just over takes you, that you will hunger and thirst after righteousness and God says, “You will be filled.” So you are hungering and thirsting and you are running over the pews and then what happened?


ROBERTA: Well, I had to go to the opposite side of the church from where I was sitting, and I pushed my way through the crowd and this guy laid his hand on me and I don’t know if it was Steve, or Mike Brown, or the pastor, I don’t remember that, but all I know is I heard this man say, “Look at that woman flying through the air.” And I just, I just flew through the air and I was down on the ground and I was there for a long time and I couldn’t get up, I had to crawl back to my seat. I mean if that is not a humbling experience…


SID: Why couldn’t you get up?


ROBERTA: The power of God, and the presence of God. I think that’s what I loved about that revival, I remember when we first went, Ward and Lydia, my son Ward went first, and then our whole family went, except one daughter who was really rebellious at that time, but she is fine now. But my oldest grandson who was only twelve at the time, he came running to the front after the service and he said “Nana, what is this, what am I feeling?” And you know it was the presence of God. He knew that there was something there that he had never experienced, a twelve year old. And that was what was so wonderful, the presence of God. Sometimes I would feel rain on my face.


SID: Rain?




SID: Like drops falling?


ROBERTA: No, a fine mist, like it is very hard to explain, like a mist of rain.


SID: I have felt the same, I know. And it was the presence of God and the power of God. God was there. You would walk into that service and God’s presence was there and that’s what I hunger for, the presence of God. I heard Heidi Baker say, “If you go to a meeting and the presence of God is not there you could as well go to a tavern or somewhere.” Because what is the point without God’s presence. And let me tell you something, God’s presence is on this set. And Roberta has been having dreams and vision, but there is one in particular Roberta about the Jewish people, tell me about that.


ROBERTA: Well that would have to be twenty-five or thirty years ago now, but it’s as real to me now as it was then. And I was traveling in Canada, I was very uncomfortable during the night and I fell asleep actually, and I had this dream. And in the dream I looked up and saw this blinding light from Heaven and I heard this voice saying to me, “Roberta, my perfect will is for you to minister to Jewish people.” And I said, “Oh God no.” And I looked up and I could see like a throne, I could not see the person on it but like an outline, it was bright, bright light, it was blinding. And you know I am sure God did it so that I would know exactly because at the bottom of this throne was The Throne of God; I saw the writing, The Throne of God. And three times He said that to me, and all three times I said, “No God.’ But then all of a sudden a fear came upon me and I thought, because He said my perfect will, and you know if we are not in His perfect will we don’t have the peace, I want to be in God’s perfect will every day. And every day I say Lord I want to walk in your will today, I just want to do the things you want me to do and be the person you want me to be. And so I kind of argued, but then I said, “Lord if that is what you want me to do I will do it, but You will have to show me how.” Because you know like…


SID: You know Roberta, going back to the early seventies when you saw Jesus and had to become a believer in the Messiah, and when I was rescued from the despair of the New Age, and I literally was going to die, and the presence of God came in my room and revealed Jesus to me, there was a move of God’s Spirit about that time among Jewish people, many of the leaders of the Messianic Jewish movement today came to the Lord at that time. But just as that door opened it slammed shut. And what I believe Roberta, the reason you are sharing that word from God now, after all of these years, is the rain is beginning to fall on Jewish people. I have friends that have Messianic Jewish congregations in Israel, and they tell me every week that Sabras, that is native-born Israeli’s are coming to the Lord, not just Jewish people, but Muslim’s both. I mean we are cousins, mishpochah. That both people groups, there is like a window of opportunity, I am going to put you on the spot since you told me you were spontaneous. I want you to look at the camera and talk to a Jewish person about why Jesus is the Messiah.


ROBERTA: Well apart from the scriptures, it is all there. It is written in your book that He is Messiah. And we were taught from young to expect Him to come, and He has come already. And I just want to tell you it is the most exciting thing because I have been on both sides. It is the most exciting thing to be a Messianic Jewish person, to believe that Yeshua, Jesus is the Messiah. To follow Him, He is the healer, He is the deliverer, whatever your need is today, you might be sick, you might be going through pain and confusion and emotional stress and He is the healer, He is the one, He is the person who He said He is. He is the Son of God. He is everything to me.


SID: And you can be like that butterfly that is stuck to the cross, but better than that you can be a person that the Messiah of Israel will say, “I will never leave you, I will never forsake you.” This earth is going to shake one more time; you don’t have to be a mental giant to realize that, but you will be kept in perfect peace if you will keep your eyes on the Messiah of Israel. The one that came, lived as a man, and according to Isaiah bore your sins and sicknesses on Himself. If He bore it on Himself why are you bearing it? Do you know the word sickness in the Greek means evil? He took that evil upon Himself. And by His stripes, His wounds where His blood came, and even the Talmud in the Book of Leviticus says, “Without the shedding of blood there is no   forgiveness for sin.” Either Jesus is our Messiah or we have no forgiveness of sin, that’s the deal.

And as far as I’m concerned if you like your life the way it is you are mesuga, I know. But if you want to know God, not religion, not religion, if you are Muslim stay Muslim, if you are Jewish stay Jewish, come to know God and be obedient to Him and He will give you the reason why you are living, the purpose of life, l’chayim.

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Written by admin

December 4th, 2009 at 3:45 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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