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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Beck Dvorak

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SID: Becky was telling me about a healing where a woman is almost ready to give up. She was crying really from her heart, from her mouth, “When God, when are you going to heal me?” Tell me about that.


BECKY: We were in a place called Copán, Guatemala, it’s over by the Caribbean side of Guatemala, and we were holding a healing conference or crusade outdoors, and all these people came from all over. We must have had like 2000 people or so out there. And I had taught them about the redemptive blood of Jesus and what he did for them so they could be healed. And they lead me down these steps, and right in front of me is a woman sitting in a wheelchair. I don’t remember how long she had been there, but it had been years. And she was married, and she was bitter, and she was angry at everybody, her husband, everybody, and she was just plain nasty in her response to everybody. But who she was really mad at was God because everybody told her this was from God. And so she thought that God was withholding her healing. She was in a wheelchair. She had some kind of accident and from the waist down she was paralyzed. And I got there, and I went to go lay my hand on her, and there’s mics and everything. And all of a sudden this woman screams out and she cries out, “When, God, when!” I mean, as loud as she could and it stopped everything. And so I got down on my knees in front of the woman so she could look me in the eye. And I said, “Number one, this is not of God. Number two, this is of Satan. Number three, don’t worry because I know I have authority over him and his wicked works. Number four, by the time this meeting ends you are going to walk out of here on your own.” And I laid my hand on her, and she let out this big scream, and went out on the power of the Holy Spirit.


SID: Excuse me. When you said that to her, did you have a vision, did you have a word from God or was that just raw faith speaking?


BECKY: It was raw faith and I know that he will show himself strong because he loves those people. It was glorious. I mean, the presence of God just went through that place and the people were healed astoundingly. And that woman in the wheelchair, when she came up, when she woke up from the power of the Holy Spirit, she got up and she walked out of that place on her own.


SID: You know, because of that studious studying, because of fasting three times for 40 days in one year, you got revelation from God that any believer can operate under. Share one gem. You said the first thing that God was teaching you was authority, but you had a teaching for me from the Book of Genesis, Chapter 1, Verse 28, on authority. Explain that.


BECKY: God gave me a vision and I saw a gigantic microscope, and he’s asking me, he’s saying, “What on the plate of glass?” And before I could even think of answering him, he said, “It’s sickness and disease.” “What is it doing?” And before I could answer him, he’s giving me the answer. He’s saying, “It’s moving. We have been given dominion over everything that moves on this earth.” And he says, “That includes sickness and disease.”


SID: You know, Becky, one of the things that I’m really intrigued is we hear about lots of creeds and the dictionary definition of a creed is an authoritative statement of beliefs and principles which guide the actions of a person or group. Why did you write out a biblical creed on healing?


BECKY: Well I had been teaching my kids. I also home school my kids. I had been home schooling. We were doing world history and we were studying the Apostle’s Creed. And so we were learning it and everything, and I heard the voice of God say to me, “You need to write a creed about healing. You need to write a healing creed,” he said, “because my people no longer are being taught about healing. They are sick and dying before their appointed time. They are suffering and they do not understand that it is my will to heal them.” He said, “You write a healing creed.” And so I did.


SID: I want you to give an example of operating in the healing creed. This is amazing about this woman who had the broken feet and thyroid.


BECKY: There was a woman in Harrisonburg, Virginia and she came, and she heard the teachings that I teach in the healing creed, and her faith arose within her. Now this woman had numerous issues that needed healing. She had worked in a meat factory and she dropped a large package of frozen meat on her feet and it broke her bones in her feet, and that was very painful for her. She also had a thyroid condition, a thyroid problem. She had a lump and she had all kinds of issues because of that. And then she also had a bad heart. She had some type of a heart disease, and the doctors told her that she would have a heart attack. When she got the revelation of that message her faith arose and she came forward. And I laid hands on her, and that night the healing took place in her body. When she woke up she realized her feet no longer hurt. They had been healed. She was going up and down the steps because she was so excited.


SID: Of course.


BECKY: And she realized the lump was gone. She went and weighed herself. She lost four pounds overnight. While she’s sleeping, this whole healing is taking place. And she’s running up and down the steps. She’s so excited and she realizes, I’m running up and down the steps. That’s something she was not able to do because she was so out of breath all the time and she never had an issue with breathing or with her heart rate, or anything again. That’s what happens.


SID: I love this healing creed. Listen to this. Becky says to me, just because you get older, just because you have grey hair doesn’t mean you have to have pains in your body, sickness, disease. God has something better for you. We’ll talk about it when we come back.

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June 14th, 2017 at 3:38 am