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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Kynan Bridges

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SID: You know what is so wonderful, it’s wonderful that you’re in the presence. It’s wonderful you have all these encounters. But when you teach about it, others do. Tell me about the person that heard your teaching and went into a cancer ward.


KYNAN: You know, this is amazing. Every time we teach on the presence, people get activated, people get released, people get reset. They get restored. You know, this is an amazing situation. I was teaching about the presence of God. And there’s a person there hearing the teaching and immediately they catch the revelation. The same day they go into to a cancer ward where a man is dying. He’s on his last leg. The doctors say we can’t do anything to help you. He’s basically on his death bed, a bed of affliction. People have gathered around. This person goes into the ward, lays hands on him and says, “Be healed.” And they walk out of the ward.


SID: Now is this guy Jewish, because he had a lot of chutzpah? That’s a Hebrew word, it means nerve.


KYNAN: No, they weren’t, but they had a Jewish heart. And they went, and literally, the man’s situation turns around. He completely overcomes the cancer, defies all of the diagnosis that the doctor gave. That’s the power of God’s presence.


SID: Now, you used to teach that one of the keys is understanding the story in the Bible about the Mount of Transfiguration.


KYNAN: Absolutely. Jesus goes up to the mountain, in the Book of Mark, and he transfigures before them, and he reveals the Glory. Then they see the Glory cloud and they hear the voice from the cloud that says, “This is my son in whom I’m well pleased.” Now, Peter of course, says, “We should build tabernacles here: one for you, one for Moses, one for Elijah.” Jesus comes out of the vision, out of this manifest presence. And they go down to the mountain and there’s a demon waiting on them, a boy afflicted by the devil. Now this is amazing because this is a pattern of the presence for believers. Most people live for the mountain, but Jesus lived from the mountain.


SID: Say that again.


KYNAN: Most believers live for the mountain. In other words, we live for particular encounters. But Jesus lived from the mountain. In other words, because of God’s presence, when he came down from the mountain, he came down with power and authority, and that’s what God wants us to do, not to live for the presence, that’s great, but to live from it.


SID: So, when we have these encounters they’re for a purpose to fulfill our destiny.


KYNAN: Absolutely.


SID: This fellow, when he went in the cancer ward, if he hadn’t caught the vision and the presence of God, he would just pray for someone and that person would have died.


KYNAN: Absolutely. You see, God’s presence changes us. This is so important. It changes every part of our being. That’s why the Bible says Jesus had a transfiguration experience. You know what Sid, that wasn’t for him. That was for the disciples to see because the same word is used in Romans, Chapter 12. It says, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind” or be transfigured by the renewing of your mind. God wants to transfigure us so that we can walk in power, we can walk in authority, we can walk in dominion, so that when we come down from the mountain every demon in the valley will tremble.


SID: Okay. The door is closed. You’re children are asleep. You have, tell me, five children?


KYNAN: Five, the number of grace.


SID: You have a congregation, the number of grace. I got that. Okay. The door is closed. It’s late at night, just you. What do you do?


KYNAN: Hallelujah.


SID: How do you worship God?


KYNAN: Thank you, Lord. [singing] This is the air I breathe. This is the air I breathe. Your Holy presence living in me. This is my daily bread. Thank you, Jesus. This is my daily bread. Your very word spoken to me and I, I’m desperate for you, Jesus. [singing in tongues]. [talking] Father, we thank you for your presence. In your presence is fullness of joy. In fact, the presence of God is invading the room right now. There’s someone watching, the Spirit of the Lord is touching you. You’re being healed. You’re being restored. You’re being touched by the power and presence of God. Your life will never be the same again. The Holy Spirit wants to come. He wants to touch you. The presence of God wants to manifest in your life. God is calling you to host the presence and to live a transfigured lifestyle so that you’ll never be the same. Hallelujah.


SID: Okay. You got your marching orders. I don’t know about you, but if I didn’t have work that I have to finish this day, I would be doing what he was just doing. [singing] I love you, Lord. I worship you. I worship you, Yeshua. You are the King of Kings. You are the Lord of Lords. I worship you, O God. I worship you. I hold your hand. I worship you, Lord. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. [talking] Oh, what a powerful show.

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December 5th, 2017 at 6:35 am