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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Jeremiah Johnson

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SID: Jeremiah, you told me that God told you it’s very important when you meet people to ask God questions about those people. But what if you’re not such a, you have the gift of prophet. Can just anyone do that?


JEREMIAH: Absolutely. You know, Sid, I’ve always taught people that prophecy begins by loving people enough to ask God questions about them. And I believe that prophetic ministry begins with God filling our hearts with the love that he has for people. It’s in Romans 5:5, “He pours out his love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.” And so I believe that anyone that is willing to ask God to fill them with his love for people, it’s out of love. I believe if you don’t have love in your heart you shouldn’t be in prophetic ministry. I believe God wants to fill people’s heart with love and as he fills our hearts with love, just the ministry of the words of knowledge and the wisdom, it just comes naturally out of us.


SID: Now you told me you don’t believe in coincidences. You look at things as divine appointments. Clarify.


JEREMIAH: I’ve had so many encounters where God is growing me up even in my walk with him, where I just don’t believe in coincidences anymore. For example, I often times board planes and maybe my plane ticket is in 16B, and when I get there it’s 1A, and instead of wasting time saying I wonder why I’m in 1A, I immediately being praying, saying, Lord, I know there’s an appointment for someone in 1B. And so there’s an acceleration that comes.


SID: Your faith is, it’s knowing faith that whoever sits in that chair you have something that’s going to dramatically affect and change their life. Tell me about that airplane pilot that you found sitting next to you.


JEREMIAH: I was going to a conference one year in Edmonton, Canada, and had happened to board the plane, and they actually shut the door, and I just fell asleep. And about five minutes later, the door opened up and a man ran onto the plane and sat right next to me. He was all sweating.


SID: But there were a lot of empty seats. Why did he sit next to you?


JEREMIAH: Because I knew God sent him to me. And on that plane ride, the Lord began to give me words of knowledge about this man’s wife and how she was struggling with depression, and how he was lonely. And I began to speak these things out 20,000 feet up in the air, and this man began to weep. He gave his life to Jesus Christ and we prayed. We prayed right there on that airplane for the salvation of that man’s wife and he was baptized in the Holy Spirit while doing it.


SID: What about, tell me one time when you were upgraded and you knew whoever would sit next to you it was a divine appointment. Tell me about when.


JEREMIAH: There was one time when I boarded a plane and I actually sat near the governor of Kansas, and I had actually days before had a dream about the governor of Kansas. It was one of those times when he sat there and I sat there I knew that I was about to be upgraded to a whole other dimension in the Spirit, and so I had an opportunity to minister to him, and it was a powerful encounter. And these things, I believe, Sid, are going to mark the new prophetic generation. This is not just about a prophet. This is about God pouring out his Spirit on all flesh. This is about the mom of seven at the grocery store and the Spirit of God falls upon her, and she prophesies to the cashier. The Holy Spirit, he has no limitations and he’s looking for a generation that wants to connect with him and make his voice known.


SID: However, this will be a different generation than we’ve had in recent years. This will be believers marked by character, amplified.


JEREMIAH: Yes. I believe that God is raising up a generation that’s going to have character that matches anointing. I believe that we’re going to see levels of power in Glory resting upon men and women, but they’re going to have healthy marriages. Their children are going to serve the Lord. I believe that God wants to find people in the earth who have character that can sustain powers of level and Glory for a lifetime. And this is why I believe this generation is going to shake the earth like never before.


SID: You had a very hard word to go see someone that had hurt you very deeply, and you didn’t want to see this person blessed, and you were coming there to bless him. Did you do what God said?


JEREMIAH: I did. I’m always growing in the prophetic. You know, one of the ways that God is teaching is prophecy is not about giving away our opinions. And sometimes what we think God wants to communicate to people is not what he wants to communicate to people. And there was someone in my life that had hurt me and God said, “I want you to release my blessing over their life.” And I said, “O God, please don’t make me do that.” And he said, “I’m upgrading you.” Maybe some of us need an upgrade on getting heart for people even if we don’t have a heart for them. And that’s why I go back to love. Love is so important. Before we begin to step out in faith and minister to people we’ve got to ask God for his love. And as I prophesied blessings over this person that had hurt me, God reconciled our relationship as I humbled myself and he used me.


SID: You said there are people watching right now that God wants to upgrade. But did you get those two things, character and love? Mandatory. Pray right now a prayer for the upgrade of everyone that’s watching or in the studio audience.


JEREMIAH: God, I just release an upgrade of your character and nature. God, we ask, Lord, that you impart your merciful, your nature, your kindness, your compassion. We thank you that you’re a God of discipline because you love us. And God, we pray whatever areas we’re lacking in our lives, would you pour out who you are into this generation. Let us reflect the beauty of Jesus in your name. Amen.


SID: Look, when we come back I want to find out what Jeremiah, who should have died at birth, has to say about what’s coming very soon to various nations. Be right back.

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December 20th, 2017 at 8:04 am