ErrorException Message: WP_Translation_Controller::load_file(): Argument #2 ($textdomain) must be of type string, null given, called in /home1/bduvall/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 838 Our Guest Aliss Cresswell

It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Aliss Cresswell

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ALISS: Oh yeah! Thank you, Jesus! Whooohoo! Oh, He’s so good, isn’t He! So… but you can do that too everywhere you go. I mean we’ve… you know we have this cafe, we’ve got this shop right in the middle of Chester. But you can just, you can do miracles anywhere.  It’s good isn’t it… you know maybe you’ve been in church and practicing doing miracles and prophesying to people but it’s, it’s a good place to practice but it’s just for everyday life. And I find that you can try to talk to people about Jesus you know as much as you like but really if you do a miracle… if you get some supernatural knowledge and tell it to them they want to know about Jesus. They want to know the power of that feeling and the love that they can feel that they’ve never experienced in their life before. And they…we just find you know hundreds of people giving their lives to Jesus. But you can do that. It’s easy. It is. It’s easy! You just speak it out and it happens. And if it doesn’t happen you speak it out again. You just don’t give up. You just keep going. You know one of the things I’ve, I’ve found is we have a lot of people come in and they say well I’ve prayed a lot and I’ve still got this illness and I don’t know… or people will be praying for others and not seeing much happen. But one of the things I’ve discovered is that a lot of illnesses are caused by evil spirits. Even if you are a Christian it could be an evil spirit that’s causing it. I’ll tell you one story that’s quite good as a teaching tool. This happened to me a few years ago. And a friend of mine came round to my house just for a chat and a coffee and we’re sitting chatting. And then she gets up and I get up at the same time. And suddenly both of us have the same symptoms. Like we suddenly we get really dizzy. We have really bad headaches. But we can’t see properly and our ears go deaf and we feel really disorientated. Now if I was on my own I probably would have thought well I just got up too quickly or I’ve got a virus that’s coming or something, you know. But because it was both of us have the same symptoms at the same time we thought maybe this is an evil spirit up to something. So we prayed together and we said we just tell our evil spirit to leave in the name of Jesus. Now all the symptoms left apart from that I still had a bad headache. And my friend went home and I thought I’m not putting up with this headache any longer. This is from the enemy. I’m not having it. We have authority. We have power over all the power of the enemy, Jesus says in Luke, chapter 10. That’s amazing, isn’t it? Just go away and read it. Just keep reading that verse where He gives us power and authority over ALL the power of the enemy. That’s the truth! So anyhow so I’m there on my own then. I’m in my living room and we’ve got these French windows looking out onto the garden. My headache is really bad. And I’m like in the name of Jesus I command that evil spirit to leave me now! And as soon as I said it there was a big bang. And what happened was there was a woodpecker, just, which… they’re not very common really in England. But it was flying through our garden towards our house. The evil spirit must have left me and it entered this woodpecker cause evil spirits want to be in a body. The nearest body was this woodpecker flying. So it left me, it enters this woodpecker and the woodpecker bashed itself into the window upstairs, fell to the ground just outside the French windows. Dead! I mean “deadedety dead!” Like… dead! It must have broken its neck. I mean it was like, its neck was twisted. It was on its back. Its feet in the air. It was like… similar, similar to that. But not exact.



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Written by admin

July 16th, 2018 at 9:51 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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