ErrorException Message: WP_Translation_Controller::load_file(): Argument #2 ($textdomain) must be of type string, null given, called in /home1/bduvall/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 838 Our Guest Barbara Yoder

It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Barbara Yoder

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Barbara: They don’t want to share the gospel and there is an aversion in the church today to share the gospel. And when you look at the pattern in Acts, in Acts chapter one and chapter two what happened? – there were all these thousands of people that followed Jesus, but when it came down to it, how many people were there that really believed Him? How many people were there that held on, that believed that what He said, who He said He was and  what He said was going to happen, how many were there that believed Him? Only a remnant. 120. A remnant is like a piece of cloth left over. There’s a mantle left over that literally is going to be passed out to the 120. In other words, how do we translate that today? There’s more than 120. It’s the desperate. It’s the hungry. It’s the starved! It’s that group of people who aren’t satisfied with going to church, in fact people are leaving churches by the droves because they’re bored to death with entertainment and a good time. They want to do the works of Jesus, they want to be who Jesus was. You and I are to be, and please understand, we’re to be as Jesus, so we’re to be like God. God is in us, so there’s a way that we are little gods on the earth today. And when the 120 were overtaken by the power of the Holy Spirit– I love this, I don’t know, it’s maybe two or three years ago God just showed me this– and I said “Holy moly, I’ve been missing it all this time!” What did they do when the Holy Spirit fell on them in Acts? They ran out of the Upper Room out into the city. And when they ran out into the city, what was it– 2 or 3 thousand people got saved in one day. And it was so supernatural they spoke in the tongues of the people that were there. Can you imagine– I just came back from Indonesia ministering, but I didn’t minister in the church. I went to one of the largest corporations in Indonesia and ministered, it’s owned by a Christian, ministered to the corporation. They flew in all their managers. I prophesied  to over a 100 people, it took me over 4 hours to do it. But I did it because the owner wants a supernatural business. What did she do when she got baptized in the Holy Spirit? She ran out of where she was, out into the marketplace, started a supernatural business and is now multiplying that. She just got a brand new contract which will double it. She’s getting ready to quadruple the business– I love it, I’m going to go there any time she asks me. She put me up in the best hotel in Jakarta– she’s got money–


BARBARA:  You know– I’m kidding (laughs). But the point I’m making is what did the church do? The church was birthed on the day of Pentecost? What did the church do? They ran out of the building and into the city. And I believe that we need to create churches where people are equipped and empowered to then leave the church and go out to where their assignment is. We’ve been struggling to get into the church and find a pulpit when God is looking to get us out of that dingbat place and out to where the people are and literally see them transformed. You’ve got power, lift up your hands, you’ve got power in your hands because the Lord didn’t say I give “the some” the power to heal the sick– some have more healing come through them than others. (Barbara gives a word of knowledge: This gal right here the power of God’s all over you, and in that dress right there, God’s getting ready,

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February 28th, 2019 at 4:48 am