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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Cleddie Keith

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CLEDDIE: The sinner fell deeper into rebellion. I’m going to tell you right now God proved once and for all in the Garden that the call is greater than the Fall! He went looking for Adam after He fell and He said Adam, where art thou? God is calling you that are watching right now. I tell guys that are asking their spouses to become their brides when they ask them to get down on both knees. They get down on one knee it’s just kind of a half-hearted thing. Get down on both knees and ask the Bridegroom to come and take you and make you a part of the bride today and you’ll have a reason for living! You’ll have a purpose! Now the Holy Spirits moving here right now. My brother with the glasses back in the back, the black shirt. Stand up. Are you a preacher? Have you ever preached?

MAN #1: Yes sir.

CLEDDIE: I got two of you. Man, that’s good. That’s like fishing with treble hooks. Fishing for salmon. You catch two at a time. You just stand up. Both of you stand up. Have you ever seen something that was totally destroyed and they repurposed it and they gave it a new life? You ever saw that? You ever saw the old tire and they took the tire when all the tread was gone, they retreaded it? That’s the way both of you all are right now. God’s getting ready to, retread you! You’re going to have grip in your prayers! You’re going to have grip in what you believe! You’re going to have grip in your convictions! You’ve been kind of hydroplaning spiritually at times. But God now is giving you a new traction spiritually. And you’re going to be able to stand up and you’re going to be bold. The wicked flee when no man pursues but the righteous are as bold as a lion! It’s going to be a holy boldness comes upon you! It said righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any people. I recommend both of you if you don’t have a pastor get you a pastor and you get alongside him and you say what can I do for you? And he’ll say well I need the floor swept. You sweep the floor. I need my car the oil changed in. If he’s not taking advantage of you make life easier on him. And the hand of God is on both of you. He’s repurposing your life. You may be seated. This young lady that’s got the hair down over your eyes. Stand up if you will. Yeah. No, this lady right here. Can you come up here? Help me. I don’t think we’re going to need that. I need you, though, Joel. Phew! The burden lifting. Yoke destroyed. Anointing of God to come upon her now. Phew! Come here. The power of God hit you earlier.


CLEDDIE: But what happens sometimes when the power of God hits us what we do we feel like we have to be in control. There’s going to be times it’s going to hit you so hard you can’t control it but it’s going to be like the measles. It’s going to infect everyone around you. You’re going to be a lightning rod and the glory of God is going to come upon you and you’re not going to be ashamed. [speaking in tongues] Come here, mama. [speaking in tongues] I’m going to pray for your body. That healing virtue flow through her now. Be healed in Jesus name! In Jesus name be healed! Phew! Shoo! Oh! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I don’t know if you felt that. I felt that! Glory! [speaking in tongues] That’s my hometown language! Show!


CLEDDIE: Now this is with tongues and interpretation. Thus sayeth the Lord: I have opened the window to the supernatural for you today and this is the threshold for I am calling you into My throne room. And in My throne room and in My presence, there is, fullness of joy, and the joy of the Lord is the strength of His people. And from this day forward sayeth the Lord, you will have a new connect with heaven itself because God has come to release you into a place of purpose and understanding that you might understand the depth of the calling, the richness of the inheritance in the saints. Phew!

AUDIENCE: Hallelujah! Jesus!

CLEDDIE: Shoo. Shoo. Shoo. Shoo. Shoo. [speaking in tongues] This lady back here with the glasses. That’s kind of rocking back and forth. Come here. Yeah. Now it’s one thing for me to call out people and just bless them and just minister to them but it’s another thing for you to get hungry for God and all of a sudden He begins to talk to you right where you are. I want you to just raise your hands and say, “God, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired!”


CLEDDIE: I want more! Come on. You don’t have to pray any longer God give me – O God. [speaking in tongues] Testify.


CLEDDIE: You know there’s a day that I’ve never had a day of bias in my life. I had two black ladies that took care of me and my brother. Me especially in World War II so I’ve never been biased. Man, they could hug me and I could disappear. They were duly endowed and as a little kid, I would just disappear. I’m telling you right now they loved me like I was their child. They loved my brother better cause he was redheaded. They’d take him to town, Fort Worth, and everybody would think he’s an albino, amen, but I loved those women. I thank God for doing that for me. But there was a day when our brothers and sisters felt the stigma about feeling the presence of God and when they kicked the stigma out of the churches they kicked the power out of the churches. And I’m telling you the power is coming back!

AUDIENCE: Amen! Amen!

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August 6th, 2019 at 5:27 am