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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Judith MacNutt

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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Judith MacNutt and we’re talking about angels, and here’s the most amazing thing. When Judith teaches about angels and talks about angels people that have never seen them or felt them, or experienced them start seeing them, feeling them and experiencing them. Angels protect us. I mean, I know wouldn’t be here right this minute without an angel protecting me.

JUDITH: That’s true.

SID: But tell me about the time you were in Israel and you went to the florist shop.

JUDITH: Oh yeah. God has saved my life so many times, and that was one of them. My friend and I were in the old city we called Old Jerusalem, and we were going into the new city for a prayer meeting. And I was walking with a friend to meet Lynn, my friend at the florist shop. And I kept hearing this voice say, “Don’t go there. Stop. Don’t go there.” And it became more and more insistent. Don’t go there. And so finally, I said, we weren’t too far from the florist shop when I finally told my friend, “I don’t think we’re supposed to go there.” And he said, let’s pray. So we joined hands and we started praying. Within a few moments a bomb went off, and the bomb was in the florist shop, and we would have been standing right in front of the florist shop. And it killed everyone in the area. I mean, it was just a horrible scene. And of course, my heart went out to all those people. But then I thought my friend who was always on time, I was sure she was there. I was always late. She was always on time. And he said, “If God warned you he would have told her, too.” And so we went to the prayer meeting and she was at the prayer meeting. And I said, “Why didn’t you go to the florist?” And she said, “I just kept hearing this voice tell me don’t go there.” And she listened the first time. She was always very obedient.

SID: Tell me about healing angels. There are actually angels and that’s their assignment?

JUDITH: Well the way we understand it, Sid, is there’s healing angels. There’s angels that protect us and there’s angels that are in spiritual warfare, engaged in spiritual warfare. We have a healing ministry of course. So we see angels all the time and their prayer ministers see them all the time.

SID: Okay. Tell me about the time you had uterine cancer and the healing angel.

JUDITH: Yes. I was diagnosed. They told me, I was only 28 years old, they told me I would have to have a hysterectomy. I wanted to marry. I wanted to have children. And I heard that Francis MacNutt was in town. And so my friend and I went to a little home prayer group that night where he was praying. And I was seated in a chair, and he had his hand on my head praying for God to heal me. And there was only five or six of us there. And I was sitting in the chair and my head kept going back on the back of the chair. And I felt like he was pressing too hard on my head. So I opened my eyes to ask him to not press so hard. And he had moved. He was standing across the room with his arms held up praying, and there was no one with a hand on my head. And so I knew it was an angel. And I literally couldn’t get out of the chair for a long time. I was held into the chair while God’s healing power just went through my body. And the next day I went to the surgeon that was going to do the surgery over in Tampa. And he examined me, and he said, “You’ve been totally and completely healed. There’s no cancer.”

SID: That is neat. That didn’t even take faith on your part. I like that.

JUDITH: I know.

SID: I pray that healing angels show up sometime while we’re speaking.

JUDITH: Well what was so wonderful to me about that story is we did marry later, and we have two amazingly wonderful children.

SID: Very briefly, tell me about that sign you saw of the three angels, so you knew you were supposed to marry Francis.

JUDITH: Well we were at a retreat center because we both needed to be there. It was God’s will. And we were praying in our room together, and three angels came into the home while we were praying. And one of them leaned over next to him and said something to him, and I just knew that he had heard. And so when we finished praying I said, “Did you hear?” I didn’t tell him about the angels. He said, “No, not yet.” And he went up to the chapel and got on his face before God, and he said, “I’m not going to move until I know what I’m supposed to do.” And then he heard it, that he was meant to marry and to take me as his wife.

SID: Tell me about that conference you were at and literally the room changed.

JUDITH: That was an extraordinary. I actually have that in writing from several people. We were in a conference. This has happened many times all around the world. We were in a conference and the whole back of the room disappeared. We were having a healing service.

SID: But you were not the only one that saw this.

JUDITH: Oh no, no. At least six or seven, or eight people turned in, wrote it down that they had seen this. And Jesus, a golden staircase came in. It’s like the room just vanished and this golden staircase, and Jesus came into the room followed by just hundreds of angels. And Jesus went over to every person that was sick and laid his hands on them. And when he walked away an angel would come and take his place, and stay with that person. And we had so many healings.

SID: That’s what I was going to ask you. It’s wonderful the angels prayed. But what is the fruit? That’s what people are asking.

JUDITH: Tremendous healing. We had cancer, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes. Several people got out of wheelchairs. It was an extraordinary healing service that night.

SID: Well I believe as you teach a little bit on angels when we come back, that many of you are going to get healed. I mean, I’m hearing this already. Don’t go away. Be right back.

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August 15th, 2012 at 10:19 am