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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Cherie Calbom

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Sid:Well my guest is red hot for the Messiah, and we are going to do a very different show this week something that it’s been needed for a long time.  Let me give you an example; I pray for people all the time, I mean it’s just astounds me the number of people that are physically healed and it seems like it’s getting more and more, but many times when I pray for people I meet them a month later, two months later and they have the same condition wrong with them.  Why is this?  Well I used to think, and I still do I might add, that they didn’t know how to fight that spirit that came upon them; perhaps there’s another reason and this makes as much sense as I just said to you before; perhaps there’s something toxic in their body or perhaps their eating habits are so bad, or perhaps they’re so over weight that whatever condition that they had that they were healed of when they go back to that same lifestyle they end up having the same condition again.  In fact my guest, who is known by millions of people as the “Juice Lady” her name is Cherie Calbom; Cherie you were telling me of a very prominent healing evangelist that did a study of the percentage of people that are physically healed and then lose their healing and I was shocked.  What did he find out?

Cherie:He found that only 5% of the people that were healed actually kept their healing.It was a study that was never published and I can’t share the name but I was shocked too to hear that percentage.

Sid:If that be true that’s just tragic, but what if there was a way, a simple way, of restructuring our health, our eating, our habits, and we could walk in the best supernatural healing that God has and have our body which I think is God’s greatest invention operate the way God created it to operate then we’d have the best of both worlds.

Cherie:Wellwe would and I’m so excited to be on your show and to be talking about this because it’s been the message that God has placed on my heart for years that we’ve got to teach the body of Christ how to live a lifestyle of divine health.  And that is where I believe lots of illness comes back; people are healed yes indeed and they go for prayer and they go right back to their old ways of eating and thinking and living and their illness comes back.  And I agree we must contend for our healing in prayer, but we must also do our part and that is the message on my heart.

Sid:How you’re a professional clinical nutritionist, you hold a master’s degree in nutrition at one of the finest universities that studies in this arena but that’s not why I’m interviewing you Cherie.  The reason that I’m interviewing you is when I found out how God supernaturally intervened in your life and called you to teach what you’re teaching that’s what excited me.  But for everyone to get to know you just a little bit better your father was an evangelist and something tragic happened, your mom developed cancer and your father had a healing ministry and she died from cancer.  And it was a very traumatictime for you and your family, but when you were in your late 20s you became extremely sick what happened to you?

Cherie:I did I had chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia and a severe case of it where I’d sleep 12 hours a day, get up tired, weak and sometimes have to crawl down the hall because I was that week. I couldn’t even work I had to quit my job to quit my job; I had to move back home with my father and step-mother and I was desperate.

Sid:Now what did the doctors say about this condition?

Cherie:They did not know what to do and I found mostly today they don’t know what to do about those conditions still.  There is no cure for those conditions.So I cried out to God “Help me please help me there’s got to be answer for what I’m suffering from.”That’s when in research I began to find out about vegetable juicing, changing my diet, eating more raw life foods and getting rid of all the junk.  And I’ll tell you I was a junk food lover; I liked to go to fast food restaurants and get my dinner and go home with my little bag.  I like to eat sugary granola for breakfast and my lunch was out a fast food restaurant usually when I left for work.  So no wonder I was getting sick and devastated as I was.So I got my first juicer, started juicing changed my whole diet and I’ll just make this story short now.  In three months I was completely healed.

Sid:Now why don’t doctors know this?  Why when they see these conditions all they can do it medicate you and say there’s no hope when all you did was juice with natural fruits and vegetables and in three months she got healed.  What’s wrong with that picture Cherie?

Cherie:It’s hugely wrong in this nation because we are driven by big pharma it’s called the pharmaceutical companies, and they have tight control over the textbooks and universities and medical schools.  Doctors are not trained in nutrition; we know that most doctors only receive one or two basic classes in nutrition and they don’t know anything beyond that.All they’re taught is pharmaceutical drugs for every condition out there. And when you come to toxicity in the body, when you come to chronic fatigue and things like that drugs will make most people worse.  So it’s getting back to the foods that God has given us and this is where our healing comes.

Sid:Now I could be wrong but it appears to me people are getting sicker and sicker. I was reading in some of your literature that this is happening because there have been changes in our pattern of eating over the years.  What were some of those changes?

Cherie:Well it started with the oils we used to have healthy oils from the tropics.Coconut oil and palm oil were considered the healthiest oils on earth and then we went to vegetable oils that were refined and heart disease came into full blown.  A bar graph you look at the jump in the bar graph in the fifties when the oils came on the markets full blown because of the war and the tropical oils couldn’t get through. And then soda pop came on the market in the fifties, all the chemicals that were used to preserve foods they began to hybridize grains putting gluten in wheat.

Sid:Is that why so many people today are gluten sensitive there’s more gluten in wheat?

Cherie:Yes, yes.You look back at Biblical times the bread was chewy why did they always dip their bread in something you know olive oil or whatever it was chewy it was hard.  Now our bread is soft and fluffy and too much gluten because they’ve hybrid the wheat too much and it’s making a lot of people very very ill.  And we have GMO genetically modified food; we have all this sprayed food, we don’t have organic real food we have things that are processed.

Sid:And now couple that with what’s happen with our health care system which used to be the best in the world they’re more doctors that are stopping practicing medicine.They’ll be more people in the health plan program, and people are getting sicker than ever; unless we rely on the supernatural and eating properly we’ll be the same victims as everyone else.

Cherie:We will and the church seems to be right there with the world; we should be the healthiest people on earth. I keep saying this everywhere I go “God’s people should be the healthiest people on the face of the earth and we’re not.”  We seem to be following the patterns of the world eating the way they do the junk food the fast food the processed food, the GMO food, the pesticides spayed stuff, and God’s people are getting sicker and sicker.  And you know what I’ve seen too they’re relying more and more on pharmaceutical drugs.

Sid:And most people know this but in one sentence what’s wrong with pharmaceutical drugs?

Cherie:We can’t rely on them because they do not heal us.As one doctor friend said to me years ago, I have never seen anybody in my practice deficient in a pharmaceutical drug.  (Laughing) It’s true, it’s so true we have this deficiency of nutrients we need and we have excess of stuff we don’t need.

Sid:Okay, we have gone through your material especially the brand new book that’s just off the press, the three best books you have and I’m going to call and a special DVD you’ve produced for us.  We’re going to call this series the healthiest people on the face of this earth.Step by step how to detox the major organs of your body, show you the best recipes for prevention and treatment of the most common health disorders.  How to lose weight, slow the aging process, conquerfatigue, mental clarity, improve your sleep, literally becoming healthier for life. What is it in your new book 400 recipes and we’ve tried some of them here and I can tell you as a fact that my staff has said and in fact I’ll use their words “Your recipes are yummy.”  How did you get such great recipes?

Cherie: Sid when I started out there weren’t hardly any recipes anywhere I had to just put stuff together in trial and error.  I had some stuff that tasted not too much better than motor oil.


Cherie: I have designed recipes that taste good that have lots of flavor and are really good for you. I’ve become known as the “Juice Lady” because I put so much effort into making delicious juices that people will just love to drink and will heal their bodies.

Sid:  Now let me make this clear it’s not just juice but whatever your condition is you list the various ailments that people have, and you show what are the natural things to take…it’s called “The Healthiest People on Earth.” That’s what it’s going to do for you.

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Written by admin

March 8th, 2013 at 8:58 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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