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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Sid Roth and Joel Rosenberg

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Sid: I want to read to you a quote by a famous theologian his name is Charles Spurgeon. This was from a sermon he gave in 1855 remember that was before 1948, before modern day Israel. All he had was the scriptures and this is what he stated:

“I think we do not attach sufficient importance to the restoration of the Jews. We do not think enough of it, but certainly if there is anything promised it is this the day shall yet come when the Jews, who were the first apostles to the Gentiles; the first missionaries to us who were far off shall be gathered in again. Until that shall be the fullness of the church’s glory can never come. Matchless benefits to the world are bound up with the restoration of Israel their gathering in shall be life from the dead.”

I believe exactly what the scriptures say; I believe exactly what Charles Spurgeon prophesied; I believe when you see Jewish people turning to the Messiah it will literally breath life from the dead to the dead 21st Century American church and this fresh life that is going to be infused will bring a glory of God… well just like Joel prophesied in the 2nd chapter of the prophet Joel the 23rd verse, and it’s talking… it says “Rejoice oh sons of Zion and be glad in the Lord your God. For He has given you the early rain and He has poured down for you the rain, the early and the latter rain as before.” When these 2 rains occur there will be the most gigantic harvest of souls the world has ever seen. It’s never been that the former rain and the latter rain are going to come down at once. He says “This is what will happen the threshing floors will be full of grain, and the vats will overflow with new wine and with oil. When is this going to happen? Keep reading in the 2nd chapter of Joel the 28th verse. You’re familiar with that this is what Peter quoted at Pentecost. This is what it says “And it will come about after this that I will pour out My Spirit

on all flesh; Your sons and daughters will prophesy,” Who’s sons and daughters? The Jewish sons and daughters. Where? In the land of Israel.  “Your old men will dream dreams.” What old men? The Jewish old men. Where? In the land of Israel. “Your young men will see visions.” What young men will see visions? Israeli young men. Where? In the land of Israel. When is this going to happen? The 31st verse tells us when this is going to happen “Before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.” Yes it happened at Pentecost, almost 2,000 years ago, but I tell you the greater outpouring on Jewish people is about ready to happen before the great and awesome day of the Lord… it will be such a revival it says “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord is going to be saved.” I can even tell you when it’s going to happen because remember the chapters man put into the Bible, but what God is saying in this 2nd chapter of Joel picks up in the beginning of the 3rd chapter of Joel, and tells you when it’s going to happen. This is what he says “I’m going to gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat.  Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of…” one sin by the way, it’s not… there is judgment for abortion, and there is judgment for homosexuality, there is judgment for murder, there is judgment for all sins. There is only one sin in the last days that God will judge the nations on. He says “I will enter into judgment with the nations on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; And they have divided up My land.” Whose land is it? God’s land. What are they doing? Dividing it up. Who did God give that land to unconditionally forever? The physical seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob over and over, and over again it says throughout the scriptures. So judgment will happen on nations for forcing the Jewish people to divide up that land. At that same time there will be a former rain and a latter rain which represents the Holy Spirit that will result in the great harvest on Jewish people that will result in a harvest on all flesh.

I believe I bumped into it. Guess what festival I bumped into it at last month? The Jewish festival of Shavuot, or Pentecost. We had evangelistic meetings just before Pentecost, and just after Pentecost in Israel last month. This is what I saw with my very eyes, first of all we rented 2 secular auditoriums we did nothing religious. We ran advertisements in Russian newspapers in Israel, we had handbills and flyers printed up in Russian and in Hebrew saying “Lecture on the supernatural. Many people that attend this lecture are physically healed.” I’ll tell you something, when I got there I didn’t know what to expect, but I have to tell you something interesting I was on the “mare pezet,” the balcony, where my sister and brother in law live in Israel. We were having a meal before the lecture began and before my very eyes it was hard for me to even believe it. The most beautiful white dove landed right on that balcony. It was as if God was saying “Here’s My sign, get out of My way son I’m about ready to do something new in the land of Israel.” So we had the first meeting, and at the first meeting we had 200 chairs setup and I would say maybe 80 – 90% of the chairs were filled. I was shocked just from some handbills, and these are just Israelis coming in off of the street. As a matter of fact, the person who helped me put this together Terri, who has been a citizen of Israel for 25 – 30 years with her husband she said “This was the first time a public lecture was held in the Tiberias area, and an altar call was given and we have never seen anything like this before.”

Well let me tell you what happened. I presented the supernatural, people were instantly healed, then I told people how they could come to know God for themselves. Not know about God but know Him for themselves, not anything to do with the religion, having to do with intimacy with God based on the Tenach, the Jewish scriptures. I said that “Religious people have put layer upon layer up layer, they’re making it so difficult to know God, but it’s simple. Look here in the 31st chapter of the prophet Jeremiah, he says “Behold the day has come in which I will make a new covenant, a new brit,  with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers which they violated. This is the covenant I’m going to make it’s going to be so much better because I will not just forgive your sins as I did at Yom Kippur, but I will remember them no more. I’ll have no remembrance of them.” So then you’re going to be so righteous you can come into My presence and the second wonderful thing of this new covenant that the Jewish prophet said is “You will know me just as Adam knew Eve, Adam had intimacy with Eve, you will know, will have intimacy with God you will hear His voice. You’ll be going into a shopping mall and God will say “Don’t enter there” and suicide bomb and your life is going to be saved. The most critical, the most important thing you can do is to know God for yourself.

It was hard for me to believe my eyes the majority of the people raised their hand to say prayers of salvation. I remember saying to them after they said that prayer “Now if you have never said a prayer of this nature before this is all new to you. I must talk to you personally, I want you to come forward right now, you’ve never done anything like this before.” Some 20 – 30 Israelis that were just off the street came forward and I was able to lay hands on them and bless them, then they were invited into local congregations. Then it gets even better… I’ll tell you what I’ll pick up here on tomorrow’s broadcast. You say “How can it get better?” Wait till you hear about Jesus showing up, I mean for real.





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Written by admin

January 21st, 2014 at 11:55 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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