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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Sandy Teplinsky

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SID: So in the last segment we were talking about Genesis 12:3, “I God will bless those who bless the Jewish people.” I mean, I’m kind of a black and white truth-type person. This is God speaking. I, God, will bless those who bless the Jewish people. “I, God, will curse those who curse the Jewish people.” Sandy, tell me some historical examples of this.

SANDY: Well first we have Bible history that I won’t go into. But immediately after God puts this blessing and cursing associated with Abraham on to the patriarch, we see that he encounters Abimelech, King Abimelech, who first mistreats him in his wife — so he and his household suffer the consequences — and then blesses him in his wife. But then going, fast forward, going into post-biblical history, we see how the Roman Empire thrived until it enacted virulently anti-Jewish laws, persecuted the Jewish people, and the Roman Empire crumbled. We can look at the Crusades, the Crusades that were initiated by England and France, dispatching troops into the Promised Land to liberate Jerusalem. But unfortunately liberate meant liquidate and so multitudes of innocent Jews, as well as Muslims, were slaughtered in the Crusades. Shortly thereafter, England and France turned their weapons against each other in the 100-years war, and much of their population was decimated by the bubonic plague. We can go on to the Spanish Inquisition and we can see how Spain was experiencing a golden age in which it was a global economic power. Once it began its inquisitions, which meant either forced conversions of Jews to Christianity, which in nearly every case meant a fake conversion or expulsion from the country, the Spanish Empire crumbled. And then we can look at the British Empire, which it had been said that the sun never sets on the British Empire. Great Britain played a critical role in the formation of the State of Israel and sadly, although Great Britain did bring blessing to Israel, there were instances of some real deeds that were far less than blessing, and so we see that the British Empire is no more. And we can even look at the former Soviet Union, which notoriously persecuted the Jewish people and eventually crumbled.

SID: Palestinian, we hear this word. Where did it come from?

SANDY: The word “palestinian” actually came from the Romans. When they conquered Jerusalem, the renamed the region Palestine in mocking remembrance of Israel’s ancient and, by then, long extinct enemy, the Philistines.

SID: So I wonder if they realize they’re named after the Philistines and that was a derogatory thing that was done. But what I understand is when they got the name “Palestine,” that was the name for Jews and Arabs, not just for the Arabs.

SANDY: Right. That whole region was called Palestine until it was, until shortly after World War I, when it was the nations and through international treaties, divided up into different Arab states and a Jewish state that was to include all of what was then known as Palestine.

SID: Okay. What is the history of these Palestinian people? What are their rights to that Land of Israel?

SANDY: The majority of Palestinians were Bedouin, who simply wandered all over the Middle East in search of subsistence. They were tribal people. They did not stay long in one particular locale. The Middle East was known as the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years. Up until World War I, it was the Ottoman Empire and the Arabic peoples kind of wandered all over the place. Yes, some did stake out certain areas, but most of them did not. The people that are known as Palestinians today, approximately a third of them have some type of indigenous trace, not ancestral, okay, but indigenous in the sense that their parents or grandparents lived in that general area for at least a couple of generations. But most of them, about two-thirds of them, came from surrounding regions in the larger Middle East, the Ottoman Empire, the former Ottoman Empire, came from surrounding regions to what is now known as the State of Israel — only after the Zionist pioneers arrived and started to reclaim the land and build it up. What we know as the State of Israel today was mostly desert and swamp land up until then.

SID: I remember a description by Mark Twain. When he saw he said, “Who in the world would want this land?” But it’s as if when the Jewish people returned to the Land of Israel the desert blossomed as a rose, and so then they wanted it. Well let’s fast forward a little bit. You maintain that the media is, what was the word that you used, it was not Hollywood, it was…

SANDY: Pallywood.

SID: Pallywood, explain that.

SANDY: Pallywood is a term that’s been coined to reflect that much of what we see in the — not only mainstream media, but even social media, even that’s a mainstream media these days — that depicts scenes of conflict between Palestinians and Israelis are fake scenes. Sad to say, but there’s been pretty extensive documentation, it’s not hard to find.

SID: Tell me one example.

SANDY: Okay. Well an interesting example took place during Israel’s last war with Gaza, the end of 2012, when the Palestinians scripted fake scenes of assault and injury, one of which included a scene of a seemingly innocent Gazan who appeared to be severely injured in a, near an attack scene with his comrades helping him and trying to summon aid. And the whole scene is really heart-rendering. Anybody with any sense of compassion or justice would be moved by it except for the end of it, during which the injured victim stands up, brushes himself off and walks away with his comrades.

SID: Well is it true that the terrorists have hospitals and schools filled with sick people and children, and they put the rockets that they’re flying into Israel there, so when Israel tries to get rid of the rockets, they kill innocent men and children.

SANDY: The militant Muslims, the Islamists intentionally maximize civilian damage in large part to gain sympathy for their cause against Israel. Among themselves, they will laud such victims as martyrs and honor them in Arabic, and then to the west, in English they will lament and wail about the so-called brutality of the Israelis.

SID: Has Israel really warned them before they attack?

SANDY: Absolutely. The Israeli army, unlike any other nation that I’m aware of in the world, before a planned assault, will drop leaflets, will radio a warning, will call cell phones. Every cell phone in the region will get a text saying, “We’re going to attack now.”

SID: My goodness. I’ll tell you, Esther has a tie to the End Time Church. And Mordecai said to Esther, “Esther Church, if you don’t stand up for the Jewish people in Israel at this time, God will raise deliverance from another source.” But Esther, who knows if you’ve not been called to the Kingdom for such a time as this.


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April 22nd, 2014 at 5:41 pm

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