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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Coach Bill McCartney

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Sid: Just before we went on the air God told me there are people listening that have pain in their back and in their neck and in their hip.  And pain anywhere in their body in Yeshua’s name, if you will just move that area of your body that has pain you’ll see that the pain is gone in the marvelous, majestic name of Yeshua the pain must bow to.  I have on the telephone a friend of mine that I’m really getting to know Coach Bill McCartney the founder of Promise Keepers. And God called him supernaturally away from Promise Keepers. Promise Keepers is still going on wonderfully but away from Promise Keepers to start a new organization that I believe is a catalyst to the greatest and the last move of God’s Spirit on planet earth.  The subject is the One New Man.  The name of the organization is “The Road to Jerusalem.”  On yesterday’s broadcast coach we were talking about a peace that everyone of us wants but it’s not a natural peace it’s a supernatural peace. It’s everyone wants this peace; if you would continue teaching on that.

Coach:  It’s Luke 9:23 these are Jesus’ words “Whoever would come after Me.”  And He gives two prerequisites to following Him.  “Whoever would come after Me must first deny himself and then take up his cross daily and follow Me.”  This self-denial, this prostrating of the heart before the Lord, asking the Lord to empty you of self, of any motive that would promote self.  Then the accommodation of that with taking up your cross daily and see that’s the guy that God will use; that’s the gal.  In other words, genuinely humble; everybody will be attracted to that person but they’ve got to balance it with an extraordinary resolve; take up your cross daily.  On the other hand, if somebody takes up his cross daily you’ll be attracted to that person.  But if they don’t have the humility they will wear you out; they’ll run you into the ground.  It’s that combination and that’s the one that’s selfless and fearless that will be filled with God’s Spirit that will tap into that peace that surpasses all human understanding.  “The Road to Jerusalem” is a ministry called to reconcile Gentile and Jewish Believers.

Sid: Isn’t that… we have so many meetings for reconciliation of black and white and all of the other people groups.  But until the foundational group is reconciled the others will not be.

Coach: That’s what people don’t understand Sid; that’s where the peace that… in other words there’s a lot of enmity, hostility in the church of believers.  There’s a lot of difference of opinion, there’s a lot of strong feelings. Well the peace comes in as we go after God’s heart for Jewish believer and Gentile believer coming together.  Here’s what happened to me; it was in the late ’90s Promise Keepers staff at the time had more than 350 full time members.  Our budget at one time was 100 million dollars a year.

Sid: A 100 million, that’s hard to fathom that amount of money. (Laughing)

Coach:  (Laughing) So God was blessing and we invited Dr. Henry Blackaby to come and speak to our staff for two days on a Monday and a Tuesday.  And so when he got up on a Monday he came in from out of town.  He said “Folks” he said “Last night after I had prepared my messages that I would share with you guys” he said “I asked the Lord “Is there anything that You want to say specifically to Promise Keepers that it is straight out of your heart that I can tell them.”  He said “Then” he did something that he always does; he turned to the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and he read the red print.  He read Yeshua’s words and he waits for the Holy Spirit to grab something there if God’s going to speak to him.  And he said he same across a verse that he had read literally 1000’s of times.  And he said that “This verse just jumped off the Bible at him.”  And it was when Simon the Cyrene was handed the cross.  And he said that when I came across that verse last night he said “The Lord just lit up my heart with it and He spoke to me and told me that much like Simon the Cyrene had been handed the cross, he said “Bill McCartney has been given a cross of reconciliation to carry.  Now you got to understand Sid I didn’t even hardly know Dr. Blackaby.  I mean I knew him to say hello to him, but I was sitting out in the audience I was surprised as anybody when he said that.  But what it did was it sealed in my heart, it was one of those dots that needed to be connected to gain the divine order.  For him to say that being a guy that God has used greatly from a real conservative community in the church; for him to say that it just lit up my heart.  And now what you were saying earlier is that if you’re going to have reconciliation the top button on the shirt of reconciliation is Jew and Gentile.  It’s the providence of God, it’s the Father heart of God; it’s what God wants to do to usher in the end days.  What He wants to do is in the One New Man that Ephesians talks about, is this is where that peace comes from.  It’s when you get the… in 2nd Corinthians 8:14 it says “There in is equality.” Your abundance fills my lack, my abundance fills your lack.  In other words I need you, you need me. That’s the picture of the One New Man, that’s the picture in Revelation when it talks about the Church of Philadelphia it says “There’s an open door that no one can close.”  The word Phileo means tender affection. See when the Jewish believer and the Gentile believer come together needing each other with true tender affection, that’s the standard that the world can’t match, that’s where the peace is ushered in.  That’s where the Spirit of God comes to bear, that’s what the unbelieving Jew is going to see that will provoke him to jealousy.  That’s what is in God’s heart for how He wants to go about bringing in the end-time revivals.

Sid: Your listening to a passion that is birthed by the Spirit of God.  Some of you may be saying “Well Jewish people are a minority, why is this so important” because God says it. It makes no sense to the natural mind. But if you really read closely Roman’s 9, 10 and 11, especially Roman’s 11:11 that says “Salvation has come to the Gentile to provoke the Jew to jealousy.  So that the Jewish person will want what that Gentile Believer has.  And when that occurs the wall of separation finally comes down between Jew and Gentile and we have an explosion of the Spirit like every one of us have been praying and asking God for…  Coach, now that you have this revelation I guess you just can’t wait to tell everyone everywhere about it.

Coach:  You know, we’re having an event in Palm Springs and this event on December the 3rd in Palm Springs is going to set the table for what God wants to do.  We’re calling it “The Desert Shall Rejoice.”

Sid: What are you believing God to do at this event that’s going to bring Jewish and Gentile believers together to worship God as one?

Coach:  Just what you were just talking about.  What you were saying is that the one new man is in the word of God and the word of God cannot return void it will accomplish what God pleases and it will prosper in the thing that God is sending it for.  The power in His word will always fulfill the promise in his word.  Here is what it says in Mark 16:20 this is the last verse in the book of Mark.  “And they went out and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs.”  What we’re expecting is God to confirm the word of the one new man through accompanying signs.  Even as you were offering a healing word to those who’s backs, and people had different ailments, there is going to be a move of the Spirit of God, I believe, in Palm Springs on 1-2-3-4, December 3, 2004 that is going to be brought with accompanying signs.

Sid: Coach, we’re out of time thank you so much for being my guest.

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December 12th, 2014 at 5:44 pm

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