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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Jeff Burke

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Jeff Burke

Sid: We want everyone everywhere to get so excited about the Messiah. I have to tell you I am getting so excited about the Messiah.  Because I’m interviewing in the studio Jeff Burke; and this is a man that knows the mercy of God.  I mean Jeff you could never consider backsliding; you know what’s back there.  And what’s back there is the devil and all of his demons.  You know I’ve been a believer now some 30 years but before I became a believer I was involved for a short season in the New Age. And I’ll tell you I don’t understand backsliders.  You got to be mashugah, that’s a Hebrew word, you got to be crazy to want to step back there with the devil.  But God is using you in such amazing way.  There was a time that you had experience with an angel in an indirect sense; tell me about that.

Jeff:  Well I had taken a job and I was working on driving a truck for a linen company.  And the man that was actually training me was a Spirit-Filled Christian which was another miracle.  But as he’s training me the company said to him, he’d just been married and they said “Will you stay for a week and train him and if you do we’ll let your wife come and stay with you and you can go on your honeymoon the next week.  But we’ll pay for your wife an extra room so you can stay together.”  So we got a place, it was called Strick’s Motel in Vidalia, Georgia.  It had an open court yard and so we’d driven up that evening and we’d eaten and I went to my room.  His room was downstairs on the left him and his wife. My room was right above the steps and right below the steps was Coke machines and crackers and things.  There was a construction crew staying there and I noticed when I came in, I didn’t pay too much attention, but they had kegs and they were kind of having partying and drinking.

Sid: Right.

Jeff:  But I didn’t pay it much attention and so I went up to my room. When I went to my room I went in and I had just learned about God and that you could really talk to God. But the amazing thing is that God really talked back.  So I came to know prayer is communication with God.  That you talk to God and He talks back.  And so I was really having a great good time because it was amazing so many things were happening.  And so I also found out that I could do more than what I called eyebrow praying, which you know you grab your eyebrows and just squeeze them (Laughing) and don’t say anything.  But then I learned that you really could talk out loud to God.  So I was talking out loud to God and just sharing my heart and just probably yelling and screaming and it’s just having a good time.  And I heard a “bam bam bam” on the wall and I heard kind of a muffled voice going “Would you shut up in there.”  And I said “Oh, I’ve offended somebody in the other room.”  And so I quieted down; I mean I didn’t stop but I quieted down. So…and then a little bit later it was getting dark and I heard under the corridor there where the crackers and cokes they came and they began to shout at my room. And they begin to curse me and they begin to mock the Lord’s prayer and they began to do those type of things. So I go up and I started for the door.  And the Lord said “Where are you going?”  And I said “Well, I’m going down there and to tell them I got as much right to pray as they got to party.”   And so He said… the Lord said to me “I thought that you said “That you would let me handle these things for now on.” I said, “Well Lord I did, I did say that.”  He said “Do you think I can handle it?” (Laughing) I said “Okay Lord I’m going to go back and pray but I got to sleep because of this new job.” So I prayed and I went on to sleep. And the next morning I took a shower, came out of the room.  I opened the door and as I’m opening the door the man next to me is coming out of his room.  Now he looks over and sees me coming out and he screams and just yells.

Sid: Why?

Jeff:  I have no clue, and then he jumped back in and slams the door and just goes “Ahh” and he jumps back in and slams the door. And I’m going “Wonder why he did that it must have been the guy that got so offended with me about praying.” And so I’m walking towards the steps and I look up and there’s another man kind of hung over.  He’s got his hand on his head and as he does he’s walking towards me and he’s walking towards me. He looks up and he sees me and he stops dead still in his tracks and goes “Ahh.”  Just like the other guy and turns around and he starts running and runs back to his room and runs into his room.  And I’m going “Well, this could be offensive.”  (Laughing)  So I turn and I walk down the steps and I walk into this open courtyard and there’s a man across the courtyard and yells at me. And say’s “Hey man I just want you to have a good day today.”  I’m going, “Well thanks” and he gives; “No, no I’m really serious, I really want you to have a good day.” And I’m going well thank you very much. So we get in the truck and we start out on the route and so the man that’s training me who has his wife downstairs and he says to me. He says “Jeff, what about those guys last night?”  And I said “Oh yeah, they came into my room and they were cussing me out.” And he said “What did you say to them?”  And I said “Oh, I didn’t say anything to them.”  He said “It’s all right you’re not going to get fired or anything.”  He said “I would really like to know what you said them.”  I said “I didn’t say anything, to them and he said “Really, it’ll be okay it really will.”  And he said “Tell me what you said” and I said, “I didn’t say anything.” He said “Look I know that you did because I, me and my wife was looking out the window and we looked out the window we saw you come and stand right in the middle of them and talk to them.” And then the Spirit of the Lord just spoke to me and said “Son I told you I would handle this thing.”  And He said “You want to know how I handled it?” I said, “Lord how?”  And He said to me “What happened is I caused an angel to go down and take on your appearance and speak to them”

Sid: I’ll tell you Mishpochah Jeff sees lots of angels and I believe God is about ready to release angels to minister on behalf of those who believe in the Name of Jesus. How could you ever be afraid of anything Jeff, when God says “You can take care of it or I will.”  I’ll have God take care of it any day.  I want you to press into the Spirit and minister to people right now.

Jeff:  As I’m sitting here the Lord had already dropped something in my spirit. And there’s a man and your name is John and I believe that you’re around the Savannah area.  I believe you’re even in Pooler because I keep seeing the city limit signs of Pooler.  As I’m looking down on the right side of your body, and you’re very concerned and in fact you haven’t told anyone in particular; you haven’t told your family.  Your wife in particular but the Lord… I believe your wife’s name is Gladys I believe that’s the name I hear. God wants you to know that He’s going to heal you.  He’s going to heal you just cry out and ask for the healing God to come.  He does want to please you; He does want to minister to you and He does want to heal you.  So right now in the Name of Jesus I thank you for the healing in that particular spot that I’m seeing Lord and I just ask you to bring the healing; that knot Lord.  I believe the doctors would call it a hydro-seal I believe that’s what they call it.  So Father in Jesus Name I thank you for the healing of God.  Also around the Statesboro area the Lord.  The Lord hadn’t given me your married name but I just see a maiden name Joyce Waters.  And God wants to restore you back to something  around ages 14 to 17 in particular. God want to minister to you; He wants to restore you.  And there’s been some really hard hard stuff in your life. Particularly in the last 5 years. But God wants to bring a blessing; wants to bring a blessing back.  And a praise the Lord. And that couple that’s listening in St. Simons and you’ve walked in the things of God and the power of God. And you’ve had some real disappointments and some real hurts.  But God’s just going to bring the Balm of Gilead and it’s just going to pour it upon those open wounds.  And you’re going to be restored and the giftings that are in you are going to come back like never before. And God’s going to open up some opportunities. So let this be a season of God just pouring back into you.  Praise the Lord.  And Father I want to thank You for that police officer; and African American man I believe your name is George and you do some things with narcotics. But there’s a pulling and you have someone on the force that’s really been kind of… you’re kind of amazed by some things.  And God just wants you to know that He’s showing you some things that He wants to pull you into some things. Actually He’s going to answer some prayers that were prayed over you when you were about 6 years old by two Aunties.  God just going to pour in; that drawing you feel really is… and this is a part of the protection for your life. And so I urge you just to look and listen to that man, a man named Elliot.  So listen to him because it’ll be a blessing for you.

Sid:  You know Mishpochah this is Sid Roth and I’m speaking with Jeff Burke and the way that he’s moving in the Spirit right now is the way that God wants you to move.  If you draw near to God He will draw near to you. 


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December 17th, 2014 at 7:23 am