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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Dr. Catherine Millard

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Sid:  We want everyone everywhere to be red hot for the Messiah. We’ve been robbed; what do you mean Sid?  What I mean is I have a book in front of me that every American should read; every American must read.  I don’t know about you but I feel that we have the greatest country that the world has ever seen.  I am very appreciative to have a country that can have a Christian as President of the United States and outspoken Christian at that. The opportunity that an immigrant can come to this country and arise to the highest levels.  There is no other place in the world, I’ve traveled the world there’s no place that has all of the advantages that the United States of America has.  But so few people my self included knew all of these facts in the book that we’re making available this week, and I have the author on the telephone this week the author Dr. Catherine Mallard. She is the Founder of Christian Heritage Ministry, and Christian Heritage Tours in Northern Virginia. And the book is called “The Rewriting of America’s History.” And now it’s so clear to me I’m sure it wasn’t at the time to you; but it’s so clear to me now how God hand picked you to make this information available.  Tell me about the training that you’d had briefly when you attended the University of France.

Catherine:  Yes, my first Degree is in Languages, Literature,History and Civilization.   And most of my courses were in French and I also studied American History for the first time in my life.

Sid: Now where were you born?

Catherine: In Maharishis, which is a thousand miles east of South Africa.

Sid: And out of curiosity; why American history?

Catherine:  Well, it was part of the studies there of the Histories of Civilization.  It was said that it seemed to export their best professors. We had just excellent professors but we studied documents of American history. That  university had the best Department of North American studies in France and I studied for the first time documents of American history.  Because overseas you study original history of America.  And unfortunately this I found that America is the only place where you study since the 1930’s that is revisionist that is false history and outlandish lies at that about the founders. I was fascinated by America’s history by the original documents.  It was adventuresome, griping, fascinating, fast moving, I didn’t know why it was so different though and It was only after accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior in this country.  Tis is where the Lord Jesus Christ found me 24 years ago and then after I got my Master’s degree in Old and New Testament from doctrinally sound Biblical Seminary.  Then God gave me the path to research to go back to the Library of Congress to the rare book section and research the One of a Kind Originals.

Sid: How many years have you researched the One of a Kind Originals?

Catherine:   Twenty years now; my first book “God’s Signature Over the Nation’s Capital” was began in 1983 just after I graduated.  And then I found…then I began to realize why it was so different from other histories such as French History and British, English History because I had grown up under the British.  And it was very, very different simply because they were brilliant, brilliant people that founded this nation; the founders.  But there was no..but they were humble, there was no pomp and ceremony and why were they humble?  Because they would have stayed on the word of God.   The documents of American History from1492 to 1899 the span of my books; well 8 books now that God has enabled me to research and have published.  You see in all of these documents they were reliance on the word of God; they were living it out and they are quoting it in their great speeches and proclamations and addresses. And their reliance on the Lord in prayer;  like the First Continental Congress, 7 September 1774 in Cobblers Org, Philadelphia began with 36 of the leading men of the 13 original colonies on their knees in prayer.  And Psalm 35 was read in it’s entirety and prayer was beautiful, beautiful prayer said in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  They gave God all the glory and they put Him first and their dependance was totally upon Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ and that’s the reason why in fact that they won the American Revolution I firmly believe. But you see that all of this is so Christian and so this nation is based, it’s history’s based on Protestant Christian Biblical truth undiluted.  And I’ve been able to prove that now in all of this research on original documents.  Now this is why the history is so different from the pomp and ceremony of the history of other nations  Except I would…the only exception I would make would be Israel because Israel has the Old Testament and it’s where our Messiah comes from and it’s God’s chosen people.

Sid: Well, on yesterday’s broadcast we were talking a bit and I just through a little information from the most popular books that are out today about some of the father’s of our nation so to speak. And one was Ben Franklin and I said “This man was not a very moral man; and you said “That proves that you’ve been educated in the US system after 1930” which obviously is true. Tell me just briefly a little bit why what I was taught is so wrong about Benjamin Franklin.

Catherine:  Yes, all the documents of American history on Benjamin Franklin I researched.  I spent more time on Tomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin because they were the most versatile and they were the most talented men.  They had been the most maligned.  Thomas Jefferson because he wrote the Declaration of Independence and because you have to discredit the man if you want to discredit the Declaration of Independence the author who wrote it.  And then you turn the youth away from studying it and then your put into dependance which the UN is currently doing.  And then you towards the one world government and getting rid of the sovereignty of this nation. But Benjamin Franklin attended Christ Church with his wife Debra, his daughter Sarah, her husband and her children. And it’s even a stain-glass window showing the founding fathers worshiping the Lord with open Bibles called “Christ Church Patriots 1790” that was removed and put in permanent storage in the neighborhood house across the road in September of 1986.

Sid:  Now wasn’t that done because it was so valuable and to protect it?  As opposed to letting it be publicly seen.

Catherine:  Well, it had been there; the stain-glassed windows was put there and there were 3 of them actually; the other one was First Prayer in Congress by T.H. Madison of the 36 delegates of the United States at the First Continental Congress on their knees in prayer and scripture reading Psalm 35. And there was a third reorganization of American states of the American Church after Independence by Bishop White Washington’s Pastor. But all 3 were put in storage, but you never put a stain-glass window in storage.  The reason that the stain-glass window is there is it has a story to tell and it’d been there for 128 years from 1861, teaching one generation after another, after another, after another of American youth by the millions.  These great events glorifying Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ putting Him first at the founding of the American Republic under God.  You never remove a stain-glass window to put it I storage to keep it safe. You have it put up as I said with a story in it to teach people for generations and generations some great Biblical truth. And this is was the Bible and prayer tied into the founding and to develop the American Republic.  Well he is in that famous stain glass window with an open Bible and reproduced in my book “The Rewriting of America’s History.  And…

Sid: And that’s another thing that’s very interesting about the book that we’re making available Mishpochah. The book is called “The Rewriting of America’s History “ is a lot of these original things she has photographs of in the book.  There’s something that I can’t wait, I got to have you talk about because it’s so in the news today. The separation of Church and State; which founding father established that?

Catherine:  There wasn’t any founding father that established it.  None of them did; when Benjamin Franklin stood up when he was the only one at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 in May, when there was impasse.  He stood up and said “Gentleman, groping at the dark for political truth and scarcely able to find it when confronted by it; how is it that we have never turned to our Heavenly Father? In the past when we turned to Him for guidance and prayer, He was always faithful to answer our prayers.” And of course the original speech is in my book. “And I’m a firm believer in scripture gentleman and unless the Lord build the house they labor in vain they that build it; and if our Heavenly Father, knows every sparrow that falls to the ground, how do we believe that we can build an empire without His aid? I submit gentleman’s that we adjourn and that from tomorrow morning on we begin in prayer and we invite a clergyman of the city.  (That’s Christ Church of Philadelphia, he was a member of it; a great gospel church he sat under this Biblical gospel sermon’s every single Sunday, after Sunday, after Sunday with the other founding fathers.”  In fact I’m stating this from knowledge because I was in the vault, I spent two days in the vault, one day and then I came back and spent another day.

Sid: That’s the vault of the Library of Congress.  How many years have you been pouring over these original documents?

Catherine:  Twenty years in the Library of Congress rare book collection.  I’m talking about the vault of Christ Church of Philadelphia, founding father’s church. I came out by Divine appointment miraculously with 100’s of xeroxes including 100’s of sermon’s that take you to the throne of grace that they sat under by Bishop White.  The Pastor Benjamin Franklin included and so Separation of Church and State doesn’t feature in any of the originals, any of the documents written by American history written by any founding father; any political official document, or address or writing of any founding father. If you really want to know where separation of church and state that phrase comes from you could fine it in a Soviet Constitution Article 24.  “There should be separation of church and state, and there shall be separation of church and school.” That’s really where it comes from; it’s actually separation of church from interference by the state is in Thomas Jefferson’s 1776 famous statues for religious freedom in Virginia and it’s accepted on the inner wall of the Jefferson Memorial and also in James Madison’s…

Sid: Oops, we’re out of time. Mishpochah you owe it to yourself to understand American history. I don’t know of anyone better prepared to do it than Dr. Catherine Millard.

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January 15th, 2015 at 2:27 am

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