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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest James Maloney

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SID: Hello. I’m Sid Roth. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. Have you ever heard of a man by the name of William Branham? He had without a doubt since the days that Jesus walked in the flesh the greatest miracle ministry I ever read about. No guess work on his part. He knew when people were going to be healed. He never missed it. Well I have a guest that operates in that same type of presence of God. He was telling me that he, many times, almost every time, he sees what are known as panoramic visions. He’ll see a light over someone and he’ll pick that person out, and then he’ll see photographs of their entire life right above their head, their past, their present, their future. And he was mentored by an individual that said, she’s in Heaven now, but she said he would transmit the most supernatural anointing to people in the last days. Are you interested in hearing about it? I have to tell you something. I read in the Bible that the Gentile believer is supposed to provoke the Jew to jealousy. So my friend James Maloney has been provoking me to jealousy. But I just found out he’s not Gentile. He just found that he’s Jewish. So I don’t know how can you be provoking me to jealousy? People see a flame of fire. Explain that, when you speak many times.

JAMES: Well Sid, well what many times happens is I’m ministering after the Word sometimes I enter in to what’s termed, in Hosea 12:10, “multiplied visions.” It’s what we term a seer operation, prophetic seer operation. So what happens is the person that’s, you know, I feel impressed to call someone out. I have him stand in front of me and they welcome the anointing and the congregation is drawing on that gifting and anointing. And then I just have this overwhelming sense that an angelic person comes to my side. I’ve actually had people as well as myself sense the weightiness of this angel, and it’s like a flame of fire. It’s, I can’t describe. But just that way, hundreds have seen this terror kind of fire just hover over the person and I, and just drop on us. And when it does extraordinary things happen.

SID: Speaking of extraordinary things, I mean, you should have been at a meal that I recently had with James. I mean, you were telling me one thing after another. Tell me about the person with the tattoo.

JAMES: You like that one, don’t you

SID: I do. I do.

JAMES: Out in Anaheim, California there was a drug addict that had just gotten saved, just a couple of weeks, and he was so embarrassed, precious brother, because not only did he have needle marks in his arm, hundreds of them on both arms, but tattoos, and they were all demonic. I mean, they were just grotesque. And he said, “You know, I just want to serve Jesus, but I’m so embarrassed because I’ve been a drug addict and I have hepatitis C, and this and that, and look at these needle marks.” And I just saw the hands of Jesus in a vision just put his hands on him, and 30 seconds later, all the needle marks disappeared. And, hey, that got him excited. And then I said something. I said, he’s worried about the tattoos. I said, “Just watch what the Lord does. Wake up in the morning. Just watch what God does.” That’s how I said it. And he woke up the next morning and he was there in the bathroom, you know, brushing his teeth, and all of a sudden he felt this tingling. He said, “I felt this shaking and tingling.” Then poof! And he had brand new baby skin, not one tattoo left. Hallelujah!

SID: You’re looking at James and you’re saying, boy that man is such a blessed man. But you don’t know what that man has gone through. You see, his, he was born illegitimately. His mother’s husband was in prison. He gets out of prison, recognizes that James could not be his. He was in prison, could not possibly have been his son and abuses James. He locks him in a closet. He doesn’t eat. He’s beaten. He’s rejected. How long were you locked in that closet?

JAMES: Nine months straight and then periodically about six, seven months.

SID: Did they give you much food

JAMES: Oh no. I’d go two and three days with no food. They would just throw a bottle of water, a little milk or a half-eaten hamburger in there, and the only time I was taken out was to be beaten and then thrown back in there. So my nose was broken several times, my eye area, ribs, fingers were broken, this and that, you know.

SID: But God had mercy and he was adopted by a wonderful family. At 15, he hears the audible voice of God and he becomes a believer in the Messiah. Nineteen, he’s off to Bible college and you had a visitation. You believe it was from the Angel Gabriel. What happened?

JAMES: I was doing a lot of fasting and praying. Now that may sound real spiritual, but I was a student at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas, and we didn’t have a cafeteria, so I had no money, so I had no other choice but to fast. But God used it. I think it was on the fourteenth day that I had 22-minute visitation from an angelic person. I knew it was not Jesus because when I was born again, Jesus was the one that appeared to me. So there’s a difference, of course. And I was given mandates and certain scriptures that I would identify my life ministry calling in the future. And it was at that time that I received just certain impartations and callings, and I didn’t wait. I was 19. I just, you know, hey, I’m ready, let’s go for it. And I just started stepping out as a student and God began to give me words of knowledge and wisdom, and prophetic words for students, and they were quite specific.

SID: I am in awe the gifting that you operate in. But in 40 years of the most amazing, amazing ministry, this is the single most profound experience. We’ll talk about it when we come back.

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April 3rd, 2015 at 4:54 pm

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