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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Jane Glenchur

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Sid Roth 785-Glenchur

SID: So God put Jane in a situation where she became an apprentice of prayer. She literally sat at His feet to learn how to pray. Tell me one of the secrets of power of prayer that God showed you.

JANE: Yes. One of my favorites is called tapping into God’s heart. Because when you ask God what is on His heart first before presenting your concerns, you’re really giving Him free reign to speak about anything in your life or the life of the person you’re praying for.

SID: If I’m understanding you right, when you start every morning praying, is that the prayer you pray? Say it again.

JANE: Yes. I start—

SID: Tell me how you pray it.

JANE: I simply, after I’ve thanked God and praised him, I’ll say, “God, what is on Your heart today?

SID: That is so different. It’s normally a laundry list.

JANE: Yes. And I’ve heard amazing things by doing that. So for instance, one time a friend asked me over to her house to pray about a problem, and I said, “I would like to honor God first and ask Him what’s on his Heart.” When we did that, I was surprised by what God said to me. He said to me very clearly, “Your mother will not die this year.”

SID: Had she been sick?

JANE: No. She was in her 80’s, but she was very healthy.

SID: So that was a pizza dream.

JANE: No. I heard it again twice, very, very clearly. So I wrote it in my journal, not realizing that several months later this would be extremely important because three months later, my mother is stepping from her house into her garage at 9 p.m. at night. She falls. She sustains life-threatening injuries. No one hears her cry for help. So she lays on the garage floor for seven hours before someone, a neighbor, calls the police. So I get a phone call and immediately I’m reminded, God told me she’s not going to die this year, so I can stay calm. So I went to the hospital emergency room where the emergency room doctor says to me, “Her injuries are so severe, you would best call in your family members because she may not make it.” And he pulled up the x-rays, and I looked at those black and white facts, but they were no match for God’s truth. And I said to him, “She’ll be fine.”

SID: Wait a second, you’re a doctor. Is this guy a little upset?

JANE: He probably thought I was crazy.

SID: Meshugah. We like that word.

JANE: Right.

SID: It’s Hebrew for crazy.

JANE: Not only that. But he says, “Her injuries are so bad we have to ship her off to a level 1 trauma center.” So we go to the next hospital.

SID: But you’re convinced she’s not going to die.

JANE: Oh absolutely because God told me she was not going to die.

SID: God is so fabulous. Before she’s even sick, before she’s even injured you get the answer. I love it. Is that part of power prayer?

JANE: Oh absolutely. Absolutely. And because I knew what was on God’s heart that day it made the difference in making medical decisions for my mom. Because she ran into multiple complications as she recovered, and every time she did, I would just declare Psalm 118:17, my mother will not die, she will live to declare the Glory of God. And so all my decisions were based on the fact that I knew she would recover.

SID: You shared a little earlier about the way you used to pray and the way you pray now. Give me a real life example of the way you pray now.

JANE: Okay. One time I needed a Christmas gift for a friend and I had no idea what to get her. Now before I would have probably not even prayed about it, but if I had, I would have gotten, I would have said, “God give me wisdom please about what to buy her for a gift.” But then I would have gone from store to store, to store looking for items, buying one or two, bringing them home and then fretting about whether she would like them or whether I spent too much money or not enough money.

SID: You sound typical. Are you relating to her? I think you are.

JANE: But in reality, what I did was I sat down and I prayed. I said, “Lord, I have no idea what to get my friend. But I know You know. So would you show me what would bless her.” And instantly I get this impression, buy her a fleeced jacket. Well this was back when fleece first came out and it only came in sleeveless vests. So I corrected God and I said, “I’m sorry, but fleece doesn’t come in jackets. It only comes in vests. So what would she like?” And I hear again, a fleece jacket. So I thought well maybe this is a deception from the enemy. So using Matthew 18:18, “I bound the enemy from speaking to me.” And I asked a third time, “God, what would my friend like?” And of course, I hear fleece jacket. So I thought, well how can I confirm that this is God? My next question was, God, if this is You, would You show me where I can find it. And I get a picture in my mind of a store that’s in an area of town that I normally don’t shop in. So I felt let’s test this out. And I drive there, look at all the racks, and I said, “God, where is the fleece jacket?” I get to the clearance rack and there is one periwinkle fleece jacket in exactly my friend’s size at a great price. And so the beauty of power praying is one trip to the right store to buy the right item, and it saves time and money. My friend loved the present. It fit her perfectly.

SID: I happen to love that power principle that she pointed out rather than my laundry list to God. God, every morning pray, God, what is on your heart? I want to be a God pleaser. And I have to tell you that you are on his heart. He wanst you not to know about Him. He wants you to have experiential knowledge of Him. If you will tell God you’re sorry for your mistakes, believe the blood of Jesus washes them away as if they never happened, ask Him for help to turn from doing these wrong things and then say, Jesus, come inside of me, become my Lord, become real to me, I want experiential knowledge with you. You are on His heart.



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February 3rd, 2016 at 4:50 pm

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