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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Dave Roberson

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Sid:  I have on the telephone Dave Roberson he’s Senior Pastor of the Family Prayer Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And we’re talking about a revelation that Dave received from God that allows believers to get from the level they’re at in the Spirit where they’ve been for years and years and years and breakthrough to where God really wants them. Others have been praying for years and years and years and it’s almost as though “Well I believe God’s going to answer this prayer someday” but year after year after year you’re praying and you’re not seeing results. Others don’t have the intimacy with God Dave for many years you’ve been a man of the Spirit. You spent many many days praying 5, 6, 7, 8 hours in tongues, you really have been moving in the Spirit. But when you got the revelation on fasting that it wasn’t something that moves God.  What does fasting really do, you told us on yesterday’s broadcast, but review that what does fasting really do for you?

Dave: Well in Romans 8:10 because I wondered when that devil wouldn’t come out that Jesus had ended up casting out for the disciples the apostles and they turned around and asked Him “Why wouldn’t that devil come out?” He was very plain He said “He would not come out because of your unbelief.” And then he went on to say something tremendous “If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you could say to that mountain be removed and be cast beyond us and it would obey you.” And then He said “Absolutely nothing, nothing should be impossible to you.” So the disciples had been casting devils out up until that time and suddenly a devil just would not come out. And when they asked Jesus the reason He said “It’s because of your unbelief.”  So when I saw this I thought to myself “Well if the primary reason that devil wouldn’t come out is because of their unbelief then I wondered what in the world does fasting have to do with unbelief? Now what does going without eating what does that have to do with my unbelief period? But yet it does because Jesus said that “If you ever dealt with this particular unbelief.” You know the kind that the apostles had or the disciples had that day when they couldn’t cast that devil out. Because if they knew why they couldn’t cast that devil out they wouldn’t have asked Jesus but they couldn’t get it to come out so they asked Him why? He said “Because of your unbelief.” So we’re talking about a very seductive, deceptive kind of unbelief that had put a ceiling on a person’s life. A kind of unbelief that we don’t even know that we have for one year is like the next until decades turn into generations and pretty soon our whole life can go by.

Sid: Do you believe that people have a very specific destiny from God and many people never even know what it is let alone accomplish it?

Dave: I do because of these kind of ceilings that’s over their life and the unbelief that’s involved we bounce off of that ceiling prisoned in that world of unbelief many times. Put into that world by doctrines that people preach and teach that’s not exactly true. It puts us in a holding tank and we spin our wheels all of our lives and we don’t know why we can’t break through into our ministries and our calls. Just like this particular kind of unbelief they didn’t know why they had it but He told them that they devil wouldn’t come out because of your unbelief.  Meaning, Sid if you and I ever learned how to deal with that kind of unbelief that He was talking about that subtle kind that we spend years in sometimes just not knowing how to breakout. But if we ever learn to deal with it we’ve got a person promise from Jesus that absolutely nothing and I mean nothing would be impossible to you. But then He said “How be it…” an analytical word, “…how be it this kind He said to come out by nothing but prayer and fasting. And that certainly wasn’t the prayer that hovered over the demon possessed boy because that one didn’t work.  He was talking about a lifestyle of prayer. But He said “By prayer and fasting.” And so my question to God I said “Oh Father what does fasting have to do with my unbelief especially that  very subtle kind that a person doesn’t even know that they have and just explain a little bit on that?” Let’s say that the whole room was full of wheelchairs and children in them and Jesus walked in and emptied all of the wheelchairs in His glorify body and I’ve said I’d already prayed for him and I couldn’t…why didn’t you do that when I prayed? He’d turn to me and say the same thing. He’d say “Son it was because of your unbelief.” But then I know Jesus and he does not speak a problem he doesn’t outline a problem without going on and giving the answer to the problem before He’s finished. And I knew that if He walked into the room he would tell me exactly the same thing He told His apostle that day.  He said that “It’s because of your unbelief how be it this kind will come out but prayer and fasting?” Now He just wasn’t talking about deliverance He said “You see that mountain and you could speak to it and that mountain would move.” He was talking about power and ministry when you can destroy those kind of ceilings that keep you in the same place your whole life time see.  So my question “What does it have to do with unbelief?” And that’s when I found out Romans 8 and 10 “If Christ is in me,” and He is, my spirit is already seated in heavenly places with Him. He didn’t say “It’s alive.” People in hell are alive my spirit has entered into the Zoe that kind of new nature life with Him. But my body has been declared dead as far as its ability to reign over my spirit positionally the carnal appetites of the flesh has had its position provided for it which is dead. And fasting enforces that position. When I began to fast then it began to drive my flesh down below an operation of my spirit. And I used to think fasting moved God but the moment my flesh dropped below the operation of my spirit things that I’d been believing for, power I had longed to operate in, habits that were not pleasing to God they begin to die. And prayers that I had on hold for years began to come to past.

Sid: Can you get a little specific in your life Dave?

Dave: Yes.

Sid: Tell me specific things that happened to Dave Roberson.

Dave: Marilyn Hickey’s and Wally Hickey’s and I had gravitated towards the flesh and felt like I was out of control. I kept getting no peace and I asked Marilyn “Can you help me?” She said “Yes I can get you an appointment Dr. Cho.” I said “Oh thank you” but on the way home in my airplane God told me he said “Do you remember I told you to go as far into Me as you could?” I got home Sid and canceled my meetings and I managed to go on a longer fast and 2½ fasts later I entered into…I mean I broke levels the flesh off of me and a peace came back the torment left, a peace came back so strong I finally ended up doing a teaching on “Peace the aggressive weapon of God” because it broke the power of the flesh. When I first entered into it Sid I couldn’t even read my Bible hardly I couldn’t do anything it’s so crazy and I couldn’t have any peace to pray and even open my Bible felt like a thousand fish hooks was pulling my flesh back…

Sid: What was stopping you from opening your Bible?

Dave: Emotions that were unexplainable, I mean they were so strong I couldn’t force myself to do it like a supernatural presence had gotten ahold of me and was tormenting me. And for the first days of the fast Sid I just laid there on the bed and went “Uhhhh” and I couldn’t do anything hardly but I refused to eat. And it wasn’t too long into the flesh and one day I woke up I felt like praying again, you know I felt like opening my Bible again. Something had broken and I didn’t know at that time that I had driven my flesh down below the operation of the life that was in my spirit and I started getting free.  It was a tremendous thing (Laughing) when I think back over it now you know I just want to cry.

Sid: You know I’ve heard your series on peace.

Dave: Yes.

Sid: Explain just briefly what is this peace you have experienced every believer experiences peace from time to time as they walk with the Lord.

Dave: Yes Sid when the further I walked out of the flesh and into His love He said “That where I am you may be also as I am so are you in this world. Seated at the right hand of the Father in His glorified humanity as man and as God.” He talked about it “So are you in this world.” That peace He has there I can have here.  And the further I got into God’s love the stronger this peace got. But there isn’t that there isn’t tornadoes that come right up to me that die right at the tip of my toes. It’s not that there not alive and around me but they do not enter in, not meat, eat and drink but righteousness, peace and joy they do not get in. And when I conquered that would of peace on the inside that’s when I began to conquer the world around me.  I used to have to have God changed the world around me to have peace but now if He can change that world on the inside of you that’s the key to changing the world around you. And boy that peace is one of the strongest things I ever ever had the pleasure of walking with, with my Savior.

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February 9th, 2017 at 11:19 am