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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Steven Brooks

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SID: Now I said to Steven, whatever he tells you to do, do it. Sound familiar? Okay. Steven.


SID: You just got back from meetings in England. What happened there?

STEVEN: We had some very powerful meetings in England where the Spirit of God was moving. And in the last service mantles began to fall on the people in a very, very tangible way, coming over their shoulders, people having powerful sensations of a burning in their hands, healing gifts being released to God’s people. You know, it’s like a new wardrobe. If we wore the same clothes for 30 years it might get a little bit boring. So God releases new mantles, new garments, new assignments, new callings and new giftings, and they fall on God’s people with tangible presence of God’s goodness.

SID: Many physical healings take place?

STEVEN: Yes. Healings take place and also people can get healed while at the same time receiving a healing anointing.

SID: No, I’m talking about in the meeting in England.

STEVEN: Yes. Yes, it was happening. People were being healed in their bodies and then standing up and receiving a new anointing to go out and pray for the sick from the very thing they just got healed from.

SID: You know, I’m hearing things, people with problems in the neck, if you move your head you’ll see that the pain is gone. Anything actually from the neck up, sinus, thyroid and any, it’s yours. Just take it.


SID: Steven, we hear the term from the Bible, “Prayer and supplication.” What does the word, I know what prayer means. What does the word “supplication” mean?

STEVEN: Sid, before we talk about that supplication there are people that are watching right now, you’re smelling a fragrance like a burning incense and the Lord is healing sinuses, the Lord is healing incurable infections and you’re like, what is this fragrance that smells like myrrh or frankincense burning? And so that is the cleaning power of God. There are people watching with HIV and as you’re smelling this, God is cleansing you of that disease and you can go back and check, you’re going to find out that Jesus has healed you of HIV. So receive the healing anointing of Jesus now.

SID: Okay. Supplication.

STEVEN: It’s just where you go before the Lord in prayer and you’re asking, but you’re asking in the sense like, “Lord, I can’t take no for an answer. Lord, you promised me in your Word that you would do this for me.” And you come before the Lord and you pour your heart out before God, and God looks down and says, “I’m going to do this for you. You have given me your heart. You have devoted your life to me. I’m going to answer your prayer by fire.”

SID: Briefly, I’ve got to ask you about this angelic wealth transfer you teach on.

STEVEN: It is in the Word of God revealed in the New Testament as an End Time revelation for the Body of Christ. You see in Haggai, Chapter 2, Verse 8, where the Lord says, “The silver and gold is mine, saith the Lord of Hosts.” And that basically means, Lord of Hosts, the captain of the angelic armies, and Jesus Messiah is captain over all the armies of Heaven. But often times we don’t see in the New Testament what we see in the Old Testament of the Jehovah names of God, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Shalom. You move to the New Covenant, you don’t see that. But in the Book of James, Chapter 5, it says that “The wicked rich have heaped up treasure in the last days and it’s come to the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.” Who is the Lord of Sabaoth? That is a transliteration where we have lost the original Hebrew, meaning it is the Lord of Hosts. It is Jehovah Sabaoth and it is the captain of the angelic armies. He is going to come and send his angels, and shake wealth into the Body of Christ where the Body of Christ is moved from being the tail to becoming the head.

SID: I’m going to tell you something. I believe that the Glory of God is so strong on this set.


SID: You said I was distracting you because you can’t see maybe on TV, but if you were close you would see gold on my face.

STEVEN: Yes. I almost feel like I’m vibrating and shaking under the power of God that’s in this studio right now.

SID: I need you to pray right now mantles, miracles.

STEVEN: Lift up your hands wherever you’re at. Father, in the name of Jesus, this is an End Time church that you have. The End Time church must be a prophetic church. There was one John the Baptist, but now there’s a corporate body saying, “Prepare the way for the Lord’s return.” Father, let that End Time prophetic anointing, lift your hands, let it come on your people now. In the name of Jesus receive healing anointings falling on you now. Somebody’s lungs were completely healed. You can now breathe. You are delivered from asthma. Anointings for prosperity, financial anointings, gold anointings are coming down now. Evangelistic mantles are calling and falling upon you. John the Baptist and Paul type ministries, receive it and go out in the power of the Holy Spirit. Mighty, mighty, evangelistic mantles are falling upon young people all over the world. Take it and run with the fire of God.

SID: And in Yeshua’s name, in Jesus’ name, yes there is an Orthodox Jewish person watching me right now. I say to you that the promises of God for everyone are yes and so be it in Yeshua’s name.

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September 13th, 2017 at 9:59 am