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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Sid Roth

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SID: Hello. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. So what did the first Jewish believers in the Messiah know that maybe is almost a mystery to this generation? They knew something because I have a book that tells me they prayed for people that couldn’t walk, and they could start walking. That people that were blind and they could see. They knew something. Well, we have found not only an ancient prayer that they used, but I’ll go so far as to say and the Bible says, it was THE prayer, to unlock the supernatural. Do you want to learn that? Me, too. [laughs] You know, I was just reminding myself. I said, self, do you remember when you were not even a believer in the Messiah? And you were disrupting that prayer reading with those nice, squeaky, religious Christians who were trying so hard to convince you Jesus was the Messiah? But there was one thing that intrigued me immensely.

They said they had a supernatural language that came from God. And I know a lot of people say they don’t want non-believers to hear the supernatural language, but it intrigued me no end. And so then after I became a believer in the Messiah I wanted that supernatural language. So I went to a meeting and someone prayed for me, and they said, well speak in that supernatural language. And I, you know, no one told me that maybe I can’t. I’m glad I didn’t know anything. I was almost like a little child. You know, that’s the way you’re supposed to be. And I started speaking in a supernatural language. But then immediately a little voice in my head said, you’re making it up. Now none of you ever had that problem. Well that little voice I’m sure is talking to many people. And so I stopped. I mean, I love God. I don’t want to make something up. And one day I was with a rabbi that received Jesus, an orthodox rabbi, and he began, he said, he called me over because I had met him before. He said, “Sid, come over here. This woman wants prayer.” This woman was pregnant and the doctor said had a stillborn baby. Now I’m a brand new believer.

You’re asking me to pray for a dead person to come back to life? I didn’t know what to pray. And so all of a sudden I started praying in my supernatural language that I doubted was really from God. And after we finished praying she left. And the rabbi said to me, “Sid, where did you learn that ancient form of Aramaic?” I barely speak Hebrew. I did my Bar Mitzvah in Hebrew. And when he said that he not only said it was an ancient form of Aramaic, he told me what I was praying, because he knew that language. And he said, “You prayed that the child, the Spirit of the child is with God the Father and be at rest.” I said that. Now no way I could have said that with my mind. And after that point I never doubted that that language was real. You see, when you pray in supernatural languages, you do what I did, a mind bypass, which means you’re not dropping down, not from your mind, you’re dropping down to your Spirit. And you’re not praying from your mind, you’re praying from, your Spirit. Now since your mind doesn’t know what you’re doing, your mind will argue with you. So you say, mind, be still. I’m putting my Spirit in charge. And so when you pray in that supernatural language there is no doubt, none. None whatsoever.


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October 9th, 2018 at 8:24 am