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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Sid Roth welcomes Julie True

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Sid:  Well, Mishpochah you know that I’m on a quest for greater, and greater, and greater, and greater, and greater, and greater intimacy with God.  And I’ve never been on drugs, I’ve never been an alcoholic, but I can imagine I have that same compulsion that a heroin addict would have.  I cannot get enough; I want to sell my whole life out to serving the living God.  And every once in awhile I get a music CD, then I start using as my personal soaking music, and I’ve got one now that is doing things for me like no other music has. I want the same thing to happen to you.  I have artist on the telephone right now at her home in Franklin, Tennessee.  Her name if Julie True, and her CD is called “Healing Love,” subtitled “An Interactive Healing Experience.”  And that what my objective is with radio and television, I want it to be interactive I don’t want it to be entertainment sport.  I want it to accomplish things in your life when you’re listening to us either myself, or Julie True, we are going to say something that’s going to change the destiny of your life, it’s going to cause you from going to the right go to the left.  Julie I didn’t even know all the details about this CD because I’ve known James Goll a long time and you were actually at his teaching which then became a book called “Angelic Encounters.”  And you were leading worship.  Tell me the whole story behind this CD because I mean the CD I can just play and people will realize what I’m saying I don’t have to explain it to them.  But tell me the story behind the story.

Julie:  My husband and I have been part of James and Michal Ann Goll’s ministry for the last 3 or 4 years in a real focused way. I was asked to do the soaking time and the worship time at this class that was going to go on for several weeks.  And so any way we just sort of as a thought right before it started we decided to record it.  And there was – everything just fell into place so. We really had in mind that we were going to record some of the songs that I’ve written and that I use in ministry time and you know that’s what we were intending to do, but as I sang my heart in between the known songs what ended up happening was that really what we felt like God’s heart was, was in the spontaneous songs that came from the heart.  What I mean by my spontaneous I just mean there are just songs that I sing in that moment and it was and you know just spirit to spirit.  And so that’s how what this is a compilation of the songs that we pulled out of those weeks of recording and just put them together in a form where we were hoping that it would make it where people could soak and rest and have a meditative type atmosphere to open up their spirit to God.

Sid:  Well you know a picture’s worth a thousand words, I want to play a selection from your CD.  And this is called “Angel’s We Invite You” and since the conference itself that then became a book was on angelic encounters; I’m just curious is feedback you’re getting, are you getting much feedback on this particular song, “Angels We Invite You?”  I would think you would.

Julie:  Oh yes that’s, I get more feedback on that song than any other song on the CD.  And a lot of people are using it.  They put it on repeat that one song and they leave it playing in their house and just invite the angels in.  It’s very simple song, but it’s just to invite the angels in and have had lots of reports from people having angelic visitations in their homes so; and in prayer meetings and soaking times and all kinds of places.

Sid:  Well let’s hear a little bit maybe we’ll hear a little bit more, but this is so rich that, I can tell you what happens I soak to this music and I lose track of time.  Has anyone else said that to you?

Julie:  Oh yes, there’s definitely takes you into a place, a deep place, that is just, it’s restful and…

Sid:  Well, here are the two words that I feel.  I feel peace, and I feel love.  Have you heard that feedback before?

Julie:  Yes, I have, lots of comments about peace and love and being able to sleep and being able to just receive.

Sid:  What do you mean being able to sleep?

Julie:  Well, one person told me that they had read that the number one desire of people in the world is to be able to have a goodnights sleep and to be at peace, and that’s what they are able to do.  I just had a lady the other day that said, “I wake up a lot of times in the middle of the night and I put this CD on and I am able to sleep.”  And  I had another lady that she had, she—her son has demonic types of things happen and she puts it on and he’s able to rest and sleep to that music.  And babies that are able to sleep…

Sid:  Well, I just better tell our people the 800 # to get this CD before we play it on or maybe they’ll just go to sleep.  No I’m just teasing.  Let’s hear our selection from this very powerful healing love CD, it’s called “Angels We Invite You.”

Julie True Worship excerpt “Angel’s We Invite You”

Sid:  That was a selection called “Angels We Invite You” Julie True’s CD “Healing Love.”  And I really believe, I may do what that woman does that told you that she just puts that on to play that one song over and over except I love the other songs so much.  I would love my home filled with the presence of angels.

Julie:  Yes.

Sid:  Julie, tell me a bit about yourself, have you been singing many years?  Have you been, you play the keyboard, tell me a bit about your history.

Julie:  I grew up with wonderful parents and with a love for God but I was not allowed to play worship music.

Sid:  Well, there really is a devil if you’re not allowed to; I can see why the devil would box you in bit allowing you to play worship music.

Julie:  Well, it’s kind of funny, yeah, we were allowed to play any kind of music except music except worship music with the keyboard.  And so it was…

Sid:  But why was that?  I don’t understand?

Julie:  Well, there is this thought that the verse in the New Testament that says to sing and make melody in your heart to the Lord because it doesn’t mention instruments then they were concerned that was offensive to God.  And so instruments are mentioned in the Old Testament, but it was just one of those things, really it has been something that the devil completely stole from that whole religious thing.

Sid:  But when you look in the Bible and you look at the Jewish roots of the faith you have the most magnificent worship and dance and all these things are being recaptured.  But I understand that when you had an immersion in the Holy Spirit, known as baptism in the Holy Spirit, things changed for you.

Julie:  Oh, totally. We just realized that God was bigger than the sign on our Church building.  I mean that’s kind of what happened we just went WOW!  We’re not confined by the, you know God’s not looking at his people as one little group here, one little group here.  He sees all of His children and then we just got opened up to freedom in Him.

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Written by admin

June 27th, 2012 at 7:11 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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