It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

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Our Guest Barry Feinman

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Sid:  My guest another Jewish man that is red hot for the Messiah, Barry Feinman, Executive Director of Jezreel International. He’s been explaining all this week of the supernatural call of God for him to put together a humanitarian organization that emphasizes getting goods to Israel. But getting humanitarian efforts to people worldwide that are needy, Barry I bet you had no idea that people worldwide are in such need?

Barry:  Oh Sid, it’s overwhelming, totally overwhelming that even more so is God obviously knew it and there is such a mandate on us as the body to be there for the poor and the needy.

Sid:  Give me some Biblical reference as to the mandate to be there for the needy. Sid Roth supernatural

Barry:  Well, let me just give you – in Roman’s 15:27 for Israel, it’s actually before that, it says “For it please those from Macedonia and Achia to make a certain contribution for the poor among the saints who are in Jerusalem.  It please them indeed and they are their debtors for if the gentiles have been partakers of their (Israel’s) spiritual things then their duty is also to minister to them (Israel) in material things.”  That is such an eye opening scripture.  Because here’s Paul, Rav Shaul the Apostle Paul, writing to the Gentiles who were in Rome. Telling them that if you have partaken, and basically in the good news of Messiah and the Word of God, then it is your duty to begin blessing them materially. Most churches unfortunately don’t know how to that or go about that, and we have made a way for the church to be able to, the Gentiles to be able to bless Israel materially.

Sid:  Tell me a few more scriptures like in Acts 10 about Cornelius.

Barry:  Oh, I love that, you know Cornelius, this is a real eye opener. You know because it’s beautiful it’s going again talking about giving alms giving to a charity.  In Acts 10:1 it says, “There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a Centurion, of what was called the Italian regiment.  A devout man and one who feared God with all of his household who gave alms, charitable, generously to the people Israel, and prayed to God always. In about the ninth hour of the day he saw clearly in a vision an angel of God coming and saying to him, “Cornelius.” When he observed him he was afraid and said, “What is it Lord?” so he said to him, “Your prayers and your charitable giving, your alms, have come up for a memorial before God.””  It doesn’t say your praise came up, or your Bible studies came up, or you preaching came up, it doesn’t say any of that. It says clearly, “That you prayers and your charitable giving to the poor have come up as a memorial before God.”

Sid: Why don’t we conclude on the scriptures on giving Matthew 25. I mean this phenomenal once you understand it. Sid Roth tv programs

Barry: Yeah, this one hit me so hard several years ago.  That Matthew 25, and everyone knows the scripture because Yeshua is speaking and He makes it very clear about the sheep and the goats.  In verse 31 in Matthew 25 it says, “When the Son of man comes in His glory and all the holy angels are with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory and all the nations will be gathered before Him.  He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.  He will set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on His left. Then the King will say to those on His right hand, “Come you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, for I was hungry you gave me food, I was thirsty you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you took me in. I was naked, you clothed me, I was sick, you visited me.  I was in prison, and you came to me. Then the righteous will answer Him and say, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, and thirsty and give you a drink, when did you see you a stranger and take you in, or naked and clothe you, or when did we see you sick, or in prison and come to you?” The King will answer and say to them, “As surely I say to you, as much as you did it to one of the least of them, my brethren.””  He is speaking in context now because he is in Israel.  Then He will also say to those on the left hand, “Depart from Me you cursed into the everlasting fire for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty you gave me no drink, I was a stranger you didn’t take me in, I was naked you didn’t clothe me, when I was in prison you didn’t visit me, and I was sick, and in prison” it says, “you didn’t visit me. And they will also Him saying, “Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and we didn’t minister to you?”  Then He will answer them saying, “Assuredly I will say to you, and as much as you did not do it to one of these, the least of these, you did not do it unto Me.”

Sid: You know Barry, I looked up the word brethren, which he uses in Matthew 25, I believe it is 40. He says, “You have done unto the least of these my brethren,” and it means physically from the womb. There is no way that you can spiritualize it, it means the physical Jewish people.

Barry:  Yes.  It ends on verse 46, and most people stop down there and it says, “And these,” the ones on His left side, the ones that didn’t do this, “And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” It’s all over for the separation has to do with taking care of the least, the lost, the last, the poor, the needy, and this the mandate that we all have.

Sid:  Alright, what is going on today in Israel that you have witnessed with your own eyes as far as the needs?

Barry: Sid, the needs as you know when the Lebanon war broke out two summers ago.  We talked about it on this show.  We pretty much stopped everything we were doing anywhere else and we focused directly and straight into helping them up there.  The needs were absolutely overwhelming to see the devastation up in the north part of Israel.  We ended up shipping seven tractor-trailer loads of supplies up there.  A lot of your listeners from that one show we did really responded, and it really blessed us, and it just helped us so much.  Now recently, of course, we know recently that Hezbollah is all re-equipped with even further missiles now. But what is taking place out of the Gaza hitting the little city of Siderot, and all the other surrounding towns and cities over there.  These people, in fact our next newsletter coming out is going to be all about that. I just got an email if there is any way we can increase our shipments to Israel.  The needs are increasing, can you send more, they are asking us. Of course it takes to send more, it takes finances, it takes more supplies, it takes everything.  So we want to do everything we can at this point to help, and to rally the church to help us do that. I got a chance to speak in an Assembly of God Church in Long Island recently. He wanted me to come down and share about Jezreel, and share about taking care of the poor and the needy. I am up and there and I am sharing all scriptures Isaiah 58, Matthew 25, and the different scriptures. I am sharing God’s heart for the poor and the needy, and of course about Israel, and going through all of this.  So I said I shared this story; I said a missionary came to me who he and his wife and family are moving to the Philippines and he said to me, “Barry can Jezreel help me get a container because the Philippino people are so poor?”  And I said, “Of course we can, tell me more about yourself and the church.”  He says, “Well,” and he tells me about himself and he says, “I belong to a large church of about 7,000 people.”  And I said, “Wow, wait a minute,” and the Lord just kind of down loaded this to me.  I said, “Robert if your pastor brought you to the pulpit and said, “Church, this is Robert he and his wife and family are laying down their lives to go to the Philippines and bring the gospel there; we need to help these people; so beginning next Sunday I want every man, woman and child to bring one tube of toothpaste, how many of you think you could do that, you can bring more if you want but I’m only asking you to bring one.”  The following week I’d like you to bring a bottle of shampoo, the following week a roll of toilet paper, and in other words I gave them six items to for the people to bring and in the seventh week, every man, woman, and child bring $1 to the altar, you can bring more if you want just asking for $1.”  And so at the end of seven weeks what took place one church and I said in between, “You can bring clothing in good condition, and we’ll put up a Philippino flag in the warehouse for you and let the people come and look and become a part of it.”  I said, “But just think of this in one week and just in one, and I mean in seven weeks you got 7,000 bottles of shampoo, 7000 tubes of toothpaste, I mean just think of that in quantity and so I’m telling this story from the pulpit on Long Island in this Assembly of God.   And at the end the pastor asked me if I would leave some time to pray for people before the service began and I said, “Of course.” At the end of the service she said “Listen folks we are not praying today, we’re going to do something, we just heard a word today; I’m going to ask everybody right now before the service starts, the Dollar store down here, there’s a Wal-Mart over there; there’s a store over there and he’s giving people directions where to go.  He goes, “Everybody don’t you do anything, you need to go right now and you need to go get some stuff for this, we are going to bless Israel today.”  And so the second service comes and the same thing happens in the second service and this guy disappears on me, the pastor and I said, “Where are you going,” He said, “I can’t preach this and not do this myself, I’m going to go buy some stuff.”  I’m telling you at the end of the second service people started coming in from the first service and then about a half hour later people started coming from the second service.  Do you know that we had to rent a U-haul from one church; it was about a 800 member church; one church people were coming with bags and bags of stuff. While I was preaching I said, “Listen, let me tell you something else, someday this church is going to sponsor a container to Israel.”  It’s a $3500 from Albany, New York to Israel and pastor stood up and said, “That’s done today,” just like that he points to me, “That’s done, just like that.”  So when I left there he gave me a check to pay for the container to Israel, and by the way that container just arrived in Israel, we just got a wonderful letter from Israel for him.  The church, the Assembly of God sponsored the container and gave us a U-Haul full of brand new supplies, and I was just thinking this is just one church and it didn’t fall on one person, everybody got a chance to partake, everybody…

Sid:  Barry, I want because we get letters all the time, who do you support Sid as far as doing humanitarian efforts in Israel, and I can tell you that we support Jezreel International.  So what I want is don’t send us any money, don’t send us any toothpaste, I want you to call our 800 number and we’ll give you the Jezreel brochure. Just call that number and you’ll find all the information you need to be part of this great humanitarian effort to Israel.

Written by admin

October 16th, 2012 at 3:25 am