It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest John Benefiel

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Sid: We want everyone everywhere to be normal in their prayer life which means you pray based on the promises of God and it comes to pass, that normal; anything short of that is abnormal.  I’m so excited about my guest Dr. John Benefiel because God has given him revelation on how you can be a normal person when it comes to prayer, how you can literally divorce yourself, because of ignorance in many cases you have been married to a false god; his name is Baal.  And you are going to be divorced, every hook he has in you is going to come out, and then you can really be a pure bride of the Messiah.  Now John some of the information that you have I have never ever seen before, for instance I just recently saw a special on the original Rockefeller and it said that he was a strong Christian in this special and I think it was the History Channel.  But you told me what’s in Rockefeller Center, tell me now again.

John: Well, in the middle of Rockefeller Center which is shown on the Today Show every morning this broadcast for Rockefeller Center is this big old statue that’s stretched out that is over the skating rink that there and it’s a statue of Prometheus.  Prometheus has in his right hand a flame just like the Statue of Liberty does showing this is the light and the way.  Well Prometheus we know is just another name for Baal another manifestation of Baal.  And you say well Rockefeller was a strong Christian, but you see that’s what the enemy does, the enemy tricks us into going his ways when if we understood what he was doing we would never ever do that before.  And that’s why this Baal divorce decrees is so important that we free ourselves from ways that we’ve gotten involved with Baal, the ruler of the demons. You know in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 God says “If my people who are called by My name,” that’s Christians will do four things.  “Humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways.”  Well, that’s what a lot of my teachings about is about wicked ways that we didn’t even know was wicked, then God says “I will hear from Heaven, I’ll hear your prayer, I will forgive their sin and I’ll heal their land.”  So we need to know the enemies tactics because the Bible says that he takes advantage of us through his schemes and trickery; I’m tired of being tricked.

Sid: Speaking about being tired of being tricked wouldn’t it be wonderful if the promises of God all of them are activated in your life? For instance John when you started praying in your own home state Oklahoma and your own home city, Oklahoma City, when you started praying this way, tell me what happened in your city.

John: Well, lots of things, Oklahoma City is regarded as the most transformed City with a million population or more in our nation.  A lot of evidence is that, the national marriage conference chose Oklahoma City to meet here in 2010 because they saw the unveiling story of the transformation of our city.  When we first started praying in our city we had only one luxury hotel in the downtown core, we now have ten with four more under construction.  When you go from one to fourteen luxury hotels, I mean just in the downtown core, it says something alive has happened.  We’ve seen the legislature and the executive branches of our state being totally transformed where now more than 2/3s majority are born again Christians, the governor is a personal friend of mine, wonderful Christians lady who asked us for prayer often. We’ve seen in Oklahoma City for example that we’ve had the lowest unemployment rate of any city in the nation over a million population for the last four years.

Sid: What’s going on in real estate out of curiosity because we know what’s going on in the rest of America?

John: Moody’s ranked our commercial real estate as number two in the nation and when everybody else’s real estate went down our went up a little bit. So we’ve not had that bubble and burst here in Oklahoma City that others have had.  And so we’ll the Forbes magazine when the recession started they came out with a big article in 2009 that says that Oklahoma City was the most recession proof city in the nation, and it’s been exactly that.

Sid: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Christians started praying the way you’re praying John and their cities this happened too; there would really be… you know a lot of Christians have given up hope about America, but have you given up hope about America?

John: Oh no, I haven’t given up hope about America I’m more excited about America than ever before.  You know I’ve gone to all fifty states and done this teaching and led a remnant of people because I got a prayer network in all fifty states and forty-two nations.  I’ve led people into this divorce with Baal and the Writ of Assistance and we’re seeing miracles in other states.

Sid: Tell me about miracles in people like physical healings, what are you seeing in your church when you pray this way?

John: Yeah I’ll give you a couple of examples in 2005 there was a young lady that when she was a little girl had an operation on her eye and the surgeon severed the optic nerve. So she was totally blind in that eye from a child.  After we began to deal with Baal, I laid my hand on her eye and God gave her a brand new optic nerve, it was confirmed by the doctors.  They said, “Yes, you got a new optic nerve and you can see perfectly out of that eye.”  Well, we took away his legal right to rule, bareness broken, for example I taught these things in Atlanta and I led the congregation to divorce Baal, there was a woman there that she and her husband trying to conceive for over ten years and we laid hands on her prayed for her and right away they conceived. I just got word the other day that they’re expecting their second child.  So bareness has been gone, we…

Sid: Tell me about that person that they had a baby and the organs literally supernaturally moved.

John: Yeah, absolutely, and this is in the early days of dealing with Baal before we ever had the Baal Divorce Decree but we knew we were dealing with Baal.  A couple in our church that was a result with dealing with Baal and praying, when this little boy Blake was in the womb all of his organs were outside of his body and the doctors advised the mother to abort little Blake because he wasn’t going to be able to make it.  Well they came to the church, received prayer, after we had dealt with Baal, but in just a few days the babies organs were inside of his body and then he was born fine and…

Sid: Did the doctors have any explanation for this?

John: No, they didn’t have an explanation at all, no explanation at all.  I mean if his organs were outside of his body, how are you going to get them inside of his body?

Sid: Well, if God could do that, he could do anything John.

John: He could do anything because you know Sid one of the things is that Baal always goes after the next generation trying to cutoff the extension of God’s covenant.

Sid: What about so many Christians children are now not following the Lord by praying this way could we change their destiny?

John: I believe we can, they still have a free will, but you know the Bible says the god of this age has blinded the minds of those that don’t believe, when we take authority over the one that has blinded their eyes which the Baal Divorce Decree, and the Writ of Assistance does then they are free to come to their senses and make Jesus Christ the Lord of their lives.

Sid: You say that Billy Graham made this statement “That until they’re revival among the Native Americans there will not be revival in America.” Why did he say this, why do you say this?

John: He said and made this statement in the 1960’s to that affect he said “That the American Indian is like a sleeping giant; America will not experience revival and awaken until they do.” God put the host people here first for a reason and we could go into all the reasons why but if He put them here first they were to be the stewards of the land.  They have had, what I’m told is or statistics are less than 5% of Native Americans on reservations in the United States today are Born Again and that is because of what my white skinned ancestors did when they came here and presented them with the gospel.  But what they did we killed them, we lied to them, we broke covenants with them, 372 treaties covenants that our government made with the American people and broke every single one of them.  Broken covenants, which is what Baal does, leaves a legal door for the enemy to come in and mess things up.  So I believe the Native Americans are very much key to our nation and that’s why God let us in beginning to reconcile with the host people of the land and was after that then that our dealing with Baal because supercharged when we became in covenant with Native American believers. With what they had and what we had together God’s been doing miracles absolutely miracles across the land.

Sid: Now you’ve been actually showing evidence that Native Americans some tribes were actually the lost tribes of Israel.

John: I know it’s amazing and people may not understand and believe it or not but just for example, two examples.  Well, there’s a book “Out of the Flame” written by James Adair back in 1775 the history of history of the American Indians.  And in that book this man knew Hebrew he lived about 40 years among the Cherokee and the Choctaw and the Chickasaw and gave in this big thick fine print book proofs that these tribes were descended from the Lost Tribes of Israel.

Sid: Well how in the world did they get to America?

John: The ancient Assyrians captured, the Bible tells us, the northern ten Tribes of Israel; when the Assyrians captured their people they scattered them among the other nations where they captured the people; among them was the Phoenicians and the Egyptians.  The Phoenicians and the Egyptians were ancient mariners and Dr. Barry Fell that wrote the book, the Harvard professor that wrote the book “America BC” documents 100s of places across America where ancient Egyptians came and Phoenicians claimed the land for their sun god Baal.  And as they came here in their ships they would have transported a lot of the northern ten tribes of Israel and so they ended up staying here in the United States. I’m not saying that all the tribes are descended from the Lost Tribes of Israel. But the language of the Cherokee for example and the customs as outlined in the book by Dr. James Adair in 1775.  A big thick book showing that he believed that they were descended from Israel particularly the Cherokee tribe was descended from the tribes.

Sid: Woops were out of time but let me tell you something I’ve never heard the facts that he’s gathered…

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January 22nd, 2013 at 10:59 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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