It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Zona Hayes-Morrow

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Sid: My guest is red hot for the Messiah the devil tried to kill her 13 times she faced death.  In fact, Zona Hayes-Morrow who is the daughter of Norvel Hayes you told me before we went on the air that you have literally seen the spirit of death 3 times.  Tell me one time very briefly.

Zona: Well the last time was in 2008 my body has been retaining so much fluid I looked like a freak from the waist down.  And I’m a little person and it’s just… it was awful and I thought as I was sitting on the kidney floor at the University of Alabama Hospital.  And my husband left the room to go get coffee and all of a sudden this black figure came to the side of my bed.  I was reading “How to Live and Not Die,” my dad’s book.

Sid: Why were you reading that book you would think that by now you would have known that?

Zona:  Well, the Lord spoke to me in 2007 me and dad were doing Healing School together and He said “I want you to read “How to Live and Not Die.”  He said “When was the last time you read “How to Live and Not die?”  I said “I’ve never read it all the way through.”  He asked me that three times, I said “I guess you want me to read it all the way through.”  Now this was before any of the last time the devil tried to kill me; He said “Yes, I want you to read it through 7 times and I want you to read it once a month through until I tell you to quit because you’re going to need it.”  I said “Oh, okay.”  So I read two chapters a day for 2 ½ years.  And by the end of that that’s when they diagnosed me with kidney failure and the fourth stages again and put me back on dialysis.  Had I not read that and kept my faith built up with the word and done exactly what the Lord said to me when they diagnosed me to go back on dialysis I would have flipped out because it was horrible and it was like “Oh no, here we go again.”  So when the dialysis they would… I refused to stay in the status quo.

Sid: Oh I have to ask you; when you were taking dialysis, which praise God she doesn’t do now; you did not want to look at what was your circumstances and did you really take a blanket and put it over your head?

Zona:  Oh, I asked the Lord, I could tell that my body a physical body was getting tired. But I never let it come out of my mouth one time ever, not one time; not one negative word for the four years that I was on dialysis.  But I never complained, I never told anybody what I was going through, I was very quiet except when I talked to the Lord.  That is a key, and so I said “What do I do?”  He said “I don’t want you to look at the machine.”  I said “What do I do, I’m right by the machine?”  He said “I want you to take a blanket in and I want you to sit under the blanket and I want you to sit under the blanket your whole time.”  I was only in there 2 hours 3 days a week because I’m so little and I said “Okay.”  So I went into the dialysis center and I sat under the blanket and I stuck my arm out because I had a fistula because they stuck me in the arm and I sat under that blanket.  Because He said “If you ever get your eyes on the machine and realize what’s going on you’ll die because you’re going to look at the circumstance.” He said “When you do you have to do something you haven’t done before and it will have you to have unwavering faith and you’ll expect God to show up.”  So that’s exactly what I had to do; you know faith not only says I worship You Jesus but it also says I expect God to show up; I expect Him; I expect Him to give me my miracle; I expect.  Whether it be through surgery; whether it be a creative miracle; I had done dialysis… why did I not get a creative miracle?  Because God said “You have faith but I met you where your faith was.”  And you have to tell the people He said because 85% of my people have to take medicine and they feel like they don’t have a testimony.  And He said “That is a lie from the enemy.”

Sid: Well, that reminds me of you were teaching in your dad’s Bible School while you were on dialysis and you told me that you felt like the biggest hypocrite in the world.

Zona:  Oh yeah I did, I thought that because the whole time the devil’s saying to you “Well, who do you think you are; you have to be hooked up to the dialysis, you have to be hooked up to life support; you think you got faith; you have to be hooked up to life support.”  So I had to cut off all thoughts about giving up and quitting and I made a decision that no matter how bad the circumstance I would never quit, I would never give up and I’d climb into God’s will for my life.  I made a decision that my relationship with Jesus meant more to me than anything or anyone at all.  And so I want to finish my assignment on this earth; I got a lot of years ahead of me and so we need to have the wisdom of leaders that have gone before us that have made a way you know.  Well, people say “I don’t need a spiritual covering, I don’t need to have a spiritual mother or a spiritual father.” No you don’t need to God is your spiritual covering but you know what it’s always good to get wisdom from people that know more than you do always.

Sid:  And by the way the reason I love your brand new book so much is because you are building on giants; your building on generals of the faith.  They poured into you and you took it higher and now your pouring into this next generation.  But there was another thing that really astounded me when your kidney’s shut down and there’s something about for 2 years you couldn’t have liquid. I don’t know a whole lot about dialysis but for 2 years you couldn’t have frozen grapes and strawberries but you were doing what you were capable of doing with faith.  You would go to the bathroom and you would pour water down the commode and flush it six times a day. Why did you do that?

Zona:  Yeah I sure did I couldn’t have any fluid and I had to limit my fluid intake because I didn’t go one drop to the restroom.  So I would go into the bathroom and I’d lock the door and I had an empty cup by the sink and I would fill the cup with water and I would pour the water and close my eyes, I would not look at anything; and I would say “Thank you Lord for my miracle; thank you Lord that my kidney’s function normally.” And then I would tear a piece of toilet tissue off and I would throw it in the commode, and then I would go over to the sink I would wash my hands and I’d dry them and then I’d straighten my clothes out and then I would walk outside the bathroom.  And all the time I’d say “Thank you Lord for giving me my miracle; thank you Lord that my kidney’s function normally; thank you Lord for my miracle.”  And it was just like faith; you know it built my faith; you know we all do things different ways but that’s what really built my faith.

Sid: Now during this entire time your teaching; how would you have strength to do this.  I mean it’s a strenuous thing to teach with a bunch of students.

Zona:  Oh yeah, sometimes I had to have people hold me up. I’d have to have somebody stand beside me when I weighed 64 pounds.  I was in New York and I was preaching in a meeting of about 500 people and I had to have one person on one side one person on another to hold me up because I had just gotten off dialysis and I weighed 64 pounds and…

Sid: But most people would have stopped why did you continue?

Zona:  Because I knew the word; I knew what God said and I knew I wasn’t finished.

Sid: Can you tell me real quick because you operate in words of knowledge, amazing words of knowledge.  These students must be very nervous when they’re around you because now that you’ve had your miracle and you’re in great shape right now.  You would even know when some of these students were going to a bar and what bar they were in.  Tell me one.

Zona:  This one boy he was a music leader but he had an alcohol problem and I was in my kitchen praying and the Lord showed me the name of a bar and what was really a strip joint in Chattanooga.  And so I called the strip joint and I had them page him and he came to the phone and of course he was flipping out you know.  Then another boy I was frying chicken, it always happens in my kitchen most of the time, and I saw the name of a street.  I sent one of my guys, two of my guys nobody by themselves two of my guys over to that street and one of my students was getting ready to make a drug deal.  If they’d have made that drug deal they would have went to prison but God rescued him and they dragged…

Sid: I’m sorry we’re out of time I’d like you to go on and on Zona…. 

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Written by admin

July 11th, 2014 at 7:42 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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