It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guests Tracy Cooke and Emma Stark

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TRACY: For Israel. I would encourage you to know that you’re in covenant and that you’re in covenant nation. In my dreams, God’s going to bring settlement to the government, the prime minister. God’s hand is on the prime minister, so get ready to see a 360 degree turnaround. I done seen this into dream, even where the enemy was trying to cause Israel to be an upheaval, God’s hand is own Israel’s. What I’ve seen in my dreams and certain things, I can’t say, but for what I can say…

SID: Did I hear you say that God’s going to turn things around, the government and maybe Netanyahu will win?

TRACY: We’re going to see a miraculous intervention.

SID: Okay. I don’t want to push it too hard but I do know this—

TRACY: It’s not mandate.

SID: This. I know at Passover, if you had the blood, no matter what happens, your house, your family was safe and there are people watching us right now, right now that do not have… you may love God but you do not have experiential knowledge with God. You see, there’s no other name given onto men in which we must be cleansed of our sin. But the name in Hebrew, Yeshua, in English, Jesus. I want you to say this prayer. I mean, you’ve tried it without Him, so give me a break. See what difference it’s going to make in your life.

SID: Who is God? He’s the difference maker. God is the true Shalom. God is the true God. He has a name, the God Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Say this prayer with me and believe it to the best of your ability. Wherever you’re at, just say this prayer out loud and it’s the beginning of the greatest time in your life. I’ll tell you what, a thousand may fall at your right hand, 10,000 at your left but that will not come near you. Repeat out loud, dear God.

Audience : Dear God.

SID: I’m a sinner.

Audience : I’m a sinner.

SID: Against you.

Audience : Against you.

SID: And you alone have I sinned.

Audience : And you alone have I sinned.

SID: And I’m so sorry.

Audience : And I’m so sorry.

SID: I believe.

Audience : I believe.

SID: The blood of Jesus.

Audience : The blood of Jesus.

SID: Washes away my sins.

Audience : Washes away my sins.

SID: And you remember them no more.

Audience : And you remember them no more.

SID: And now that I’m clean.

Audience : And now that I’m clean.

SID: I want to know you.

Audience : I want to know you.

SID: I want to hear your voice.

Audience : I want to hear your voice.

SID: I ask you Jesus to come and live inside of me.

Audience : I ask you Jesus to come and live inside of me.

SID: Be my Lord.

Audience : Be my lord.

SID: Let me experience your love.

Audience : Let me experience your love.

SID: Amen.

Audience : Amen.

SID: There is a song. I know this is a fact that military people, if they are in battle and every day they say this song out loud, I know as a fact, that they are spared and the whole company could die, God forbid but they will be spared. I’ve put together a personalized version from our It’s Supernatural Bible, of Psalm 91. I want to read this to you from a personalized form. I live in the shelter of the most high. I am under his shadow. This I declare about the Lord. He alone is my refuge. He alone is my place of safety. He alone is my God. He alone, I trust Him. For He will rescue me from every trap and protect me from deadly disease. His faithful promises are my armor and protection.

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June 7th, 2020 at 4:21 am