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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Dennis & Jennifer Clark

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DENNIS: We’re not talking years; we’re talking just like Jennifer. I’ve seen the most severe cases, sixty days if they will apply themselves. But that’s not me, the expert, ministering to them, that’s them going after God and working through it.

JENNIFER: Going to Jesus in their own heart, because we’ll help, but both Jason and Gwen did their own, they did their homework.

SID: And by the way, you teach on soul ties. There, obviously, was a soul tie between your daughter-in-law and her ex-partner.


SID: And all these things can be broken.

JENNIFER: They can be broken and,

SID: But what happened with her and her lesbian addiction?

DENNIS: We actually broke through, like we talked about earlier, that you have to go beyond guilt and shame. Most people will, when they feel guilty or ashamed, but that’s a remorse conscious, that’s like after-the-fact you feel bad. What really got you hooked was the lust. And in this case, the lust was attached to the lie that no man will ever do for you what I can do for you. No man will ever care for you. They will leave you, but I’ll always be there for you. That was the hook. And once we found that hook, I could feel the attachment of the lust to that. And we broke the lust aspect of it and then renounced that lie, that that’s a lie, nobody can say that. The only One that never leaves you or forsakes you is Jesus. And she made that transition that the only One that would never leave me or forsake me, that would always be there for me, was Jesus. And what’s interesting is, once you break the power behind the lie, which in this case was lust: I’ll be there for you. Nobody will be there for you like I will. She renounced the lie. “I renounce that lie.” The most beautiful thing to watch, in ministry, for me is that after they renounce the lie, that stronghold has been removed, because they’ll argue from a place of a stronghold and you’re not going to get anywhere arguing. Once they renounce it, there is now a beautiful capacity for God to take truth, truth they may have known their whole life, but that truth rises up and they own it. It gets written on the tablet of their heart and they go, it’s easier to believe the truth than not to.

JENNIFER: So what was her lie replaced with?

DENNIS: Her lie was replaced with “I am a daughter of the King. And there’s a man in this temple.” Isn’t that interesting?  The man, Jesus. So, it’s interesting how He’ll do even that gender thing, like my goodness, there’s a man in this house here.

SID: [laughs]

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November 5th, 2021 at 5:14 am