It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Donna Grisham

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SID: Not judgmental.

DONNA: Not judgmental. He didn’t look at me like I was trash because the guy told me, he said, “You’re nothing but trash. Nobody will ever want you.” And when I saw those eyes, they just pierced my heart. And all of a sudden I handed the baby to him and I looked at him and I walked away and he smiled and I smiled and I turned and walked away. Well, when you have a vision, sometimes I don’t know about you, if you’ve ever had visions or dreams, you try to figure it out. So you try to put your little take. So my little take was, is I’m putting this baby up for adoption, that’s exactly, I’m giving the baby to the Lord. So I’m just putting him up for adoption.

DONNA: I go to sleep that night and I wake up and I have a pass to go back to Georgia to visit my mom. My mother picked me up and we go to sleep that night. We talk, we talk about how the ride was and some different things. And we go to bed and we get up and she wants to go to breakfast. And so she said, “Let’s go to breakfast,” and she said, “But, first I want to take you to the furniture store up around the corner from us.”

DONNA: And she said, “I got something to show you.” And so I get to the furniture store and we’re in the furniture store and we’re looking around. And as we’re looking around, I’m just looking at different furniture. And she said, “Donna, come back here.” And so I went back there and she’s standing next to a crib. And she goes, “What do you think?” And honestly Sid, I thought it was a trick question. I honestly thought it was a trick question. And I looked at her and I didn’t know what to think. And as I looked at her, she looked at me and she said, “Donna, God’s told me I’m to do whatever I can to help you raise this baby.” And that moment, was the beginning of not only restoration in my life. I had had that encounter with Jesus. And at that point I realized, first of all, I realized Jesus was real.

DONNA: He was real to me. And then, that moment with my mom, I began to see the pieces. I lived my life with feeling like there was like rubber bands around me, just tight, so tight. And I was so bound. I was bound by guilt. I was bound by shame. I was bound by just all the garbage the enemy would… I was no good. I was trash. I was never going to amount to anything, never. And at that moment, he started breaking off those pieces, breaking off those rubber bands, they just started snapping, just started snapping.

SID: You needed, and you can picture this, she needed assurance that her two babies that were murdered in the womb, ended up in heaven. You can understand that. God is so good. What happened?

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August 6th, 2022 at 2:32 pm