It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Cindy McGill

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CINDY: While I was telling this to my husband, a woman, literally in that moment, pulled in, in real life and to the parking lot and she said, “I’ve hit bottom.”

SID: That was your bottom fish.

CINDY: That was my bottom fish.

CINDY: She said, “I’ve been clean and sober for about a week and I want to know if anything’s here for me.” She was connected to several other people in the town. Her brother was actually diagnosed with liver disease from drinking. He came in, got healed, completely healed, became our drummer.

SID: Hm.

CINDY: Her mother owned a bar in the town and she didn’t believe in God or didn’t know anything. She said, “I can’t deny the change in my kids.” So she came in and she said, “I want to be filled with renewal,” that’s what she said. She didn’t know the language. We put our hands on her. She had leukemia, she had diabetes, so she was very ill, and she said, “I want to be prayed for,” and we got behind her and prayed, our hands heated up, and she said, “I’m on fire.” When we looked around, her glasses were steamed up, and she went back to the doctor and the doctor said, “I don’t know what happened to you, but you don’t need me anymore.”

CINDY: She said, “Do you mean I’m healed?”

CINDY: He said, “I can’t say that,” they always say that. “I can’t say that.” Then she began to be the woman at the well, so when people would come in from logging all day and they would begin to sit down at her bar before they got drunk, she had her daughter who had pulled into our parking lot, put them in her car and bring them to the church.

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Written by admin

January 17th, 2023 at 3:39 am