It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Eddie James

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Sid: We want everyone everywhere to be red hot for the Messiah and on the right side of the fence in reference to the Jew in Israel. It’s not a matter of whose right whose wrong it’s what is God saying and we’re going to do it.  My guest Eddie James, he’s had a supernatural burden most of his life for the Jew and the nation Israel.  Eddie there’s something sweeping Christendom its demonic called Replacement Theology that basically says the church replaced Israel.  What do you think about that?

Eddie:  I think your right I think it’s absolutely of the enemy; I do not believe that what God has done to bring the Gentiles in is to replace what He has spoken to the Jews.  I believe that we get to be a part of a heritage and inheritance that has come through the Jews; I do not believe… I’m not even sure why that theology has come up and what has caused it.  I just know this Jesus Christ is not coming back to New York; He’s not coming back to LA He’s coming to Israel and I believe that’s the place and the thing that is in God’s heart when it comes to the world; the climates right there.  And I believe the Jewish people are still God’s chosen people and that we are blessed and honored to connect to God’s heart as relation to the people of God in Israel.  And I count it a privilege and I believe that when we get the right perspective about God’s people then we all benefit we all become…

Sid: Oh I’m going to go one step further Eddie and here’s what I believe.  Where we are in history we’re literally as the Orthodox Jews say “We’re in the footsteps of Messiah.”  We can almost hear His return. Except they would say “First time,” we say “Return.” Where we are in history that are on the wrong side of the fence in reference to the Jew in Israel will go into further further heresy don’t have time to teach on it but I’m 100% convinced of that.  Also there’s a move of authentic power of God that this world has ever seen and it is not; it’s going to bypass those that don’t understand the Jew in Israel, that I’m convinced of.  Now Eddie will you spend about 8 hours a day with the Lord, just out of curiosity what do you do personally with your time with the Lord?

Eddie: Well I read, I worship, I dance, I shout (laughing) I cry, I just really I seek if it’s the word I embodies what my heart is about is seeking stirring up a seeking heart.  Stirring up the holy curiosity about God and Ephesians says “Everything that pertains about the life and knowledge of God.”  So I want to know God I want to know who He is, I found that what stirs my curiosity about Him is when I celebrate and then invite God in my life then I’ll know who He is.  Sometimes I’ll just walk around my room and say “Your holy, Your magnificent, Your great, Your awesome; God You’re just beautiful.” I just speak the attributes of God, begin to speak of what He’s done.  David said in Psalm’s 8 “When I consider the Heavens, the work of Your fingers the moon and the stars which thou has has ordained what is man that thou art mindful of him and son of man that thou visited him.”  I just go quoting stuff like that and stirring curiosity of my heart and I just speak of the attributes of God talking of who He is and what He has done and the work of His hands; His power, His greatness and I do that and when I do that I begin to sense His anointing, I sense His presence in the room and I’ll get on my keyboard and I’ll begin to play worship music, I’ll begin to just get on my physical, I’ll weep before Him; I’ll go into the scriptures and learn more about Him.  Even right now I’m in the middle of learning some things about the burning bush experience when Moses was there and I’m getting fascinating things that I’ve never seen before.  I just need to look at what is Mount Horeb, what is all of that about, why would God put His finger on that spot, and Moses bringing people back to that spot where he encountered God.  And it begins to do something to my own heart to bring me to the spot where I can bring myself back to it and say “That’s where I found God, that’s the place I met Him; that’s the place I take my shoes off; that’s the place where I saw the all consuming power and fire of God; and it gripped my spirit and turned me into the deliver He made me to be today.

Sid: Eddie I want them to experience that right now with “Lion of Judah.”

Excerpt: “Lion of Judah”

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October 25th, 2013 at 6:28 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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