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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Desiree Ayers

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Desiree Ayers

Sid: My guest by way of telephone is Pastor of “In His Presence Church” in Woodland Hills, California, Desiree Ayers. She’s Co-Pastor with her husband Mel, and I have a brand new book it’s not even in the stores yet it’s how new it is.  It’s called “God Hunger,” you see Desiree had compulsive eating disorders.  People… I’m speaking to her right now, you know what the word anorexic is and bulimia, that’s what was really plaguing Desiree.  She was a believer, she loved God with all of her heart, she tried self-help groups nothing was working.  She tried diets, nothing would help until God began speaking to her. Now she has been free from her eating disorder for over 23 years and more important than that she’s teaching other people to be free, and as we found out it doesn’t matter whether it’s a food addiction or any other type of addiction if you follow the supernatural principals the Holy Spirit showed her… Desiree tell me about one person, I like real people rather than large numbers that are being set free. Tell me one person that was set free from following these principals.

Desiree:  I think you’re really going to enjoy this particular story here Sid.  But I do want to say this that God’s not a respecter of persons, if he healed me, he’s going to heal you so if you’re out there and you’re battling an eating disorder be encouraged you know. This testimony is really to encourage you that you can be set free.  But what happened was a girlfriend of mine that I had heard, I had met her at church that she had been healed of bulimia and we ended up being friends. She ended up getting hit with a brain tumor.  And so it was Monday night and I was going through Bible study with my husband and another friend and I said “Okay can be change the format my girlfriend’s gotten hit with a brain tumor.”  And so she came over to our house and we got out the pots and the pans and we started praising God because we didn’t have any instruments at the time, and the power of God so filled the place.  It’s many years later and she’s married and has kids, but how this all ties into the eating disorder was when I started the support group she wanted to come because you know she had been healed but felt like she was still battling the amounts of food she was eating she has some compulsive eating issues so she came.  And she ended up meeting her husband, he was battling an eating disorder and they both got set free; they got married and they have four kids.  So not only did God heal them both of eating disorders but she also had a supernatural miracle by Jesus where the brain tumor is completely gone.

Sid: You know it’s my belief I’ve been studying healing and how a Christian can have the manifestation of their healing in this life, and I know all about confessing God’s word.  I know all about praying in tongues, I know all about healing in the atonement; but there still is a disconnect, if you will, with a lot of good Christians that do a lot of these things and they don’t manifest their healing.  And I’ve come up with what I believe is the most significant way to receive your healing whatever situation you’re in in and that is do all those things because they’re all Biblical. They’re all good but without intimacy with God it’s just a formula.

Desiree:  Yeah, that is so major because I’ve seen people do that, it’s almost like trying to work a system and it’s impossible.  Matthew 6:33 says “Seek Me first” and that’s where the intimacy comes in. You’ve got to have that personal relationship and where the Holy Spirit’s leading you and He’s talking to you in the midst of it.  Because one scripture that helped me may mean something totally different to somebody else and that’s what’s amazing to me when the Bible says that “It’s alive, it’s quick, it’s active.”  And the scripture one year that may help me with an eating disorder may another year I’m going through something else; it could mean something completely different.  And I think that’s where it comes down to that personal intimate relationship with the Lord.

Sid: Now I’m going to take you back to when your husband said to you when you had to confess to him you were back to the binging and the purging, and you had tried to hide it from him but you just fell.  And that was good, but he said something that freed you; tell me that again.

Desiree:  He said “The word of God says you’re healed therefore you’re healed.” And what that was just speaking words of life; it was speaking what the word said about me not what my natural present situation was saying to me. And I started, I really started this relationship with the Lord where I had to get a revelation of how God saw me.  Because you have to recognize when I was 22 years old and winning bikini contests I felt fat, I felt ugly, I felt like I had huge thighs, I felt terrible.

Sid: So you were fat on the inside even though you weren’t on the outside anymore.

Desiree:  And how you see yourself is how you’ll manifest and so I had to spend this time with the Lord and start to get a glimpse of how He saw me.

Sid: Now how did He see you?

Desiree:  Well, I started to read the Bible and I got a whole list in Chapter 2 where it’s actual confessions where it says like it’s scripture where I wrote it out and it says “I’m a new creature; I’m the temple of the Holy Spirit; I’m blessed, I’m a saint.”  So there’s so many scriptures “I’m set free, I’m strong in the Lord, I’m more than a conqueror.”  And I started confess the word of God, I started to speak words of life over myself and I have them all written out so I mean I’m getting testimony after testimony of people that are speaking this.

Sid: But you know what I’m told by my producer who read your book?  She said, “Even the prayers that you have one prayer is you pray for people, but the others they pray for themselves.  There’s such a presence of God on it. I wonder if you would turn to page 43 in your book and read that prayer that you recommend that those that read the book pray daily.

Desiree: Okay it’s “Father help me to see myself as You see me, I can weigh my perfect weight in Jesus Name; use me to be a vessel of Your blessing here on earth. I speak strength to my body, body I command you to work perfectly in Jesus Name digestive system speed up in Jesus Name elimination system work perfectly in Jesus Name, body weigh your perfect weight in the Name of Jesus.  I exercise physically, I eat good foods, the right portions at the right time of the day.  Father, thank You for helping me to exercise self-control.  I submit myself to you, I resist the devil in every way, I resist wrong foods in Jesus Name.  I am more than a conqueror. You keep me in perfect peace as I choose to keep my eyes on You. Lord, thank You for loving me and thank You for empowering me to succeed.  I can do all things through Christ the anointed One; and His anointing which strengthens me.” Amen

Sid: You know when people pray a prayer like this and believe it I think that your physical body actually starts changing your metabolism, what do you think?

Desiree:   Absolutely the Bible says “Life and death is in the power of the tongue.”  And these are such amazing principals that the world teaches them and it works for people that don’t even know the Lord.  And as Christians we got to get a hold of these keys; what we say is our tongue.  In James it explains it like a rudder of a ship that we’re actually steering the course of our life by the words that we speak.

Sid: Listen, when you were thin and won a bikini contest you actually thought that you were fat.  How did you change that?  I mean that was deep inside of you.

Desiree:  Yeah, and also you know a lot of the people that I hung out with you know my boyfriend at the time was a surfer and he was in a surf contest, he came out and he was like you won next to those 16 year old hard bodies?  It was just…I really hung out with the wrong crowd, not people that you know want to edify you and encourage you. And I think you know it was one of those things I’m so thankful the Lord did for me was He gave me a husband that would always encourage me that it wasn’t about the weight it was about who I was on the inside.  And that was such a healing process also; but you know like I said “I’m almost 50 years old and I’ll be 50 this year and you know obviously I’m not in the shape I was then, but I feel better about myself physically just because I’m more consumed about… you know the Lord and eating the right foods and be strong for the right reasons to be able to preach the gospel to get more souls into the kingdom.  To enjoy life and live it.

Sid: But Desiree I’ve seen you when you did my television show and you are in good shape for a 30 year old.

Desiree:  Yes, I am and I still work out, I eat healthy I’m just not marathon runner shape with doing 3 aerobic classes a day.

Sid: Well, on page 38 of your book you actually list the scriptures that helped you change the image that was on the inside of you.

Desiree:  Yeah, yes and I would speak those out on a daily basis.  Actually I would keep them posted in my bathroom.  (Laughing) right next to the toilet so you know make sure you post somewhere you can see it everyday to where you’re going to be speaking those words of life over yourself.

Sid: If you could give one hopeful thought, what would it be?

Desiree:  Well, that it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve slipped and how many times you’ve fallen, how many diets that you’ve been on, even if you turned to the Lord in this area before I want to encourage you to turn to Him again.  He will help you, He’ll be your strength He’ll give you the supernatural strength to say no to things that you couldn’t say to no to on your own strength, but He won’t leave you; He won’t forsake you.  He will help you walk; walk through this battle because it is a battle.

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Written by admin

November 6th, 2013 at 7:35 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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