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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Reverend Louis Sheldon

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Sid: I see a takeover of America in an arena that even few Christians even think about. It’s got to do with the homosexual plan to change America. It’s called “The Agenda” and it’s real nucleus started eons ago from the pit of hell, but there is a statement by Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill in the book “The Overhauling of Straight America.” I want to quote that to you. “You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing, but if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing with a shrug of their shoulders, then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won. To get to shoulder shrug stage gays as a class must cease to appear mysterious, alien, loathsome, and contrary. A large scale media campaign will be required in order to change the image of gays in America.” This literally is their blueprint. I’m quoting from a book the title is “The Agenda” subtitled “The Homosexual Plan to Change America” Louis Sheldon who is chairman of Traditional Values Coalition, and I have him on the telephone. He’s speaking to me in Anaheim, California although he’s normally in Washington D.C. According to your book that is the blueprint of what he homosexual agenda is for America. Would you comment on that Louis?

Louis: Yes I remember when this article came out. It was an article that wasn’t well received at the time from the gay community, but eventually…

Sid: How long ago did that come out?

Louis: In the late 1980’s. I believe it was ‘88 or ‘89 so it’s been 16 or 17 years ago.

Sid: But that’s exactly what they’re doing right now more so than the guy who wrote it thought was possible.

Louis: Right. What they wanted to do was to show that all we have to do is shrug our shoulders “You like vanilla ice cream he likes strawberry ice cream; it’s all ice cream.”

Sid: Then those who take a public stance against it on a consistent basis there’s been such an orchestrated effort to disable them that it appears as though many Christians that took a strong stance have backed off.

Louis:ell that’s true a lot of people cannot deal, I’m talking about Christian people believers, cannot deal with this level of a fight. It is a constant fight I have been in this battle for 33 years. We began when a wonderful Christian man by the name of Walter Martin walked into my office. He wrote the book “Kingdom of the Cults.”

Sid: Which was before they changed it the classic book as far as I was concerned, but go ahead.

Louis: Yes Walter Martin walked in my office and he said “Reverend Lou the homosexuals are on the march.” This was 1972. I said “What do you mean Walter on the march?” He said “Well they’re trying to repeal the sodomy law of California.” I had to say to him “What is a sodomy law?” When he explained it to me and why it was important saying that “If you don’t have a sodomy law then they can come into your schools, they can demand this they can demand that. Almost in a prophetic sense Walter Martin knew that we must not allow that great cultural and inter being consensus be changed that sexual relations were between a man and a woman in marriage, and only that. Well he was absolutely right.

Sid: Is that what triggered you to get into this?

Louis: Yes that is what triggered it. Walter Martin challenged me and we put together the first protest rally at the legislature in Sacramento. We held these Town Hall meetings around…

Sid: Out of curiosity what was… from your perception your purpose before that happened? What were you doing before got into this whole issue?

Louis: I was a Presbyterian minister preaching the gospel every Sunday, you know, doing evangelical and evangelistic work. Very interested in Israel taking trips to Israel every year with a tour group. So basically that was my ministry. Then when I realized that Walter challenged me he really felt that he wanted me to carry this mantel. Shortly after that time his health broke, then eventually he passed away. So that’s basically what I was doing, so as a Presbyterian minister I started later the Traditional Values Coalition and this issue continued to resurface.

Sid: Louis in your book on page 26 you actually print the gay rights platform. I wonder if you would read the planks because this is a good way to understand their agenda.

Louis: Yes the homosexual gay rights plank started in 1972 then they revised it after Bill Clinton was elected president in ’92. They wrote it first in ’72 then in ’92 after Clinton was elected they rewrote it. What I’m gonna give you here is what they used when they marched on Washington about 250, 000 of them marched on Washington to try and push through gays in the military. So they rewrote the platform and the first point and there’s let’s see 3 – 6 there’s 8 points here in this 1993 Gay and Lesbian Task Force Platform. “Implementation of homosexual, bisexual, transgender curriculum at all levels of education.”

Sid: Now how successful have they been?

Louis: They have been very very successful at the university level because now you can take gay and lesbian education classes. You can come in and be sexually explicit in your papers, in your presentation in the classroom; you can discuss all of these as Paul calls them “Unspeakable sexual acts.” As far as high school and middle school, and grade school they are more successful in high school. Not as successful in high school, not as successful as they are in university levels. Then they are less successful in the middle level so that the gay and lesbian and straight educators network is successful at the high school level. Every year they hold a week of diversity seminars. I received a phone call from a young lady just recently back in I think it was the middle of May, saying “I went to art class today Reverend Sheldon and instead of going to my art class they said we were dismissed for an assembly. All of us thought it was going to be a great lark and we would sit there and chew our gum and send each other notes. We went into the assembly and the first thing the first speaker stood up and said ‘I’m homosexual and I’m here to tell you how wonderful this lifestyle is that you should consider it.’”

Sid: Let’s go to their second plank.

Louis: The second point is the lowering of the age of consent for homosexual and heterosexual sex. Right now that age limit is 17 or 18 depending on what state you are in. They want to lower this all the way down in some cases to 12 years and younger.

Sid: Hmm.

Louis: It’s unbelievable, depends on how radical the homosexual group is. Then you have a third point the legalization of homosexual marriages.

Sid: They seem to be making a lot of headway in that arena.

Louis: Absolutely.  Although that’s one arena we’ve been the most successful in and stopping as I mentioned earlier this past week on the broadcast that we have 43 states that have said “No” to homosexual marriage. Anyhow this was written in 1972 this was years ago. The fourth  point is the custody, adoption, and foster care rights for homosexuals, lesbians, and transgender people. Well in California recently the legislature passed a bill, and when Gray Davis was still governor he signed it saying “If you are a foster care parent you CANNOT say anything against homosexuality to those foster care children that you have under your care.” It became illegal like doing something terribly wrong. The fifth one is the redefinition of a family to include the full sexual diversity of all structured kinds of relationships and of the family.

Sid: Out of curiosity the front runner for the president to the United States on the Democratic side, and I think front runner period is Hillary Clinton. What would her position be on something like that?

Louis: Well we can tell you what she has voted for and what she has voted against. She voted against protecting marriage in the constitutional amendment that she had before her. She is very supportive of the whole bisexual, transgender, and gay and lesbian so called domestic partnerships from that standpoint. So Hillary Clinton is not a friend of the family when it comes to the heterosexual ethic versus the diversity sexual ethic.

Sid: Okay, what’s the next plank?

Louis: The next one is access to all programs of the Boy Scouts of America. Well they did lose that finally in the Supreme Court but it wasn’t without damaging a lot of the Boy Scouts image etcetera, etcetera. So they want total access to be Boy Scout leaders in the Boy Scout organization of America. Then you have the next one affirmative action for homosexuals.

Sid: What does that exactly mean?

Louis: That means to consider them a minority like blacks, Hispanics…

Sid: Tell you what we’re out of time.

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January 2nd, 2014 at 4:15 pm

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