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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Sid Roth

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Sid:  This week I’m talking about Pentecost, or the Hebrew word is Shavuot. The reason I’m talking about is Pentecost literally, the day of Pentecost according to the Jewish calendar was Monday. This week, although I did this show in advance in my office, this week I’m in Israel doing evangelistic meetings of a type that haven’t occurred since the 1st century. Since it’s Shavuot/Pentecost I’m teaching from the book of Ruth. I’m absolutely believing that God is going to show up, just as I’m absolutely… just as I said that someone was healed. If you will move your neck you will see that the pain is gone. In the head, there are people with sinus conditions, colds, migraine headaches, tumors, there are people with breathing problems, and I tell you that you are healed in Yeshua’s name.

So during Pentecost, during Shavuot, we Jewish people read from the book of Ruth, but the truth of the matter is that Ruth is the book that talks about the greatest move of God’s Spirit, the end time move of God’s Spirit. You see at Shavuot we hold up 2 loaves of leavened bread. God says “He accepts this.” Leaven represents sin, so the unleavened bread represented Jesus at Passover; so the leavened bread we hold up represents Jew and Gentile the 2 people groups with leaven with sin. These 2 becoming one is what the book of Ruth is about.

We found out on yesterday’s broadcast that Naomi who was married had 2 sons because of famine left the land of Israel, and the further she got away from Israel the more problems she had. First her husband died, then her son died, then her second son died and she was stuck with 2 daughter in laws, no money. I mean and she literally called herself Mara which means bitter, rather than Naomi which means pleasant. She talked to one of her daughter in laws and that Orpah, and Orpah kissed her mother in law goodbye. Then she said to Ruth “You leave,” but Ruth said “No.” She literally clung to her. Something about that One New Man, Ruth the Gentile was clinging to a Jew.

Then the 15th verse: “Look,” said Naomi, “your sister-in-law is going back to her people and her gods. Go back with her.”But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.  Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and from me.” That’s quite a statement, but that’s the statement of the end time church.

I’m reminded perhaps those that are part of our ministry that get our complimentary teaching newsletter know that I went to Siberia recently. When I went to Siberia I had one of the biggest disappointments of my life. I went there because I got a letter, an email from the head of an Orthodox synagogue in a little city in Siberia and he said “I’m ready to receive Jesus and my entire congregation.” When I got there he wasn’t ready. So I felt “My goodness I probably failed.” Then when I returned back to the United States I got an email that the head of the synagogue that didn’t accept the Lord at that time had died from a heart attack. I have to tell you I pushed that guy so hard, I mean he pulled out a copy of my book “They Thought for Themselves” in Russian. He had read that, then he pulled out a copy of the New Testament in Russian and he was reading that. There was a young pastor that set this whole thing up, and this young pastor said to me “Sid you better back off you’re just pushing him too hard.” You know what, I got under condemnation for pushing him so hard, but when I found he died I was so glad that I had pushed him so hard. Personally I believe he accepted the Lord, only God knows what happened.

Then I went on from that little city in Siberia to another city where we had tremendous success, because whenever we go to the Jew first it opens up the entire city to evangelism and every secular television station with cameras showed up at our event. It was the biggest controversy within that whole city in Siberia so that everyone in that city through the media knew that Jesus was the Messiah, and there were Jewish people that believed that Jesus was the Messiah. I brought with me this young pastor that had befriended the head of this synagogue… I told you all of this to tell you this, this young pastor knew nothing about Jewish people. He loved God, he had a little congregation in a little city in Siberia, and all of a sudden the Spirit of God spoke to him and that’s what Pentecost/Shavuot is all about. It’s the Spirit of God speaking to people. So the Spirit of God spoke to this pastor and said “I want you to bless the Jewish people.” Well he didn’t know any Jewish people so he went to the synagogue and introduced himself to the leader of the synagogue. He said “I want to help you, how can I help you?” So the leader of the synagogue said “Well we have a lot of elderly Jewish people here that are literally famished, starving for food.” It reminds me a little bit of the book of Ruth. There was a famine in the land, and this pastor opened up and provided the food for a soup kitchen to feed the elderly Jewish people in this little city. This broke the heart in a good way of the leader of the synagogue and that’s how he became interested in Jesus as the Messiah.

Well isn’t this what’s going on right here? Here this Gentile woman, Ruth, has no good reason to cling to Naomi. I mean why should she go to a Jewish nation with Jewish people she’s not even Jewish. The Jewish people are a minority and besides that it seems like wherever Jewish people go they are persecuted. Why in the world would Ruth want to cling, this Gentile cling to the Jew Naomi? So she not only wanted to cling, but she wanted to bless. So this young pastor wanted to bless the Jewish people, and so he opened up this soup kitchen. I asked this young pastor to come with me to the next city that we were doing this big Jewish outreach. He travelled on a train all night and finally got to this meeting, and after the meeting, it was a wonderful meeting miracles broke out and large numbers of Jewish people turned their heart over to Yeshua as the Messiah. After the meeting the next day I spent hours and hours with him teaching him about the One New Man, and then we get an email he said “I have started a One New Man congregation and we are having our first Biblical festival, and after that” that was Purim by the way, “we’re having a Purim celebration, and after that we intend to have every Friday night a Shabbat service.” He invited the whole Jewish community. Guess what, remember that synagogue that I thought that the leader and all the members of the synagogue would become believers in the Messiah, and I was so disappointed? Well he has all the members of that synagogue in his One New Man congregation, and he’s giving altar calls on Friday night. According to the email they were jammed, I mean there was standing room only and Jewish people are coming to the Lord. So the… by the way someone’s back has just been healed in Yeshua’s name and the anointing is so strong in heads whatever you need in the head area, any type of healing it’s yours in Yeshua name.

So this week because I believe this is God’s time to have mercy on Jewish people in America. I believe there are modern day Ruth’s and modern day Esther’s being raised up.

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Written by admin

June 20th, 2014 at 1:31 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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