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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest LaDonna Osborn

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AUDIENCE:                (APPLAUSE)


LaDONNA:    And so Kadimoo he got up and took off the car tire pads that he had on his knees. And he ran and he ran from way at the back all the way around this massive crowd and came up on the platform to give testimony. I mean the man was wild. The people all knew him. And when they saw him of course they went wild too. But here’s what he did. He had on these dirty shorts and a dirty shirt and his eyes were just… imagine, you can imagine! He came over to where my father was and he grabbed the microphone and, and, he went right to the edge. I remember this platform where they had a bannister and he leaned over that bannister and he began to shake that microphone and he says: It’s true! It’s true! It’s true! He’s alive! He’s alive! He’s alive. If he were not alive, how can he heal me? Believe it! He’s alive! Believe it! He’s alive! The greatest sermon that could ever be preached! Jesus is alive and here is the proof! Hallelujah!


AUDIENCE:                (APPLAUSE)


LaDONNA:    But you see that was God’s love. That was just God’s love. Be encouraged by that. Because so often we’re, we’re told the formulas to receive healing. We have to, you know, be so perfect. Be sure you went to church last Sunday and be sure you’ve paid your tithes, and be sure you went to the last prayer meeting and be sure you’ve memorized all the healing scriptures and, and be sure you say the prayer just right, I mean pray to the right one, and, and be sure and say it in the right name and, and do it in the right posture. And I don’t know if you need to sing a little first or whatever, but be sure and get it right. No, no, no, no! God is love. And He wants to heal. He wants to help. He wants to provide. He wants to reverse. He wants to comfort. He wants to bring solution. He wants to meet our needs. God’s love is His greatest power. Well, what is Satan’s greatest power? Now here’s it gets interesting. Satan’s greatest power is “the lie.” That’s his power. Look at, look at this. I’m reading to you from John, chapter 8. See from the very beginning in the garden when Satan the… symbolizes the serpent crept into that garden where he did not belong, he began to discuss with Eve, and you know the story, the first thing Satan said was “did God really say that?” Now there’s an important clue. Because he will come questioning God’s word. When you hear that breath of questioning God’s word you can know immediately who he is and you know what to do about him. So that has been his tactic. The next thing he said was “um, um, you won’t lie.” So in that conversation his questioning God’s word went directly to contradicting God’s word and that’s the way it is with us. You see Satan has no power over our lives when we’ve given our lives to Jesus. Do you believe that?

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Written by admin

May 5th, 2018 at 4:45 am