It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Archive for the ‘Its Supernatural’ Category

Our Guest Jim Maxim

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JIM: And I knew why they were asking because the Holy Spirit had set that time up. I didn’t even know what witnessing was, Sid. All I knew was I had to tell them about my best friend, Jesus. God wants to shower you with His love, His blessings, prayer. Prayer is the greatest gift God’s given to me next to my salvation, the intimacy with Him. He wants to love me. He picks me up in His arms every day and infuses me with His power, with wisdom and knowledge and understanding. Why? Because of you being evil, know how to give good gifts under your children. How much more will I give good things to those that ask? Prayer is simply my

fellowship with my Dad. Prayer is my fellowship with Jesus and my fellowship with the Holy Spirit, the three of them every day.

SID: Jim, the most important thing for a believer, according to the Bible is prayer. But most believers don’t spend much time in prayer. They say it’s for the people that are “intercessors.”

JIM: Yes.

SID: Would you tell us why? And before you even say that, the one thing that Satan wants from us the most is what will happen in prayer. What is the one thing Satan wants the most?

JIM: Satan wants the number one thing the most, is our intimacy with our dad. I’ve been saved now for 50 years, Sid. And He has kept me for 50 years from drugs and alcohol and all that stuff. Why Sid? Because the one thing I do daily, is I answer the call when my dad comes knocking.

Sid, every morning, they come in my room, my three best friends every morning. I know that I’m a sinner. I know the wickedness in my heart. I can’t serve God unless He enables me. But every day, Sid, He’s waiting to infuse me with a fresh touch of His power every day. He’s waiting to speak to me, to talk to me, to love me. Why wouldn’t I want to fellowship with God, the creator of the universe. Why wouldn’t I want to ask Him to get into my business dealings?

JIM: Why wouldn’t I want wisdom and knowledge and understanding beyond my capability. He’s only God, He’s only the creator of the universe. And He wants to fellowship with me? Jesus wants to love me? The Holy Spirit wants to walk with me? Why would I turn that down Sid? If you want real supernatural power in your life, then pray. It’s the one thing that Satan does not want you to do because he knows when a child of the Most High cries out to Almighty God, he has no answer for that. Prayer is the answer to all of your issues.

Audience: Amen.

SID: I have to tell you he walks in the most amazing miracles. Tell us a few of the things that have happened to you.

JIM: Well Sid, I was in a prison once. The thing that comes to my mind is this experience in prison. And so, as I was walking up to the prison, I had my notes with me and the Holy Spirit said “Jimmy put your notes down.” And I knew enough. I’ve been walking with God long enough to know, okay I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know it’s going to be great. And so I put my notes down and I got up to the pulpit and I just started praying. As I was interceding and praying, I said this to the guys. I said, “Guys, what you did isn’t who you are, what you did isn’t who you are. You’re here to pay the price for what you did, which [you] have to do. But what you did isn’t who you are. Almighty God loves you just the way you are.”

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August 27th, 2022 at 3:59 pm

Our Guest Cindy Jacobs

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SID: Yeah. Let him have a breakdown.

CINDY: Yeah. And so, I mean like we had one of our prophets in Canada and she showed videos of a pastor just being arrested for allowing his people to sing. You know, there’s a lot of bad stuff, even in the US, and I’m sure you recognize this, I know you’re watching from all over the world, it’ll happen for you too, but the Lord said the difference between what we call the sheep and goat states are those that are righteous and those that are unrighteous. It’s going to be so evident the light and the dark, the contrast. And Chuck Pierce gave a word about conflict coming in spring, and that there’s going to be conflict it could be war.

CINDY: I have been prophesying for some time that China would arise. In fact, the Lord spoke a word to me that COVID was a Chinese Pearl Harbor. That literally it began to undermine. And that China was militarizing during that season. And I have sent words in to different people, administrations in the past that said China would try to gobble up Taiwan, then go for Korea, Vietnam, and Japan, and then the world, if we declared detente.

SID: You can see the whole strategy, the administration now, very pro-China. Why? I can’t imagine. Using slave labor [crosstalk] such brutality.

CINDY: Why, indeed.

SID: It’s unbelievable.

CINDY: Yeah. But God’s people, and I believe, and for Israel we see Iran trying to arise, but the Lord just really, really showed us in the midst of conflict, in the midst of persecution, that we were to believe for the best and prepare for the worst. That’s very interesting word. I think that there’s going to be seasons as the nations are trembling. So it’s just, listen, you’re just going to have to hear the word of the Lord for what God is saying for you and your nation.

CINDY: Why does God warn? God warns so we’ll be taken care of. It’s not so we’ll be afraid, God warns so we’ll say, okay, what do I need to do? And how do I need to prepare? And then how do I advance the glory? What am I supposed to do? This point, I’m going to reiterate it. Bishop Hamon said some of this. satan has the nations, now God is going to shake the nations. And some nations that we thought were gone are just going to have transformations like we can’t believe. But some nations that we thought were okay, they’re going to go down so fast.

CINDY: Who would’ve guessed some of the nations like Canada… However, 22 years ago, I prophesied on national television about the criminalization of Christianity in Canada, that pastors were going to be arrested. And people just can’t believe it. They cannot believe it.

SID: Now do you, or any other prophets, see that same sort of thing happening in the United States of America?

CINDY: Absolutely. We prophesied in 2010 about the criminalization of Christianity. But it’s in the balance. This is why one of the great words, and I know you’ll love this, it’s time to rise up. We’ve had revival, we need revival and reformation. We need those who will be prayer activists, pray and act. We need people who are going to say, all right, not on my watch. If there’s a word of the Lord, listen to me, it’s time to rise up and make your voice heard. Well, there is time. Work while it’s light. And it’s very sobering.

SID: It is.

CINDY: It’s very sobering.

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August 17th, 2022 at 3:15 pm

Our Guest Donna Grisham

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SID: Not judgmental.

DONNA: Not judgmental. He didn’t look at me like I was trash because the guy told me, he said, “You’re nothing but trash. Nobody will ever want you.” And when I saw those eyes, they just pierced my heart. And all of a sudden I handed the baby to him and I looked at him and I walked away and he smiled and I smiled and I turned and walked away. Well, when you have a vision, sometimes I don’t know about you, if you’ve ever had visions or dreams, you try to figure it out. So you try to put your little take. So my little take was, is I’m putting this baby up for adoption, that’s exactly, I’m giving the baby to the Lord. So I’m just putting him up for adoption.

DONNA: I go to sleep that night and I wake up and I have a pass to go back to Georgia to visit my mom. My mother picked me up and we go to sleep that night. We talk, we talk about how the ride was and some different things. And we go to bed and we get up and she wants to go to breakfast. And so she said, “Let’s go to breakfast,” and she said, “But, first I want to take you to the furniture store up around the corner from us.”

DONNA: And she said, “I got something to show you.” And so I get to the furniture store and we’re in the furniture store and we’re looking around. And as we’re looking around, I’m just looking at different furniture. And she said, “Donna, come back here.” And so I went back there and she’s standing next to a crib. And she goes, “What do you think?” And honestly Sid, I thought it was a trick question. I honestly thought it was a trick question. And I looked at her and I didn’t know what to think. And as I looked at her, she looked at me and she said, “Donna, God’s told me I’m to do whatever I can to help you raise this baby.” And that moment, was the beginning of not only restoration in my life. I had had that encounter with Jesus. And at that point I realized, first of all, I realized Jesus was real.

DONNA: He was real to me. And then, that moment with my mom, I began to see the pieces. I lived my life with feeling like there was like rubber bands around me, just tight, so tight. And I was so bound. I was bound by guilt. I was bound by shame. I was bound by just all the garbage the enemy would… I was no good. I was trash. I was never going to amount to anything, never. And at that moment, he started breaking off those pieces, breaking off those rubber bands, they just started snapping, just started snapping.

SID: You needed, and you can picture this, she needed assurance that her two babies that were murdered in the womb, ended up in heaven. You can understand that. God is so good. What happened?

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August 6th, 2022 at 2:32 pm

Our Guest Hrvoje Sirovina

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SID: Speaking of supernaturally, I heard you tell something that happened to members of your congregation, including your wife when they were out in the spirit, laying on the floor. You and others saw smoke coming out of them.

HRVOJE: Yeah, we had that. We had a pretty rough time in the church. People and persecution coming up but people were so hungry for God. So in our prayer meetings they would lay down on the floor, they would just give their lives as a living sacrifice. It was such a glorious time. In that time we had a lot of healings, even five people raised from the dead during that time. But when people would rise up, come up again you could see smoke coming out of their shoulders and their head. We believe it was like God said, “I accept your living sacrifice.”

SID: It’s a foretaste of what is coming—

HRVOJE: Oh yeah.

SID: … because the statement that I’ve been saying lately is, “All hands on deck.”

HRVOJE: Come on.

SID: It’s not just one or two people that God anoints to become superstars through media or something like that and I’m saying to you that all hands on deck.

HRVOJE: Come on.

SID: As best you can, explain the glory of God.

HRVOJE: I think the glory is best described in Luke 5:26 where Jesus healed a paralyzed man and forgave his sin. The Bible says, “The people saw that and they say, ‘We have witnessed strange things.'” The word strange is paråxenos in Greek and para means before and doxa means glory. And paråxenos we get the word, the English word, paradoxical. Something crazy, unexplainable, something unusual, something which doesn’t make sense.

HRVOJE: So they witnessed something, they witnessed the glory of God and it doesn’t make sense for their human mind. It doesn’t make sense for all the natural laws. It doesn’t make sense from it. That’s why they say, “We have witnessed strange things,” paradoxical things but it was the glory of God. It’s when heaven and Earth overlap and the supernatural overrides the rules of the natural.

SID: Most people just say, “God, I’m like me, show me your glory,” but then the Bible says we can go from glory to glory to glory. I’ve really got to understand these 10 levels of glory. How about you? What level of glory are you at?

HRVOJE: Oh, number one.

SID: Next question.

HRVOJE: I believe I am in level six and actually I believe that’s my … yeah, yeah. I love that level because it’s the level of the fear of God and I believe that the fear of God is the most important thing in our lives. I believe if you have the fear of God that it is a doorway to all other glorious miraculous steps and experiences in our lives. I believe if we have the fear of God I believe we are going to … our countries are going to be changed because of us.

Audience: Yes.

HRVOJE: I believe our families are going to be changed. In the Bible there is nothing which is connected to more blessings than to the fear of God. Nothing, nothing, really nothing. Even Jesus, the Bible says that Jesus during the days of his first—

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July 27th, 2022 at 5:48 pm

Our Guest Roland Worton

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ROLAND: That sounds like a mandate of transformation to me. So we’re to go from those that are just receiving joy to those that are powerful distributors of it. Those that are to rebuild ruined cities, renew places long devastated it says. So, yeah, so much more powerful. It’s going to include joy for us but it’s going to include joy for us to give away that changes and transforms culture.

SID: So I could be operating in supernatural joy. That doesn’t mean I’m just giggling at a table. That means I’m releasing the atmosphere of heaven. So I could be in a prison and release the atmosphere of heaven.


SID: I could be in a restaurant and release the atmosphere of heaven. I could be in my family and release the atmosphere of heaven. And what happens in the atmosphere of heaven?

ROLAND: Anything can happen in the atmosphere of heaven, Sid.

SID: You use the term, invincible joy.

ROLAND: Yes, invincible joy. Let’s talk about that. As I said, the joy of the Lord is our strength. And invincible joy is what God wants to give us. Psalm 2 is a very interesting psalm for me. It’s one of my favorites. It’s a psalm that doesn’t anywhere speak to God. It speaks from God. What does it start with? Why do the nations rage? This is something that we’re still asking today. The nations are raging. They’re in chaos. They’re in turmoil.

SID: Right now.

ROLAND: This invincible joy, right now, this invincible joy, this overcoming joy, this joy with authority is supposed to rest on us. Here when I saw this it really transformed things for me. God says the nations rage and he has set his king in place. We know who that is, Jesus, the Messiah, but it goes on to say this, “The one enthroned in heaven laughs”.

ROLAND: The one enthroned in heaven, the nations rage but God laughs and it’s not a callous, mocking laugh. It is an overcoming, it is finished, glorious transformational laugh. We get to live underneath the laugh of God. Everything changes underneath the laugh of God. I don’t know if you ever thought about that before but the nations rage and God laughs, even in the midst of everything that’s happening, God is laughing over the plans of man.

SID: Now, the supernatural power of joy works for nations and works for individuals.


SID: Give me some examples.

ROLAND: Yeah. It’s very, very available for us as individuals. I remember praying over a group of people in a night of worship, an encounter that was very powerful. God was moving and as I began to pray for people joy was being released in a profound way. It was really wonderful. People were laid out laughing. People were receiving joy. People were receiving encounters with Jesus.

ROLAND: And one lady, God instructed me to put hands on her and just probably laid hands on her for 20 minutes and released the power of joy. She was overtaken with the power of joy. She wrote to us and said, “The clinical depression that had been in her life for three years was broken that night and had not returned.” She was set free from clinical depression by sitting under the atmosphere of heaven and the atmosphere of joy.

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July 17th, 2022 at 8:54 am