It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Kevin Zadai

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SID: So that you can have your own experiential knowledge with God, let the fire come. Say that at home and here, let the fire come. Alright, Kevin, you told me an angel just started talking to you, and how are angels involved in the Holy Fire?

KEVIN: Well, they actually behold the face of our Father that’s in heaven. That’s why Jesus said, “Don’t do anything to these little ones because of their angels.” The children’s angels always see the face of their Father in heaven. Well, the angels report back, but when they do they energize. I saw them coming to the throne. They were catching on fire and energizing and then coming back and standing beside people and helping them. So angels come and they grab us. They’re expediters. They come to grab us and to take us into what God has for us. When the angel… When he shows up like he does in my meetings, everything goes into this hyper drive. In other words, it goes up a level. And all the sudden—

SID: I’ve seen that in your meetings.

KEVIN: Yes. And all the sudden you’ve seen witches come up and repent. You’ve seen demons flying out of witches. Well, that just doesn’t happen. They can usually come to disrupt a service. Okay, other things are going to start happening. Right now there’s people, right now he’s telling me that those watching this show that they’re being healed. There’s all kinds of problems that are being healed in people’s backs and necks right now. And not only that, there’s a lot of cancer patients. There’s a lot of people with cancer. Right now the tumors are starting to dissolve. I know where you’re going to get reports, Sid. This is because we have to speak from the other realm. We were healed. That means we are healed.

SID: Kevin, when you were in heaven, you talked about a sapphire floor. Tell me about the sapphire floor.

KEVIN: I was really surprised, Sid, because I had to look up the scriptures. But I did see this sapphire was really, really blue, but it was being lit up by flames and they were white flames. So I was standing on the floor ‘cause I had walked on it and the Lord stopped me. He said, oh, this is only if I bid you to come. And I said, well, Lord, I’m the righteousness of God in Christ, Jesus and you—

SID: You were taught that.

KEVIN: Yeah. And I started—

SID: To say it.

KEVIN: Say all those scriptures I’m Holy as you’re Holy. And he said, oh no, he said, this sapphire floor is not positional. This is relational. He said, Enoch can walk on this floor. He said, because Enoch walked separate in the fear of the Lord and in holiness. He said, Kevin, he said, many that day will come. And I will say them. I never knew you. And he said, they will say, I cast out devils. I healed the sick. And he said, those people believed in me, but they didn’t walk with me.

SID: Tell me about the white fence.

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November 8th, 2020 at 4:47 am