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It's Supernatural

With your host Sid Roth

Our Guest Jonathan Bernis

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SID: You know, Jonathan and I were talking just before we had a break and even after the break about the names of God and the power that is behind the names of God. For instance, the Lord our Provider, tell me about the origin of that word even.

JONATHAN: I love the names of God. Let me just say that I love the compound names of God because they express his very nature, his very personhood, and he wants us to live in those realities. The Lord our Provider, “Yireh”, comes from Genesis 22, and this is so beautiful. God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac and he’s willing to do it believing that God will even resurrect him from the dead if he lets him go through with it. And he’s raising the knife in obedience, and God stops him, and the angel of the Lord stops him and provides a lamb. And that’s where it comes from. God himself will provide the ram for the offering, and it’s a prophetic picture of Jesus. What does that mean? It means that God our provider has provided his son and all of his blessings. All of his provisions are found in his son, God’s atonement. Isn’t that beautiful?

SID: And what is the Hebrew word for God our Provider?

JONATHAN: Adonai yireh vaveh, Jehovah yireh. Yireh, it’s not, we say Jehovah Jireh. It’s Adonai yireh.

SID: You want to get it right? Everyone in unison: Yireh.

Audience: Yireh.


SID: My goodness, I didn’t know we had a Jewish group.

JONATHAN: Beautiful.

SID: Okay. Speaking of a Jewish group, I’m talking now to the Lemba tribe.

JONATHAN: Oh my favorite.

SID: And tell me about these people. Didn’t they just intermarry and they’re not really Jewish?

JONATHAN: No. They claim that they were the ones that were banished by Ezra after the Babylonian captivity. And there’s actually a place called Lemba in Jordan that was part of the Promised Land. According to their oral tradition, they made their way through Yemen and then into Africa, and then down into the bush of Zimbabwe, eventually, and for 800 years they’ve been living in an isolated community.

SID: So that means they don’t know what is called today as rabbinic Judaism, which was developed after the Temple was destroyed, which really doesn’t have a whole lot to do with Judaism.

JONATHAN: No knowledge.

SID: So they’re like a throwback before rabbinic Judaism.

JONATHAN: And they’re going on their oral traditions that are directly connected to the Torah. For example, in the middle of the bush of Zimbabwe they have their own kosher butcher, Sid.

SID: Really?

JONATHAN: They actually don’t eat animals strangled. They slit the throat, they drain it and they eat kosher meat, not rabbinic kosher, but biblically kosher. They circumcise their male children, but not on the eighth day, on the eighth year. They got that one a little bit wrong.

SID: After all these thousands of years what do you expect?

JONATHAN: Pretty close. And they don’t intermarry. They’re an isolated community and they know that they’re part of the people of Israel without any rabbinic Judaism.

SID: Tell me about their DNA.

JONATHAN: Well they were, they claim that they were part of the House of Israel. They were ignored until someone did a DNA study a few years ago. And Sid, the DNA study that brought about this understanding of the Kohen gene, the haplotype that connects to Kohen, the high priest, was a sampling of the Sephardic and Ashkenazi were done, names Kohen, or they knew they were from the priestly line, 50 percent of the Sephardic, of the Ashkenazi, 60 percent of those tested of the Sephardic had this similar gene that they define as the Kohen gene. When they did tests on the Lemba, 70 percent of those tested had the same gene.

SID: Wow. Now here’s the exciting part. They’re coming to the Lord and they’re moving, just as their moving in Judaism before rabbinic Judaism came along, they’re now moving in Jesus before religion came along. Are they operating in the supernatural?

JONATHAN: They are operating in the supernatural. We’ve had over 5000 that have prayed to receive Jesus with us.

SID: 5000 priests of Israel. You got that?

JONATHAN: Thirty-five congregation and they’re young men moving in the supernatural realm. When I was there a few weeks ago, and this is what’s so exciting, I began to move back into travail and travail began to spread across the room. Amazing, huh?

SID: I’ll tell you, Jonathan, we just have a couple of minutes. I would like you to pray that those watching have your heart and my heart to reach the lost sheep of the House of Israel at this set time to favor Zion.

JONATHAN: Well God is looking for people that will stand in the gap, and we desperately need prayer warriors, intercessors that will commit themselves to pray for the salvation of Israel. You have been called to provoke the Jewish people to jealousy. And the first thing that you have to do to make that happen is to pray for them and to pray those coworkers and those neighbors, and those extended family members that are Jewish. There is a move of God happening among the Jewish people now, but we need your prayer. And I’m going to pray that God moves you to a place of deep intercession in Jesus’ name just to agree with me. Lord, I pray for those that are watching that you would raise up intercessors that would move and travail in supplication, in supernatural tongues with unction for the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Lord, bring your people into a place of prayer and intercession to stand in the gap for the lost sheep of the House of Israel. In Jesus’ name receive it. Receive it right now. There is a burden, unction, coming over some of you right now. Just begin to pray in other tongues and let that anointing be released in your life right now. It’s happening. Sid, the anointing is here.

SID: Not just the anointing, the anointing for travail is here because Jonathan has started to travail again. I tell you, I had a dream and Jesus said, “I’m coming back soon. I’m coming back soon. I’m coming back soon.” The question is not when he’s coming, the question is, are you ready to make him your Messiah and Lord. The question is, have you confessed your sins before God and believe the blood of Jesus washed it away. The question is, have you made him Lord and told him to live inside of you? Answer that question right now. Do it.

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June 2nd, 2016 at 3:00 am